Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3303: Boring game

Xiao Yi's words dispelled Fujino's inner doubts.

This Sakai Taro will always do something unexpected, and has always been against him.

Although everyone is in charge of the martial arts conference, Sakai Taro's concept is very different from that of Fujino, especially this time.

Taro Sakai himself opposed the changes made by Fujino, but at the martial arts conference, Fujino had absolute rights, and no one could refute his decision.

"It turned out to be so, Sakai-kun, you can't delay Mr. Xiao Yi's time, he is our distinguished guest."

Fujino warned Sakai Taro, meaning that he should never do unnecessary things, nor make him unhappy.

In front of Fujino, Taro Sakai showed a respectful look and nodded slightly.

"What Fujino-kun said is that I had heard of Mr. Xiao Yi's rumors before and was very interested in him, so I found him and talked a few words."

"Okay, Sakai-kun, return to your job position, the martial arts conference is about to begin, and you need to preside over the work."


Fujino commanded, and Taro Sakai turned and left, feeling relieved.

Fortunately, there was no clue, Xiao Yi chose to cooperate with him at the critical moment and helped him through this challenge.

Fujino had noticed Sakai Taro's actions earlier, and in order to figure out what Sakai wanted to do, he chose to follow.

There seems to be no doubt, Sakai is just talking with Xiao Yi, and Fujino smiles at this moment.

"Mr. Xiao Yi, don't take Sakai-kun's words to heart. He is just a polite person. If you let him come to treat guests, he probably won't have any money.

"Oh? This is a bit strange. He is the host of the martial arts conference. This job should have a lot of salary."

The host of the martial arts conference, in addition to the martial arts conference, he is also doing other presiding tasks.

In terms of conversion, at least it can reach a salary of tens of thousands a month, but Fujino said that Taro Sakai is a poor man.

Fujino sneered a few times. He held an attitude of contempt for Sakai.

Had it not been for his special narration style and the recognition of the audience, he would have thought of a way to fire this person.

"Mr. Xiao Yi, you don't know, Sakai-kun is an alcoholic and gambler, and all the money he makes is spent on prostitutes' taverns and casinos."

"I didn't see this, I thought he was a serious person."

"People of us who work together don't want to come into contact with him, so Mr. Xiao Yi, please don't come into contact with such people, lest you reduce your worth."

Fujino kindly reminded Xiao Yi that Xiao Yi pretended to follow his advice, but deep down, he wrote down the name of Taro Sakai.

"I will remember what Mr. Fujino said."

"Mr. Xiao Yi, I have arranged VIP seats for several people, and then I invite several people to watch this martial arts conference."

Xiao Yi originally planned to ask why he was also here to enter the VIP table.

But then he thought, Fujino would explain that the four of them entered the VIP table.

The VIP seats are located on the second floor of the dojo, which is condescending and overlooks the entire dojo.

And for the convenience of viewing, there is a huge electronic screen in the room, and the scene of the game will be displayed on the screen.

In addition to these, there are also arranged service staff to pour tea for Xiao Yi and the others at any time, and provide special snacks here.

As long as it is what Xiao Yi and the others need, someone will immediately meet their requirements, and the treatment will be higher than that of Fujino and the others.

Once he came, he was at ease. Although Xiao Yi was somewhat uncomfortable with such treatment, he now followed Fujino's arrangement.

"Wait a minute!"

After Yingluo entered the room, she carefully checked the room and confirmed that there was no eavesdropping device.

Now I am not where I am. When I go to a strange environment, the first thing is to ensure safety.

"No problem."

Yingluo clapped her hands, and a group of four sat down, and Xiao Yi took out a business card now.

The business card was given to him by Taro Sakai earlier. I don't know what the purpose of this person is, but the fortress gave him this business card.

"Go away in danger!"

Xiao Yi turned over the business card, and on the back of the business card, a few crooked words were written.

The person who wrote this character was obviously unfamiliar with Huaxia's writing. He was like a child, and he had made several mistakes.

"What do you mean? Sakai Taro, did you want to remind you?"

Suzaku is puzzled. According to the truth, the people in this martial arts conference are all the same, and their inner thoughts are the same.

But Taro Sakai, what is the purpose of sending such a message, or just a joke.

"Maybe there is something we don't know, this Taro Sakai wants to tell us."

"Didn't that Fujino just say that? Sakai Taro is a gambler and drunkard, or a prostitute, there is no need to believe this kind of person."

Xiao Yi had other ideas, but when Taro Sakai spoke to him before, his eyes were different.

"When I get to this kind of place, I would rather trust a person with a poor character, find a way to inform him, and when the afternoon is over, I want him to invite me to dinner."

"How can you be like you? I told you to invite you to dinner."

"Hehe, now he is eager to invite me to dinner, if I don't go, he has to beg me."

At this moment, Xiao Yi was right. Indeed, Taro Sakai at this moment begged to see Xiao Yi.

It's just that this kind of place is not suitable for talking, and Fujino's eyeliner is always there.

Xiao Yi saw a call on his business card, and he sent a message to Taro Sakai, who rang his cell phone, who was hosting the martial arts convention.

However, at this moment, he was not in a hurry to watch, but adjusted the phone to the conference mode and continued his work.

The martial arts tournament is divided into two competitions, a total of two days, that is, up to four games are over.

Today's game has nothing to do with Xiao Yi. Fujino informed Xiao Yi and asked Xiao Yi to go directly to the finals.

Because Fujino also knew that the previous events in these competitions were pediatrics for Xiao Yi, and Xiao Yi simply appeared on the stage as the finale.

Sitting in the auditorium for a day, watching the game on the dojo, Xiao Yi almost fell asleep in his seat with such spirit. ,

However, the audience in the audience was passionate about Pengby, and they kept cheering. The game lasted until more than five o'clock in the afternoon.

"It's really boring. Watching these people's fights, there is nothing exciting. I would have known that I would not follow you. It would be great to rest and sleep in the hotel."

Yingluo is looking forward to the martial arts competition, the situation of the competition is completely different from what he sees now.

There was a bit of disappointment in my heart, especially in the afternoon session. The two people on the stage seemed to be playing a monkey.

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