Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3353: Power burst

The power in Suzaku had been suppressed for too long, and finally got the chance to release it.

Once almost shattered, by chance, I encountered a drowning Suzaku and entered the body of Suzaku, and since then lived like Suzaku.

The purpose of this power is simple, while recovering oneself, while looking for opportunities, waiting to seize Suzaku's body.

Seeing that she was about to succeed, Suzaku encountered Xiao Yi. No one else could do it, but Xiao Yi had the ability to seal her power.

As a result, she had to wait for three more years. For thousands of years, she couldn't wait to **** Suzaku's body. Xiao Yi did this.

It is no different from digging a family's ancestral grave, so naturally he hates Xiao Yi extremely.

She didn't intend to help, but Xiao Yi died. After three years, she would definitely seize Suzaku's body, holding the attitude of watching a show.

In the end, Suzaku was not easy to provoke. A woman with a strong personality, in order to save Xiao Yi, she did not hesitate to threaten her with her life.

If he doesn't do anything again, Suzaku will really choose to commit suicide, and then his remnant soul will have to disappear, and all his thoughts will be wasted.

Although extremely reluctant, she still chose to obey Suzaku's orders, and now Suzaku is the master of this body.

Suzaku's consciousness has entered a state of deep sleep, and then she can freely indulge, move her limbs, and have been living in a remnant soul for thousands of years.

The dead men of the shogunate didn't know what was going on, they just knew the killing machine blindly, and a quick-walking dead man fell from a height.

The samurai sword in his hand made a slash, and it was about to be cut on Suzaku's body, and Suzaku stood still on the spot.

She leisurely beating the hair of her temples, as if she didn't realize the danger at all, and the samurai sword was about to fall on her back in the blink of an eye.

"The light of the firefly, dare to compete with Haoyue for glory!"

At this moment, Ji Jiangli on the side squeezed a sweat for Suzaku, but then she knew that her worries were unnecessary.

Suzaku stretched out a slender palm and slapped it on the face of the dead shogunate.

The slash from the dead shogunate had no effect on him. At this moment, Suzaku's slap sent him a few meters away.

The dead man fell heavily to the ground and never got up again. Suzaku slapped his head and shattered his brain.

Seeing the terrifying fighting power of Suzaku at this moment, Ji Jiangli was shocked, her strength met two dead shogunate, and she would have to entangle here for a long time.

And it has never had the upper hand, and at this moment Suzaku, relying only on one hand, slapped the dead soldier.

"This...what the **** is going on? It seems that this girl has changed a person."

Ji Jiangli felt that Suzaku's breath had completely changed, becoming so mysterious and unpredictable.

The three elders once mentioned that there is a power hidden in Suzaku's body, and has been waiting for the opportunity to seize her body.

The changes in Suzaku now verify what the three elders said earlier, that tonight is really an eventful period.

"These two people are really a headache. Although they can resolve the crisis encountered today, how should they end up afterwards."

Ji Jiangli had a headache, what would happen next, she could not predict, she could only do her best.

She killed the dead shogunate with a slap, and she promised Suzaku to help Xiao Yi, so the others present were not within her responsibility.

More than 30 guns and shells kept falling beside Xiao Yi. In addition to Xiao Yi, the puffer fish ghost was also targeted. In order to get rid of Xiao Yi in one fell swoop, he did not hesitate to do anything.

The puffer fish ghost subsequently became a victim. Ono Ichiro doesn't care how many people will die in this action, he cares about the last result.

"Damn it, are they planning to kill me together?"

In the blood mist, the puffer fish ghost realized that something was wrong, and the Black Dragon Society aimed at Xiao Yi while also treating him as the target of being hunted.

Fortunately, the blood mist can block the impact of external explosions, even the power of bullets is much weaker, and the puffer fish ghost is temporarily alive.

After the body has been cultivated, it is not as hard as normal, but it is not a way after all. You must find an opportunity to escape from this place, otherwise you will die here sooner or later.

"Anyway, you will die anyway, now I won't play with you."

The puffer fish ghost took the opportunity to escape, but Xiao Yi, who was in a violent state at this moment, would never give him this opportunity.

He regarded the puffer fish ghost as a must-kill target, unless Xiao Yi fell to the ground from exhaustion, otherwise there was absolutely no possibility of stopping.


Xiao Yi repeated a word, and the thick blood mist condensed his two arms and grabbed the body of the puffer fish ghost.

The pufferfish ghost's strength is already much worse than before, and the body's reaction speed can't keep up. Seeing two blood-colored tentacles grasping on his body.

The blood gas invaded the body of the puffer fish ghost again, this time stronger than before, and the meridians could not withstand such an impact. Under the burning of the blood gas, each of the meridians was burned to death.

At this moment, a phantom appeared in front of the puffer fish ghost, he was plunged into a sea of ​​blood, and in this sea of ​​blood, it was the realm that Xiao Yi controlled.

The endless sea of ​​blood was rolling, rolling up waves of **** air, just smelling this **** air was unbearable, and almost fainted in consciousness.

It is impossible to imagine that in the depths of a person's heart, there is such a **** scene. On this sea of ​​blood, the figure of Xiao Yi floats.

With the movement of Xiao Yi's thoughts, blood-colored silk threads grew under the sea of ​​blood, which firmly locked the puffer fish ghost and pulled it down toward the depths of the sea of ​​blood.

"No! I can't die here, I can't die here."

The puffer fish ghost has an instinct, once he falls into the depths of a sea of ​​blood, he is finished.

I didn't want my own cultivation base, and ended up in such a fate, the body finally broke out with a strong desire to survive.

"No! I have to live!"

The puffer fish ghost burst out of black death again, and the death appeared to break free from the shackles of bloodshot.

At this moment in the outside world, what people see is a cloud of blood, enveloping a cloud of black energy, and the blood fog continues to swallow the black energy.

The fat body of the puffer fish ghost is shrinking severely, and his originally white and fat skin is seriously depleted and gradually collapsed.

After losing the support, he returned to his original appearance. Apart from the bones, he was left with a layer of skin.

This is the original appearance of the puffer fish ghost. He has been relying on absorbing the essence to maintain his current appearance. Aside from these, he was originally an old monster that had lived for more than three hundred years.

"Ahem... Ahem, what's wrong with me?"

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