Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3181: Mercenary calculation

After he took the position of the Patriarch, he immediately changed all those pedantic rules. He could still sit on the Patriarch without relying on the efforts of cultivation.

Xiao Cang was looking for the entrance to the secret room, the entire underground laboratory, but this place was a location that could not be detected by surveillance, and guessed that Dr. Madman must be here.

"Who is this person? How do you feel familiar?"

Xiao Yi noticed Xiao Cang, and he always felt that this person seemed to have known each other before, and if he had met him somewhere, if he thought about it carefully, he would not remember it for a while.

Basically, I searched everywhere in the underground laboratory, and there was no trace of Dr. Lunatic. It seems that Dr. Lunatic is really looking for a hidden place to hide, and will not appear easily.

Can't think of other ways, can only use the power of the soul to search, which can save time, by the way, you can explore the hidden places of this laboratory to find clues to the lunatic.

"I want to see where you can hide."

Xiao Yi found a concealed location. Since Xiao Yi was sealed by his master last time, this is the first time that Dao Fa has been operated. The power of the soul is rapidly condensing and spreading, covering the entire underground laboratory.

Every location was under Xiao Yi's control. Soon Xiao Yi found Ichiro Ono on the second floor of the underground laboratory. Ono Ichiro was currently commanding the defense of the laboratory.

Right now Xiao Yi's target was not Xiao Ye, it was the mad doctor. A few minutes later, Xiao Yi focused his attention on a specimen room near Xiao Yi's location.

"With my current strength, the power of the soul cannot penetrate. It seems that there is a great possibility. This lunatic is most likely to be in this place."

Xiao Yi looked at the specimen room. The person in the specimen room was still there. He thought he was just an ordinary person, but now that he sees this person always staying in this position, he is definitely not waiting.

After the first batch of experimental subjects were killed, Ono was not in a hurry. The entire laboratory was made of experimental subjects. There was no need to fear that the Wolf Warriors special team could enter the laboratory, and they would not even be able to pass the test.

"Warwolf Special Team! This time I will let you back and forth. Use your blood to prove the strength of my Black Dragon Club."

Ono Ichiro once again released a batch of experimental subjects. This batch of experimental subjects can be dealt with by unusual means. As soon as they appeared from the laboratory, more than forty subjects, like hyenas, were madly moving towards Thor. They rushed over here.

These subjects were wearing body armor and carrying weapons and bombs, forming a special death squad. The bullet hit them, and the effect was immediately weakened.

In addition to these experimental subjects, the speed was so fast that they rushed to the front in the blink of an eye. The four Suzaku Qinglong formed the first line of defense. Qinglong held a long knife and rushed up face to face.

An experimental subject just arrived in front of Qinglong, a long knife slashed through an arc, and directly cut down, a head rolled on the snow, the body was still rushing forward, and after walking a few steps, it fell down.

The four of them have strong fighting power and amazing explosive power. In order to successfully complete the assisting task, each of them carries a medicine bottle with a medicine bottle that can restore Dao Qi.

"Make a quick decision to maintain your physical strength. I estimate that after this batch, there will be many experimental subjects, at least those specially modified experimental subjects have not yet appeared."

Qinglong cooperated with Suzaku, Xuanwu and Baihu to assist Thor and the others. After all, the team led by Thor was ordinary people, so there must be no personnel damage in the first place.

Raytheon ordered the helicopters staying outside to converge toward this side. It is estimated that it will take twenty minutes for the helicopter to fly to this place. During these twenty minutes, they need to carry the attacks of these subjects.

"Don't go head-to-head with them. All the team members were divided into three parts and attacked the experimental body alternately. The injured person was removed immediately, and the others were on top."

Raytheon ordered that they need to preserve their strength and use tactics to cannibalize these experimental bodies step by step. This is not the time to fight a tough battle.

The most important thing is to fight against a group of machines that can only kill people, and to protect your own safety. As the experimental subjects continue to press over, the guns played a big role in the close range.

Each member of the Wolf Warriors has undergone countless trainings. The marksmanship is superb. The subjects are wearing bulletproof vests. For so long, the target is placed on the heads of these subjects. The bullets penetrate the heads and explode. Blasted, the brain-mixed bones flew around under the impact of the explosion.

Such a **** scene caused a huge impact deep in my heart, but in the face of such a battle, the members of the Wolf Warriors, everyone was 100% energetic.

Even if they were going to fight with these experimental subjects with bare hands, their moods would still not change. Their only eyes were missions. To live is to fight for the honor of China.

Also fighting, except for Thor's side, the mercenaries led by Xu Qiang got off the ship and boarded this icy world. The moment the battle started, it reached their ears.

"It's starting to fight. It seems that the Wolf Warriors Special Team is going to completely destroy the underground laboratory of the Black Dragon Club this time. The Black Dragon Club is very smart and knows how to seek assistance."

Lenny noticed that on this piece of snow, several other mercenary teams began to take new actions, converging towards the center of the snow, with the goal of supporting the Black Sky Society.

An encirclement is formed from the periphery, and they are constantly compressed toward the center. They only need to stay on the sidelines at the beginning. There is no need to participate in such a battle. Snipe and clam compete for the profit of the fisherman. Even if they want to shoot, they need to find a suitable one. opportunity.

Because this time is busy, it is not a white gang. Everyone is staring at the results of the basement test of the Black Dragon Club. They want to stand up and share a piece with the Black Dragon Club at this critical juncture.

"Boss, are we waiting here now?"

A team of mercenaries is standing in this ice and snow at the moment, and the temperature of more than 30 degrees below zero is simply too cold.

They all came from other places, and they had a good life, but they had to come to engage in such a fight. After that, the captain didn't give any orders.

A group of people can only stand here to be frozen, their noses have been frozen into two popsicles, their captain Ryder, it seems that they are not in a hurry to move forward, and they will continue to guard here.

"Don't wait for you to think what we should do? Are you going to go up and fight with the Wolf Warriors team? If we are past, we can't stand a few rounds, we can all be killed by them."

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