Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3352: Absolute suppression

"It seems that this pufferfish ghost is indeed unreliable. He is not Xiao Yi's opponent. He is planning to escape."

Ono Ichiro stood watching from a distance, Xiao Yi's strength was strong, even if the blowfish ghost broke out, it was ultimately a defeat.

His goal was to kill Xiao Yi, so he wouldn't allow such a situation to happen, and made a look at Kenji Yamamoto beside him.

Yamamoto Kenji understood what this meant. Since it was a blowfish ghost, he also failed, and he simply destroyed all of this.

"President, I understand."

"Go and make arrangements, this old thing is not useful, I will hold a grand funeral for him."

The killer arranged by Ono Ichiro was lying in ambush outside, even if Ji Jiangli and others were to share, their number advantage was the most direct.

More than forty people held guns around Xiao Yi and the puffer fish ghost, waiting for an order, all the bullets would go toward the location of these two people.

In addition, there are prepared shells. Today is destined to be a restless night, and Yamamoto Kenji is responsible for the arrangements.

I originally planned to use the power of the Black Dragon Society to interrogate Xiao Yi's secrets after catching Xiao Yi.

Now it seems that this plan has also failed, and when all the members are ready, he issued the order.


At this moment, Ji Jiangli, Yingluo Suzaku and others turned their eyes to the location of Xiao Yi and the blowfish ghost.

They have realized what is going to happen next, but now no one has the ability to stop them, they can only stand here and watch.


Suzaku rushed towards Xiao Yi, but the shogunate who fought with her would not give her a chance.

Holding a samurai sword in front of Suzaku, a slash hit it and landed on Suzaku's shoulder.

Suzaku left a wound on her shoulder. She gritted her teeth and stared at the dead man in front of her with an angry look.

It is a pity that these killing tools cannot understand the feelings of normal people. At this moment, Suzaku is extremely angry, holding two double knives in his hands.

"You asked for this, I don't care how much trouble is going on tonight, you all deserve to die!"

The intent to fight is burning, and Suzaku's body is surrounded by a flame-like aura, and this flame is getting stronger and stronger.

With so many things happening tonight, with Suzaku's strength, she has been unable to compete with the dead man of the shogunate.

Although she would not lose, but she wanted to defeat the opponent in a short time, she had no ability to do it, and as a last resort, she chose another way.

"I know that you have always been in my body, waiting for the opportunity to occupy my physical body. I don't know if I can survive the three years, but now you should help me!"

The mysterious power in Suzaku has been suppressed, unable to break through the seal set by Xiao Yi.

But this power has always existed, waiting for the opportunity, three years later the seal disappears, she will become another Suzaku.

This power was gradually accumulating and gradually growing. Now, after hearing what Suzaku said, he let out a laugh.

"Seeing your beloved man hurt, are you anxious? But this is your man. What does it have to do with me?"

In Suzaku's body, another person's voice appeared, her attitude was very clear, it was not her own business, he would not interfere.

"Besides, it was this kid and the mysterious old man who started to seal me up, otherwise your body would already belong to me."

Xiao Yi's plan to take the Vermillion Bird's body was ruined in this way, and her heart was already filled with grievances.

Now that Xiao Yi is in danger, it is too late to be happy. If Xiao Yi dies, no one will help Suzaku in the future.

Three years later, the seal disappeared, who can stop her, hiding the accumulated power, will inevitably awaken.

"Aren't you helping me?"

"I've said that, it doesn't matter to me, I won't do anything."

Suzaku listened to this woman's firm attitude. Since this was the case, she then used her own means to force this woman to help Xiao Yi.

A short knife turned around, pointed the tip of the knife to his chest, and pierced it without hesitation.

No one expected this scene, Suzaku would actually do it on himself, and the tip of the knife quickly penetrated the skin and plunged into an inch deep.

The blood quickly flowed out from the wound, and the red coat that Suzaku was wearing became more colorful under the blood.

This is Suzaku, a woman with a strong personality. In order to save Xiao Yi, it doesn't matter if she sacrifices herself.

"You...what are you doing?"

The woman in Suzaku asked in surprise when Suzaku did this.

Suzaku didn't let go of the short knife in her hand, she said with a sneer without even blinking her brow.

"Since you want him to die, then I will accompany him now. If I die, you will be frightened, right?"

"Dare you threaten me?"

"I won't live alone when he dies."

Holding a short knife in his hand increased his strength a bit, and the tip of the knife continued to plunge into his chest, and the wound became deeper and deeper.

Blood dripped from the wound again. This was the first time she saw such a stout woman, Suzaku was not joking.

If she doesn't agree to her request, Suzaku will really choose to commit suicide, and she will die with it at that time, which is not the result she wants.

The short knife in Suzaku's hand, the tip of the knife was about to be inserted into the position of the heart, at this moment the voice in her body stopped immediately.

"Wait a minute! I promised you not to do it? Do you think it's worth it for a man's life?"

"worth it!"

"I will help you, but this kid has entered a runaway state, which is beyond my control."

Hearing the woman's agreement, Suzaku smiled on her face and released the knife in her hand.

As long as it can help Xiao Yi, everything doesn't matter. She agreed to this woman's request and will use her power next.

In this way, the effect of the seal in one's body will become weaker and weaker, and the seal will disappear by itself in less than three years.

"Next, my consciousness will occupy your body. Don't resist, otherwise you and I will lose out."

Suzaku listened to what the woman said, calmed down and closed her consciousness, allowing this mysterious power to burst out of her body.

Raising his head again, Suzaku's eyes changed, and flames burst out between his eyes, instantly swallowing people.

Pulling out the short knife inserted in his chest, the wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it quickly recovered.

Move the arms, this body seems very rusty, but soon adapted, Suzaku smiled on his face.

"It's finally possible to move around. After thousands of years, my remnant soul will rust."

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