Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3304: Reasons for hatred

There is a big gap between this kind of game and real fighting.

It is more like a performance on stage than a real duel. Suzaku and Yingluo have no interest in this type of competition.

If she were to be on stage, those people would not be his opponents, and they would all have to be beaten down.

"I didn't come here willingly this time. Have you checked the situation in the dojo? Are there any cultivators?"

"I haven't found it yet, but I felt a few unusual breaths in the dojo. It is estimated that the highlight will be tomorrow."

Yingluo complained a few times here, but she hadn't forgotten serious things, and she had helped Xiao Yi handle it long ago.

Xiao Yi suspected that some cultivators would appear in the dojo where the martial arts convention was held, and she deliberately paid attention.

Inadvertently, Yingluo inspected the entire dojo, and found no trace of a cultivator.

There are a few special features in the dojo that caught Yingluo's attention. She planned to continue the investigation, but had no choice but to give up.

"That place is right in front of the dojo, with Fujino and some people on it. I was worried that he noticed me, so I didn't continue to investigate."

"Fujino's side? Sure enough, this old guy is not easy. We will see Sakai in a moment to see if he has anything to say to me."

When Xiao Yi and his party were getting up and planning to leave, Sakai Taro changed into a loose suit and appeared in front of Xiao Yi.

After reading the message sent by Xiao Yi while going to the bathroom, Sakai Taro knew that this time there was hope.

"Mr. Xiao Yi, I am Taro Sakai, the host of the martial arts conference. We met in the morning."

"Well, no more introduction. You should know what kind of person I am. Time is precious to me."

Xiao Yi reminded Taro Sakai, and Sakai nodded quickly. He did find Xiao Yi for important things.

"Mr. Xiao Yi, I will definitely not delay your time. I have already booked a place here. I invite you to have dinner together."

"Well, let's pass now."

When Taro Sakai was about to set off with Xiao Yi, Fujino's figure appeared again.

Fujino was like a ghost, always by his side, as long as he appeared, Taro Sakai's face immediately changed.

It feels like a mouse saw a cat, and this Fujino is the cat.

When Fujino saw that Taro Sakai was in contact with Xiao Yi again, his instinct told him that there seemed to be something tricky in it.

"Sakai-kun, what are you doing?"

"Oh... Don't get me wrong, Mr. Fujino. I promised Mr. Xiao Yi to invite him to dinner. Now I'm traveling with my promise."

Sakai Taro explained that Fujino showed a hostile look, and every time Sakai Taro had to be nosy.

This time I finally caught the opportunity and invited Xiao Yi here, and I must not make a mistake in this kind of knotty.

So Fujino thought of a way to prevent Xiao Yi from walking with this Taro Sakai, he reminded Xiao Yidao.

"Mr. Xiao Yi, I think you should go back to rest early. There are sightseeing areas and swimming pools in the hotel, so you can enjoy them to your heart's content."

This sentence seemed to be sending Xiao Yi away, and keeping Xiao Yi away from this Taro Sakai.

Sakai Taro looked at him with pleading eyes, as if he was telling Xiao Yi to give him a chance, and don't let Fujino succeed.

"Mr. Fujino is still very early, I don't mind. I go out for a meal with Mr. Sakai."

"This... Mr. Xiao Yi, are you sure? I told you before that this person is a gambler and a clientele, or an alcoholic, and his character is not very good."

"It's really a coincidence. I forgot to tell Mr. Fujino. Actually I am also a gambler and alcoholic."

Xiao Yi insisted on going to the appointment, and Fujino couldn't continue to stop him. If he continued to stop him, Xiao Yi would definitely notice something.

After thinking for a while, he stood aside, gave way to Xiao Yi and Taro Sakai, and asked Taro Sakai.

"Mr. Sakai-kun Xiaoyi is the distinguished guest I invited. You must entertain him well, and you must not lose your face in the martial arts conference."

"What Fujino said is that I will do it."

Watching Fujino's departure, Taro Sakai's shoulders collapsed and the whole person fell short.

When talking to Fujino, he was a hundred and twenty minutes in spirit, for fear of saying something wrong and being caught.

It was the first time Xiao Yi saw that some people would be so afraid of a person, and Sakai was also a big man.

Only Sakai knew the reason for this, Xiao Yi said casually.

"You put my wife to sleep?"

Xiao Yi said casually, Sakai's face turned green, and he quickly said to Xiao Yi.

"Mr. Xiao Yi can't talk nonsense about this, so this is not a place to talk, we will talk after we get to the place."

After half an hour.

In a local underground bar, Taro Sakai brought Xiao Yi to such a place.

No wonder the previous Fujino said that Taro Sakai is a drunkard, and he is right.

Sakai Taro came up and asked for a bottle of sake, and chose a quiet place, suitable for conversation, without worrying about Fujino's eyeliner.

Xiao Yi liked the taste of this kind of sake, and it didn't hurt to drink a few cups of light taste.

"Okay, Mr. Sakai, just say something now. What do you mean by the business card you handed me?"

"In fact, Mr. Xiao Yi, you said something right before."

Xiao Yi recalled what he had said before, staring at Sakai's face.

"You really put his wife to sleep?"

"No... he slept with my wife!"

Taro Sakai corrected, and Xiao Yi suddenly felt a green prairie on this man's head.

It's no wonder that when Sakai saw Fujino, it was as if he had seen an enemy. It turned out that there was such an inside story in between.

It turns out that Taro Sakai is also a man with a story, and Xiao Yi's gossip heart is burning.

"Tell me, what is going on?"

Facing outsiders talking about his own personal affairs, Sakai Taro feels humiliated.

For a man, the fire in the backyard proves that you are a trash man, and he is obviously one of them.

"Mr. Xiao Yi, I can talk to you, but can you not laugh like that?"

Sakai Taro was ashamed to open his teeth, Xiao Yi looked gloating, with a smile on his face.

Putting away his expression in embarrassment, becoming serious again, Xiao Yi restrained his emotions.

"I try to... unless I can't help it..."

Such a sentence caused Sakai Taro to regret that it might be a wrong decision to find Xiao Yi.

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