Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3354: Reverse the situation

The puffer fish ghost has always had inexhaustible essence to provide for his cultivation. He never thought that such a day would happen.

When the last remaining black energy was completely swallowed up by the blood mist, the pufferfish ghost at this time was just a dying old man.

With his eyes closed at any time, he turned into a dead man.

"Since it is going to fight, then fight to the end, you can't escape!"

With a pair of scarlet eyes, Xiao Yi approached the pufferfish ghost step by step. The puffer fish ghost completely lost the power to resist.

Even if Xiao Yi didn't kill him at this time, he wouldn't be able to live long. The essence and qi in his body were swallowed cleanly by the blood qi, and the meridians all over his body were destroyed.

Surviving is a useless person who can't cultivate and can't absorb the essence of living person, how long can he support it.

Xiao Yi let out a wicked smile and stretched out a big hand from the blood mist, clutching the pufferfish ghost by the neck.

Lifting it up forcefully, the puffer fish ghost kicked on both legs, but unfortunately all of this has become a settlement, and no one can change it.

The puffer fish ghost regretted it, and shouldn't agree to help deal with Xiao Yi for the so-called conditions. In the end, he caused himself to be killed.

"Don't kill me, I beg you to let me go."

The weak and feeble voice was pleading, and he forgot how he had treated Xiao Yi before.

Xiao Yi naturally wouldn't let him go. He squeezed the puffer fish ghost's neck with his hands.

His eyes widened, and he couldn't believe that this was his final result. He tried to live for more than 300 years, but in the end he still didn't escape the fate of death.

His head crooked and cut his last breath, confirming that the puffer fish ghost was dead, Xiao Yi grabbed his body and threw out the blood mist with his hand.

There have been rumors circulating among the people for more than three hundred years, a demon who lives in people's minds, and kills countless demons.

At this moment, it is ended, and the killers are always killed.

The black dragon society killer who was besieging Xiao Yi from the outside world saw something thrown out of the blood mist and moved forward. It was a dead puffer fish ghost.

It can no longer be distinguished by its appearance. The biggest feature of the puffer fish ghost is a leg, which was quickly distinguished.

It was confirmed that the puffer fish ghost was dead, and they stood in front of the body of the puffer fish ghost. For the first time in more than three hundred years, they had seen the true face of the puffer fish ghost.

I don't know why, when they saw the puffer fish ghost dead, they felt an unspeakable ease.

"I knew that this puffer fish ghost was unreliable. I saw that he still lost to Xiao Yi, and ended up like this in the end."

Ono Ichiro knew what was happening in front of him through reports from the people under his hand. The puffer fish ghost was dead.

Finding the strongest assistant is just the end of the game. It seems that this matter depends on oneself in the end.

Yamamoto Kenji advocated the use of puffer fish ghosts, but he did not expect that the puffer fish ghosts died first, which was tantamount to reaching out and hitting himself in the face.

In front of Ono, he suddenly lost his trust, and he had no face to face Ono Ichiro.

"Ono-kun, these are my mistakes, I didn't expect him to be so useless."

"Well, Kenji-kun, don't blame yourself. The next good show is not over. I hope someone will lead the team to destroy Xiao Yi himself."

Ono Ichiro didn't say this clearly, but Kenji Yamamoto was not a fool, and he knew what he meant right away.

The puffer fish ghost is dead, and he has lost his value. There is nothing he can do if he can kill even his uncle.

In this person's eyes, there is no so-called family or friendship, but some are just relationships.

Yamamoto Kenji had also made a decision. He wanted to avenge his father and happily agreed to the task ordered by Ono.

"Don't worry, Ono-jun, I will go right now and promise to bring this Xiao Yi's body back."

"I am very happy that you can share the worries for me. Then you can go with ease. I am waiting for the news of your return."

Ono Ichiro said, Yamamoto Ken walked toward the fighting area below without looking back, and now these people obeyed his deployment.

In order to maximize the role of the killer, Yamamoto Kenji then divided the personnel into two parts.

A part of them stayed and continued to entangle these masters who appeared, while the rest concentrated firepower and attacked Xiao Yi's side.

No matter what the cost, Xiao Yi must be killed here, otherwise they would be sorry for Ono's trust.

"Concentrated firepower to kill Xiao Yi, who can kill him will be promoted heavily."

Under the reward, there must be a brave man, and the killers swarmed up to trap Xiao Yi in it.

Although the puffer fish ghost was killed, the crisis was not resolved. At this critical moment, a red figure rushed up.

She was surrounded by red flames. Every step she took, one person fell down and rushed into the encirclement alone.

"This exercise is very subtle, and it can be well integrated with this woman's physical attributes, but you are too weak to exert its true power."

The practice that Xiao Yi taught to Suzaku, Suzaku has been working hard to cultivate, but this practice did not happen overnight.

It takes time to accumulate and continuous training in the battle, but for her remnant soul, it can completely increase the strength of Suzaku several times.

The red flames were burning around her body, and the speed erupted under her feet rushed to tens of meters in the blink of an eye.

Like a phoenix spreading its wings and flying high, it was involved in the battlefield and killed all the killers who tried to encircle Xiao Yi.

The battle has reached a fierce state. The Black Dragon Society used more than 300 killers this time, and only more than 70 people survived.

Moreover, the number of deaths is still increasing. Ono Ichiro frowned. If he continues to fight, his advantage in the number of people has already weakened.

The trouble was not only a Suzaku who emerged, but also Ji Jiangli and the others over there. After a death fight, Ji Jiangli burst out with a twisting force.

Beheading a dead soldier, another was seriously injured by her and fell to the ground, became a useless person, solved his troubles, and quickly joined other personnel.

In less than three minutes, the original stalemate was broken, Ji Jiangli and his group took an absolute advantage, and the assassins of the Black Dragon Society collapsed.

The interception plan failed.

Ono was not reconciled and had to admit this result. If it continues to consume, the impact of this matter will be too great.

In desperation, he can only choose to retreat. He is the president of the Black Dragon Association and will not be buried with these people. As long as he is alive, he will have a chance.

"It seems that I have to figure out my own retreat, but I have already given so much, I will never let you leave alive."

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