Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3152: Reincarnation

Qing Mang only appeared for a while, and soon disappeared, and the jade pendant returned to Xiao Yi's body again.

Everything is normal, as if there is nothing unusual, but if you observe carefully, you will find that Xiao Yi's chest is undulating, and the signs of life have stabilized.

Zhang Tianshi's efforts were not in vain. At the last moment, Xiao Yi survived and passed this life and death hurdle.

In the early morning of the next day, the three of sisters Ji Jiangyue and Xiao Qian had been waiting outside to prevent special circumstances from happening.

However, this night was very ordinary, Xiao Huaili was busy with his own housework, and he didn't even bother with him, but he never saw Tianshi Zhang come out, and everyone was hanging on their hearts. ‘

After all, things like the cycle of life and death are not so easy to do. If there is a slight mistake, the three people in the cave will all be in great trouble.

When the first rays of sunlight shone on the cave, after waiting all night, someone finally walked out of the cave, Zhang Tianshi looked haggard.

There was still blood stains on his chest. This was the backlash of the previous formation, which shook him. Fortunately, the Ji people had their own astronomical phenomena, and Xiao Yi passed this level safely.

"Big brother...what? How is it?"

Xiao Qian asked eagerly, he had already seen Zhang Tianshi's expression ugly, and he must have turned out to be no better.

Already prepared for the worst, even though no one wants to think about it, there is no second choice at this point.

Zhang Tianshi only woke up from a coma before. He didn't know that something special happened after he was in a coma.

Thinking that his method had failed, he was very guilty in the face of everyone, so he lowered his head and said in a deep voice.

"I'm sorry this time I have tried my best, but Xiao Yi's injury is too serious, and the secret technique of reincarnation in the family has also failed."

Zhang Tianshi sat down with the stone bench outside, his Dao Qi was consumed too much, and the backlash from the previous formation made his current body weak. Now that he can sit and talk, he is also struggling to support.

Hearing these words, Xiao Qian's entire face was as gray as death, Ji Jiangyue and Ji Jiangli's sisters also had their hearts sinking to the bottom. They had worked hard, but the final outcome could not be changed.

Xiao Qian knew that his eldest brother had done his best this time, and he was seriously injured. This great formation of life and death requires a price.

"It's not to blame you, maybe this is Xiao Yi's fate, it is destined to have such an ending."

At this moment, Ji Jiang was angry. She rarely returned to Huaxia just to protect Xiao Yi's comprehensiveness, but she did not expect such a result in the end.

The murderer was Xiao Huaili's son. She only realized this. This time Xiao Qing must be killed, even if she paid the price.

"Xiao Huaili's son, I must kill him today. This father and son do not have a good thing!"

"Stop, do you still think things are not messy enough?"

Ji Jiangyue scolded. She could understand her younger sister's feelings at the moment, but she was just impulsive and couldn't solve the problem.

Besides, with Xiao Huaili, she had no chance to move Xiao Yi. All she can do now is to be patient. Even if the sky is falling, she must bite her teeth and not cry out for pain.


"Are you Xiao Huaili's opponent? Even if you kill that Xiao Qing at this point, you can't change this result. On the contrary, it will only make the situation worse."

Ji Jiangyue stopped his younger sister. No matter when, he always remained calm. Unlike this younger sister, he is easily impulsive when encountering things.

"Jiang Li, your sister is right. As a father, I can only say sorry. If you want to do it, I can't guarantee that your two sisters can walk out of Xiao's house safely."

Xiao Qian reminded Ji Jiangli that impulse can't solve the problem. This is Xiao Yi's fate, and no one can change the destined thing.

Ji Jiangyue stopped her sister, but she was also uncomfortable in her heart, wishing to slaughter Xiao Qing personally, personally avenge Xiao Yilai, but impulse can not solve the problem.


Just when several people were depressed, there was a coughing sound behind them.

Outside the cave, Xiao Yi didn't know when he had already woke up. When Xiao Yi woke up, he found Han Batian lying beside him, thinking that Han Batian was just asleep.

Not knowing what happened, he got up to support his weak body, walked out of the cave step by step, and saw a few of them discussing something here.

"Xiao Yi! What are you doing?"

Ji Jiangyue was the first to react and rushed in front of Xiao Yi, confirming that there was no hallucination in front of him, and Xiao Yi stood in front of him truly.

Other talents realized that Zhang Tianshi had just said that it was too late to return to heaven. They all thought Xiao Yi could not pass this level this time.

But at this moment, seeing Xiao Yi standing behind him, what is going on, isn't Xiao Yi already hopeless?

Although Xiao Yi woke up, his body was extremely weak, and he was barely able to stand up, and his legs fell forward and fell forward.

Fortunately, Ji Jiangyue stood in front of him and supported Xiao Yi's body. He had never seen such a weak Xiao Yi. The candle in the wind was about to disappear in an instant.

"Xiao Yi when did you wake up? How did you feel? Several of us thought you were not saved this time."

Ji Jiangyue helped Xiao Yi sit down. Xiao Yi sat on a stone bench. Even Zhang Tianshi couldn't believe it. What he saw before him was true.

The formation of the reincarnation of life and death failed, and he was backlashed by the formation at the time. How could such a result occur, and hurriedly stepped forward to grab Xiao Yi's wrist.

Xiao Yi's body has an amazing recovery ability. The wound has healed, but the meridians and dantian have been severely injured, and the cultivation technique has completely lost its effect.

After several attempts to mobilize Dao Qi, the meridians showed no signs. At this moment, Xiao Yi had completely returned to an ordinary person, Xiao Yi said in a weak voice.

"I just feel tired. If I hadn't heard you talking outside, I wouldn't be able to wake up. I just want to lie down and have a good sleep."

I have never felt so tired before. Xiao Yi's physique is different from ordinary people. Even if he doesn't rest for a few days, he won't feel sleepy and tired.

But this time he was hit hard, Zhang Tianshi diagnosed Xiao Yi's pulse, and soon there was a result, he stroked his beard and said.

"Weird... this is really weird."

"What's the matter with Big Brother? How is Xiao Yi's situation?"

Xiao Qian asked eagerly. Zhang Tianshi had given Xiao Yi the pulse. Although Xiao Yi's pulse was very weak, he finally survived. This was the best result.

"I urged the formation before, and the reincarnation formation of life and death was already broken. I also suffered a counter-injury from the formation and fainted. I thought I had failed. Did something happen later?"

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