Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3091: Want to escape? Asked me first

The lunatic kidnapped Dr. Chen and wanted to get the results of Dr. Chen's experiments.

I don't know what Dr. Madman got in the laboratory, and Dr. Chen's results must not fall into the hands of such people.

The appearance of the two experimental subjects proves that Dr. Madman is constantly improving his research.

If the two results are combined, I don't know what kind of murder weapon will be created that threatens the peace of China.

"What's wrong? Seeing your helpless look, is there something on your mind?"

Xue Yaoyue walked onto the deck and did not see Xiao Yi in the cabin, knowing that Xiao Yi must be outside.

Sure enough, Xiao Yi was leaning on the ship's side at this moment, frowning with serious concerns.

"Are you worried about what happened before?"

"Yes, the appearance of the experimental body has plunged the members of the Wolf Warriors into a hard fight."

Xiao Yi has the strength to deal with it, but others are different.

They are just mortals, how can they be compared with these killing machines.

"Dr. Madman is constantly improving his own transformation technology. Next time, if we encounter this situation again, will it be resolved as smoothly as today?"

"This is indeed a very troublesome thing, that Doctor Madman, we must find a way to solve it."

Catch the thief first, capture the king, this is also the truth, as long as the lunatic is solved, the end of this matter will be.

Xiao Yi also knew this. This time the incident was a lesson. He thought he had caught the lunatic.

"You have also seen that Doctor Madman, who even made a clone of himself, he will definitely hide himself strictly."

"We don't know whether the madman we meet next time is real or fake. He has made several clones of himself."

The mission this time is a secret operation and will not be disclosed to the outside world, but the situation is urgent and must be acted upon.

After Xiao Yi planned to go back, he and Luo Yonggang applied for a big move to cooperate with the breaking of dawn.

The two sides worked together to destroy the underground laboratory of the Black Dragon Society first, and maybe there would be traces of the lunatic in that place.

While the warship was returning, a ship sailed here on the open sea at this moment.

Xu Qiang was standing on the boat. He had received news from Xiao Yi earlier that the other party's boat bypassed Singapore and sailed in the Indian Ocean.

This position is conducive to Xu Qiang's actions, so Xu Qiang took out some of the mercenaries and formed a sea team.

Bart has commanded experience at sea. He was originally born as a pirate. Soon their ship caught up with the clippers that retreated in time.

When warships come, where these Clippers dare to resist, they immediately choose to turn around and run. At this time, life-saving is the most important thing.

"Captain, we have already caught up!"

Bart stepped forward and reported to Xu Qianghui that Xu Qiang was holding a telescope, observing the target ahead.

In front of the three clippers, there were other ships evacuating, Xu Qiang ordered.

"Lock the target and fire, and dare to stop China War Wolf from performing the mission. Do you really think it's that easy, can you leave?"

"If the captain did this, would it be a little too loud?"

"What are you afraid of? This is the high seas. We are now in the name of pirates. Let's do things as ordered!"

Xu Qiang is the captain, and no one dares not obey what he ordered.

This ship is relatively old, but it has everything it should have. The artillery on the ship is aimed at the target ahead.



Several shells were fired from the artillery.

The target in the center, the three retreating clippers, were blown to pieces in an instant.

Only one ship escaped by chance, and the other two were hit and sank into the sea.

"What the **** is going on? Could it be that Huaxia's warship caught up?"

The survivor turned and looked behind him, holding a telescope, and saw another ship.

"It's not Huaxia's warship, what is going on? Where did this ship emerge from?"

"Now I don't care about this, I only care about how to live!"

The Clippers hurriedly turned around, trying to escape from here.


A bullet from the sniper rifle hit the hull.


The bullet penetrated and impacted into the hull, and once again exploded, destroying the hull's machinery.

This shot was not known whether it was intentional, it hit the ship's fuel tank and the fuel tank was blown up.

The leaked gasoline ran into the flames, and it ignited in an instant, becoming a flame floating on the sea.

The people on the boat didn't have time to escape, so they fell into a sea of ​​flames, and there were screams on the scene.

"Good marksmanship!"

Xu Qiang praised that the matchmaker threw the sniper rifle aside and successfully killed a target.

"It turns out that this thing is so powerful. In comparison, I still like to be gentle."

The matchmaker had never been in contact with a gun before. This was the first time she had used a gun and she was so proficient.

Killing a ship with one shot is probably related to her practice, so she can focus on the target better.

"Brother Xiao entrusted this task to me. I must let these people know that after doing some things, there is a price to pay!"

Xu Qiang launched a chase here, the next morning, when the sky just got up.

Their ship disappeared in the sea magically, killing twelve clippers in one night.

The other ships, fortunately they ran fast, otherwise they would also have to be killed. I didn't expect that there would be a chase after this.

Although the other party did not indicate the origin, they knew very well in their hearts that the ship came for them.

I finally understood why Huaxia's majesty cannot be easily offended. This is a **** lesson.

"Xu Qiang's performance has made me very satisfied. It seems that the strength of this mercenary is also somewhat similar."

Xiao Yi returned to China and received a message from Xu Qiang.

Xu Qiang led a quick attack, and finally retreated in time, leaving no trace.

No one knows who did this thing, but it was just some speculation, they realized the terrible strength of China.

In the base of Wolf Warriors, Xiao Yi still had things to see Luo Yonggang, who was in a meeting.

He waited outside, and after an hour, the meeting finally ended.

Luo Yonggang walked out of the conference room and came to his office. Xiao Yi was waiting for him in the office.

"Xiao Yi, you completed your mission very well this time. Dr. Chen was successfully rescued, and it has grown my Chinese prestige."

"The situation is like this, but I think that Doctor Madman must find a way to get rid of it."

Xiao Yi suggested that he likes to live a peaceful life, but at critical moments, something disturbs.

Dr. Madman, the underground laboratory of the Black Dragon Society, and the shadow that is constantly growing.

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