Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3151: Jade Reappearance

Lying on the stone bed, Han Batian closed his eyes at this moment, Zhang Tianshi knew that Han Batian had decided, and began to perform secret techniques.

The formation has been set up. This formation is called the cycle of life and death, which is born from the evolution of the two hexagrams in the gossip.

Xiao Yi's position is the life gate, and Han Batian's position is the fourth gate. Once the formation is activated, the cycle of life and death Xiao Yi will be rescued, and Han Batian will end his life early because of the passing of the breath of origin. .

Zhang Tianshi opened the tops of the two of them, holding a silver needle, and piercing them respectively on their chests. A drop of blood on the chest was condensing quickly.

Observing carefully, you will find that this blood bead is flowing with golden aura, and then Zhang Tianshi circulates Dao Qi and starts to activate the formation.

The formation pattern set on the stone bed gradually brightened, connecting the two people, and the blood beads floated from the chest and merged into the big formation.

It was the first time Zhang Tianshi used this formation. He knew in his heart that there was only a 50% chance of success, either success or failure.

Even if he consumes all his cultivation base, he has to find a way to save Xiao Yi. He sees hope in Xiao Yi. This young man may lead the Xiao family and change the current status quo.

"Boy, you must not die, so many people are watching you here, if you die like this, I'm sorry everyone's expectations."

The formation has been activated, Zhang Tianshi must continue to input Dao Qi into the formation, maintain the operation of the formation, and pay attention to the situation of the two.

The reincarnation of life and death is not so easy. It doesn't matter if he dies before he has made a mistake, but Xiao Yi also has no hope of surviving.

After half an hour.

With the operation of the formation, the original breath in Han Batian's body was continuously extracted by the formation and transferred to Xiao Yi's body.

However, Xiao Yi still did not change anything, as if this was a bottomless pit, Zhang Tianshi was a little worried.

At ten o'clock in the evening, Xiao Qing had already woken up. His strength was weak. Xiao Yi grabbed him and threw it out. He hit a pillar. He was seriously injured in his body and fell into a coma.

This kind of injury was not too serious in Xiao Huaili's eyes. He gave Xiao Qing the healing medicine in time, and by the way, he took action to heal the injury in Xiao Qing's body.

Xiao Qing attacked Xiao Yi at a critical moment, and Xiao Yi received a fatal blow. Xiao Huaili knew what the consequences would be if he attacked that position.

Even if Xiao Yi didn't die, he would become a waste person by barely alive. For such a waste, his father has the heart to cultivate, and he is not qualified to compete with his son for a position.

This was the plan at the beginning, but I never told Xiao Qing that it was worth it to do it for his son.

"How is the situation over there? He actually wanted to cure Xiao Yi, which is ridiculous."

Zhang Tianshi is Xiao Huaili's uncle, and should be called respectfully, but Zhang Tianshi has already left the Xiao family.

He had nothing to do with the Xiao family, and he was respectful for his father's face. Xiao Huaili found the news that Zhang Tianshi was treating Xiao Yi, which he thought was ridiculous.

Zhang Tianshi's medical skills are superb, and he does have some abilities. It's just that he doesn't understand Xiao Yi's injury. It is a waste of time and energy to do so.

"The old Patriarch and the two people who came to break the dawn are now guarding the mountain, as if guarding the people in the cave."

"Okay, I already know, there is no need to worry about Xiao Yi, he is dead this time, no one can save him."

Xiao Huaili knew that Xiao Yi could not be saved this time, so there was no need to worry about Zhang Tianshi, even if Zhang Tianshi made the move, the result would still be the same.

"Okay, don't worry about them. This time, my father is also confused and insists on protecting Xiao Yi. If he doesn't show his position, maybe I will spare him."

All those who were watching Xiao Qian's movements were withdrawn back. He didn't know that Zhang Tianshi used the secret technique of the clan to save Xiao Yi this time.

Three o'clock in the morning...

The life and death reincarnation formation is still running, Zhang Tianshi concentrated on maintaining the formation, the two lying on the stone bed closed their eyes, and Xiao Yi's face gradually recovered some blood.

However, logically speaking, the cycle of life and death has already played a role, and Xiao Yi is about to wake up, but there is no sign of waking up yet.

"Is it a failure this time, Xiao Yi is destined to avoid this disaster."

Zhang Tianshi was not reconciled, and continued to urge the circle to operate. After fighting his own life, he also wanted to save Xiao Yi.

You must know that Han Batian had chosen to sacrifice himself for Xiao Yi. If he could not save Xiao Yi, he would have no face under Jiuquan to face Han Batian.

"Boy, you must survive for me. Even if you lose all your cultivation base, you will have hope after all."

The formation became bright again, but the lamp above Xiao Yi's head gradually dimmed at this moment, as if it would go out in an instant.

One minute later...

After using all his strength to save Xiao Yi, Zhang Tianshi felt that his dantian had also been emptied, and he had no strength to continue the operation of the formation.

But he still gritted his teeth and didn't give up. Finally, the last trace of strength in his body was emptied, and his whole body was exhausted, unable to continue the operation of the formation.

"Is this the destined result, no matter what you do, it cannot be changed?"

Without the support of external force, the formation collapsed at this moment, and the outlined formation disappeared without a trace in an instant.

At the same time, another force rushed towards Zhang Tianshi. Zhang Tianshi had known that there would be this moment, and now all this can only be resigned.

"The formation is about to go back, and the end result is still the same as my best. Mr. Han is sorry, this time I can't save Xiao Yi."

Under the impact of this force, Zhang Tianshi flew upside down and hit the rock wall of the cave. Seeing that the formation of reincarnation of life and death disappeared, he was not reconciled and spouted a few mouthfuls of blood.

Unwilling to be reconciled to this ending, Zhang Tianshi fainted, but at the moment when Zhang Tianshi fainted, the formation that had already dissipated became gradually brighter.

A piece of jade pendant that Xiao Yi wore with him saved Xiao Yi's life a year ago. This time a new change finally appeared, and the jade pendant emerged from Xiao Yi's arms.

A blue aura exudes from the jade pendant, redrawing the scattered formations. The re-drawn formations have a stronger aura, and soon the blue aura envelops Xiao Yi and Han Batian. among them.

Above Xiao Yi, there was a new character floating, on the contrary, above Han Batian, there was a death, life and death cycle Xiao Yi's body, and signs of recovery began to appear.

A lamp that was about to go out became bright at this moment, as if it was shining on Xiao Yi's life, and the jade pendant played its role again, pulling Xiao Yi back from the ghost door.

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