Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3182: Xu Qiang's plan

"Then what is the significance of our captain coming here?"

Ryder has his own little abacus in his heart, and he also knows that Ono of the Black Dragon Society must think so too.

There are more than 100 mercenaries who come here. Although they are large in number, they are not at the same level as the wolf in terms of combat effectiveness. They are their opponents.

The only advantage is that they are all in the dark, and the personnel of the Wolf Warriors are in the light. They can launch attacks at any time, which will put a lot of pressure on the operations of the Wolf Warriors special team.

This is their purpose. As for going up to fight the wolf, the real fight is nothing but artillery fire. In this situation, survival is the key.

"Do you think we and the wolf fighting face to face, how much hope we can survive from their attack? All of them are pig brains, really should let the crazy doctor develop a potion to strengthen your brains."

Ryder knocked on a person's head. These people are completely stubborn. They only know how to fight and charge, and they won't use their brains to think about problems again.

Especially at this critical moment, Ryder doesn't want to be the one who suffers. His subordinates understood what Ryder said, and he worried.

"Captain, we promised that Ono Ichiro, if I just stay here motionless, Ono Ichiro will definitely be blamed."

He wanted to say that the strength of the Black Dragon Society is now in full swing, and how many forces have been wiped out by the Black Dragon Society. They are just a small group of mercenaries and cannot withstand the blows of others.

Ono Ichiro gave them an order to assist the Black Dragon Association in their actions. Ryder knew this for a long time, so he was allowed to disembark, and all the people stayed here.

"Damn it, do you think we are really a dog that his black dragon will raise? What they ask us to do, we have to do things according to their orders, this business is not like this."

Ryder put it plainly, just waiting for the benefits that the black dragon will give, and the benefits are not in place, so why do you want to sacrifice your life for them, let alone offend the war wolf of China.

If there is no benefit, he will never do it. If the black dragon will lose, then it will really be a waste of man and money, and he will have to face the blow of the wolf. He does not have the strength to compete with the wolf.

"I let you all get off the boat to give him Ono a proof that we have already started to act. What we need to do depends on his wishes."

"Captain, you are really amazing, even that Ono is counted. If you say that, the brothers will understand."

Not only Ryder, but other mercenary teams at this time are all waiting for the Black Dragon Club to say that only if the Black Dragon Club gives the goods first, they will make up their minds to help.

It's just that there is a different team. They also set up tents in this icy and snowy place, but in the tent, only a few people are left to guard, and the others have been scattered.

They thought they were walking aimlessly, but every time they passed a camp, they deliberately walked a few more laps in it, clarifying the layout of the camp, the distribution of personnel, and the weapons they carried.

These mercenaries usually guard against each other, but in the current mixed situation, they all think they have received an invitation from the Black Dragon Society, so they relax their vigilance.

Taking advantage of this gap, I thoroughly investigated the situation on the scene, and finally reported it to Xu Qiang. Xu Qiang sorted out the data and is now discussing countermeasures in the camp.

The smokeless stove was lit in the tent, and it felt a little warmer. Xu Qiang looked at the information above and analyzed it.

"It seems that they have left one-third of the people on the ship to guard. The others are here waiting for the opportunity. Based on all the information found, the number of people leaving the ship is about 150."

Xu Qiang said that the members of these mercenaries, not to mention having experienced many battles, are also people who have been baptized on the battlefield, especially when so many people have gathered at once.

Once the team of these mercenaries dispersed and surrounded the special team of Wolf Warriors in different positions, although they were not the opponents of Wolf Warriors, they would put a lot of pressure on Wolf Warriors.

"In order to provide cover for the wolf, we have to fight beautifully in this battle, to disintegrate the power of these mercenaries, but what makes me curious is, why are they staying here?"

Lenny deliberately investigated this issue just now, and after walking around, she figured it out, and she responded to Xu Qiangdao.

"I walked around before and heard that they agreed to the Black Dragon Club's request for assistance because the Black Dragon Club will give them a batch of goods. I think this product should be the medicine developed by that lunatic doctor."

"It should be like this. At the moment, the Black Dragon Association can rely on this as a condition to let them take risks and dare to be the enemy of the wolf."

Xu Qiang said that apart from this condition, there is nothing that can make them crazy, that is, the experimental research of the Black Dragon Society.

Small hands of this kind of medicine have appeared in the underground black market, but the price is unacceptable, and this kind of medicine just appeared, it was immediately sold out by mysterious people.

Once this new medicine is obtained, it means gaining powerful strength. This is the place to attract these mercenaries. Lenny dismissed these, she said immediately.

"These mercenaries are very clever, knowing that the past is to die, so they want to use this situation to threaten the Black Dragon Club, so that the Black Dragon Club will fulfill the conditions given to them in advance, and then they agreed to help."

"Oh! They are not stupid. They are all making their own calculations. They are waiting to waste time like this, but it gives us the opportunity to find a way to solve these people before they reach an agreement with the Black Dragon Association. "

Xu Qiang said that next he divided the personnel into two parts, one part stayed, and he dealt with the people who disembarked.

The other part returned to the ship. One-third of the people on the ship were left, or they didn't take action. Since they chose to take action, they had to kill them all.

This time, Xu Qiang brought the Poison King and Duan Zhisheng. The matchmaker had a quick thinking and profound strength. Xu Qiang asked her to stay and not participate. At this moment, Xu Qiang looked at Poison King.

"Old Poison King, wait a while and act with Duan Zhisheng to solve those who keep their hands on the ship. Should there be no problem?"

The Poison King knew that Xu Qiang would definitely not let him idle. He just worked out a new poison and wanted to find a place to experiment with the results.

"Well, I know, you will make my idea, leave it to me and Qin Gang, to ensure that none of the people on the boat will survive."

"The remaining people stay here. Let's discuss what to do next. We can't let them stay here all the time."

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