Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3359: The role of Wang Sheng

Yingluo found the location of Xiao Yi and Zhuque, and heard that Ji Jiangli rushed over.

The scene in front of her made Yingluo turn around immediately, blushing and afraid to look directly at the two people in front of her.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you blushing?"

Ji Jiangli looked at the apprentice's weird appearance and asked curiously.

But then she saw Xiao Yi and Suzaku in front of her, and immediately understood what was going on, no wonder her apprentice had to turn around.

In the open space in front of them, Xiao Yi and Suzaku were naked, and they hugged each other tightly.

A girl who hasn't been humane, when she sees such a scene, she will naturally feel ashamed and cannot look directly at the two people.

Especially Xiao Yi...

Ji Jiangli stepped forward to check, and the two of them had normal breathing and steady pulse, but they fell into a coma.

As long as people are better than nothing, and don't know what happened before, the two people are hugging each other tightly at this moment, and they seem to be unable to separate.

"What is your blush? You are already a girl in your twenties. You don't know about this man and woman, don't you hurry up and help."

Ji Jiangli called to his apprentice, Ying Luo turned around embarrassedly, she hadn't experienced anything in this aspect.

Seeing Xiao Yi's naked body, how could a big girl's face be able to stand it, her face became even more blush, like a mature peach.

"Master...Aren't you embarrassing me?"

"It's all this time, how can you take care of so much? Go and separate the two of them, and I will find some clothes."

Ji Jiangli told Yingluo, Yingluo wanted to refuse, but seeing the current situation, she could only bite the bullet and do what the master said.

Close to Xiao Yi and Suzaku, she kept reminding herself in her heart to restrain her gaze and not to look at places that shouldn't be seen.

However, something that shouldn't be there came out deep in his heart. He glanced inadvertently and immediately turned his eyes to other positions.

"What happened to these two people? Xiao Yi, this guy, is really causing trouble."

I tried to move the bodies of the two of them to separate them from the hugging position. When the fingers touched Xiao Yi's body, Yingluo's body seemed to be electrified.

After finally separating the two, Ji Jiangli found a wardrobe from the collapsed ruins with some clothes in it.

Simply put the clothes on the two of them to cover the shameful spring light, and then this place can no longer stay, and must leave.

"Where is Wang Sheng who is with you? We are going to retreat, and we haven't seen him."

Ji Jiangli asked, in the previous battle, he hadn't seen Wang Sheng's shadow, and he had a guess in his heart.

Yingluo didn't know Wang Sheng very well, it was just a brief contact, knowing that Wang Sheng was just an ordinary person.

"Perhaps he was afraid, so he ran away early. He was originally a bullshit. When encountering such things, he must choose to save his life."

"It's fine, as long as it's okay, everyone has the right to be afraid of such things."

Ji Jiangli frowned, the trouble was resolved, but it seemed that this was not the end.

There had been such a big disturbance before, the government should have been aware of it a long time ago. The reason why there was no action was probably because the forces of the Black Dragon Society were operating in it.

Now the Black Dragon Society failed, and Ono Ichiro fled, fearing that trouble would ensue one after another, Ji Jiangli took Xiao Yi and Suzaku and walked out of the ruins.

"I know that you are all exhausted physically and mentally after going through tonight, but we cannot stay here."

Ji Jiangli had already heard the sound of a police siren in the distance, and sure enough, when the matter was over, the government personnel had started.

There were so many tragic deaths and injuries at the scene. This will definitely rise to a major event. When the government grabs this, all of them will have to be locked in.

This is a world where the weak eat the strong, but in this world, there is another thing that restricts this relationship, and that is the law.

Even they cannot be above the law. It is illegal to kill, especially the casualties, plus the tragic explosion.

It can be completely defined as a terrorist attack, such a crime, they don't want to bear it, and they will bear the blame for the black dragon.

Hearing the sound of the police sirens getting closer and closer, it was too late to retreat. Ono Ichiro, hiding in the dark, had more than just killing Xiao Yi.

More importantly, all the people who assisted Xiao Yi this time were removed. This way, he cleared the obstacles for his future actions.

"It's too late, their people will be there soon."

At this moment, someone saw that the police car was approaching, but at this moment, more than a dozen cars galloped all the way to the place where the incident occurred.

Wang Sheng couldn't help much in the previous battle, but he knew what he should do, so he left early alone.

He was not timid, but thought ahead of time that Xiao Yi and his party would definitely retreat, so he summoned a dozen cars and appeared in front of Ji Jiangli at the critical moment.

"Get in the car! It's not too late!"

Before Wang Sheng jumped off the driveway, Ji Jiangli really thought that Wang Sheng had become a deserter.

At the critical moment, Wang Sheng played a big role. Before he could say too much, Ji Jiangli shouted to everyone.

"Hurry up and get in the car. The police are coming soon. Don't get caught!"

The group got into the car, Xiao Yi and Zhuque were placed in a separate car, and Ji Jiangli was responsible for the care.

After everyone got in the car, more than a dozen cars modified privately, pulled up a long line, and galloped towards a street.

Most of these driving drivers are unemployed vagrants. They like to do exciting things, especially in modified cars. This is a mechanical country.

The super engine performance, coupled with their technology in racing car modification, has been modified one after another and wandering around the streets all day long.

Before Wang Sheng received the task ordered by Xiao Yi, he met these people in an underground bar. Wang Sheng was proficient in three teachings and nine classes, coupled with his generous shots, and soon became a match for these people.

Now that they are in trouble, they immediately thought of asking these people to help. They were very loyal. They immediately agreed to Wang Sheng and drove to the scene.

When the police car came over, they saw that the people here had already escaped in the car, so they chased after them, and they must be arrested and brought to justice.

Originally, these were some young people who liked excitement. When they saw the police chasing them, they didn't feel any fear at all. Instead, they were very excited. At night in this city, they started a great escape.

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