Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3360: Escape late at night

On the one hand, there are regular policemen, on the other hand, they are young people who like to modify their vehicles privately and are often active on various streets.

They like to do stimulating things, knowing that they are facing the police chase, racing on this street, and soon the police officers gave up.

These people's familiarity with the local environment and their excellent car skills make it easy to get rid of the police's tracking. More than a dozen cars headed towards different streets separately.

After everyone left the police, they chose the last place to meet. They all listened to Wang Sheng and treated Wang Sheng as their own elder brother.

This is also the result of Wang Sheng's consumption of 3 million and the final purchase. This group of people and him are not relatives, and risking danger to save people is obviously nonsense.

However, the money was already worth it. It took everyone out of the dangerous site, and finally chose to gather in an apartment. After all the vehicles arrived, it was guaranteed to send Wang Sheng and the others.

These people turned around and left and returned to the city. Next, Wang Sheng arranged everyone in an apartment. This apartment was also rented by Wang Sheng in advance.

"You all come in. I rented ten houses here. It should be enough. You can rest here for one night."

Regardless of whether Wang Sheng is a big boss, he does things with carelessness and subtlety. He has already thought of the aspects that should be considered.

Yingluo had misunderstood Wang Sheng before, thinking that Wang Sheng had escaped by himself, but he did not expect Wang Sheng to play such an important role in the final moment.

This time, if it were not for Wang Sheng's advance arrangements, it would be a trouble for them to get rid of the police, let alone find a place to stay immediately.

"Sorry, I misunderstood you before. I thought you ran away alone when you were away."

Yingluo and Wang Sheng apologized, and Wang Sheng never took it to heart. Others would misunderstand it, and that was all other people's ideas.

"I'm really afraid of death, especially in the previous period. It was not the level of combat that I could touch at all. If I changed the previous words, I would not come here if I was killed."

Wang Sheng had heard from Xiao Yi before that this action was very dangerous, but he still chose to follow Xiao Yi.

"Fear of death is certain, but my life was saved by Brother Xiao. Even if I fight this life, I must repay his great favor."

"It seems that you are a very kind person, this time it is really thanks to you, otherwise we don't know how to withdraw in time."

When Ji Jiangli came forward, she had also misunderstood Wang Sheng before, but fortunately everything went through safely.

The environment of this apartment is complicated, and even if the police are looking for it, they will not find it for the time being.

"Okay, you two don't say such kind words. First help Xiao Yi and Zhuque into the room. I don't think it will stop tonight. Let's arrange a few people to watch the night."

If such a big thing happened tonight, the police will definitely send people to search around, and there is also a Black Dragon Society here.

Even if you want to breathe a sigh of relief, the other party will not give you a chance. For this reason, Ji Jiangli needs to arrange someone to stand guard in turn.

Once there is an abnormal situation, notify everyone in time, so that everyone has a psychological preparation.

"What's wrong with Brother Xiao? I think he seems to be asleep."

Wang Sheng supported Xiao Yi. Xiao Yi wore a very awkward suit and was sleeping with his eyes closed.

"The previous battle was too tired, and his body was a little overwhelmed. Let him rest at this time."

"It turned out to be like this. I didn't help much before. Let me guard it tonight."

Taking the initiative to ask Ying to help, Ji Jiangli did not shirk, and now everyone should hurry up and recover their strength, which is the first task.

Ten rooms were enough. After the allocation was completed, Wang Sheng and another person guarded outside the apartment.

Fujino's private residence was completely unrecognizable after the explosion. There were bombed corpses everywhere, and the blood mixed with the residual limbs, exuding this strong **** smell.

The clean-up work on the scene continues, and at the same time they have received a message from the upper level that the incident that happened tonight cannot be distributed to the outside world, and the most rigorous and conservative work must be done.

In addition to the relevant personnel, even the news reporters of the media were ordered to ban on-site interview work.

After such a big accident, the people above decided to suppress the matter first, so as not to cause panic in the society and cause adverse effects.

So many people died, so much chaos was caused, and the purpose was to kill one person, and at such a price, the loss was indeed disastrous.

If it wasn't for Xiao Yi to kill, Ichiro Ono at this time could only choose to have a Caesarean section to apologize, but this time he succeeded.

Judging from the situation at the scene, it was impossible for Xiao Yi to leave alive. This time the Black Dragon Club's actions originally needed to be held accountable.

But because of a certain reason, he was rewarded. Now the whole process has entered a state of martial law, and the police are searching everywhere.

You must find the traces of Xiao Yi and his party and bring them back for trial. The situation is so serious that someone has to take the blame.

"Chairman Ono, congratulations on successfully killing that Xiao Yi this time and solving our biggest trouble."

In Ono's private residence, a guest visited late at night and gave him a celebration in advance.

This person's status is higher than Ono, so you need to be careful when speaking in front of him.

Ono pretended to be very sad. Although this operation was a success, it was a pity that two important personnel died.

"Don't you say that, my uncle Fujino, and Kenji-kun died for this action. I really feel sad."

Fujino was killed by his hands, and Yamamoto Kenji, also ordered by Ono Ichiro, had to choose a way to end.

All this he is the real executioner, but at this moment he is crying very sad, and the person in front of him understands better what kind of person Ono is.

I comforted Ono a few words and made a special promise.

"Don't be sad, Ono, I already know about Fujino and Kenji Yamamoto, and I will add the achievements of both of them later."

"This arrangement just ended my mind. I blame my plan and fail to protect them."

Ono pretended to say that Xiao Yi is now dead, but Xiao Yi and his party are still in danger, and they are currently hiding in this city.

Now that we have done this, we must get rid of everyone, so that we can sit back and relax.

"Then, as for the other escaped personnel among Xiao Yi's group, I don't know what plans are they making?"

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