Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3387: Xiao Huaixin's confirmation

Xiao Yi knew nothing more about this kind of business, but Wang Sheng knew it well.

Especially if he had seen these with his own eyes, he wouldn't want to do such a thing if it weren't for a few bites of food.

It was like a living hell. Wang Sheng once had the opportunity to join the Qing Gang because he had seen this and chose to follow Xu Qiang.

The brethren of the Green Gang went to find Zheng Siyu's sister, and the more than forty celebrities sent out quickly searched F City.

Following the clues that Zheng Siyu gave, Zheng Siyu also helped during this period, investigating the clues of her sister, but in the end nothing was gained.

Zheng Siyu's sister seemed to disappear in F city. Finally, these brothers from the Four Seas Bar reported the news to Wang Sheng, letting Wang Sheng decide.

Xiao Yi touched his chin. Wang Sheng's remarks made sense. Lu Qingshan from the Qing Gang had a particularly dark start, and it was reasonable to do this kind of thing.

"If this is the case, send people to search the underground entertainment industry in City F. As long as people are alive, they will definitely find them."

"Brother Xiao, I advise you not to have this kind of thought, because you are breaking the rules of the way."

This is the first time that Wang Sheng has discouraged Xiao Yi. Xiao Yi may not know the inside information, but he understands it thoroughly.

Xiao Yi only mentioned that someone was looking for someone. Wang Sheng's expression changed all of a sudden. He really didn't know the rules.

"What do I mean by breaking the rules."

"Brother Xiao, you don't know something. You haven't been on the road before. Now you are the boss of the Four Seas Bar. If you want to find someone in the Qinggang site, this is a bad rule."

Wang Sheng explained that the reason for Xiao Yi's identity is that if you want to enter the Qinggang and find someone on the Qinggang's territory, you have to ask Lu Qingshan in advance.

The boss of each site has its own management area, and everyone has to abide by the rules.

If Xiao Yi didn't say hello and went directly to the Qinggang site to find someone, he would definitely be caught.

"If I go to say hello to Lu Qingshan, he will know what we are going to do, and it will be even more difficult to find someone then."

"This is where the trouble is. Brother Xiao's job of finding people, we can only do it in secret. I told those brothers to avoid the Qing Gang's territory and don't make trouble for me."

Wang Sheng was very considerate on this point. He instructed those brothers who entered F City not to do anything in the world.

Don't get into conflict with the people of the Qinggang, and don't interfere with each other on the site. If anyone provokes the shipment, even Wang Sheng can't protect them.

"It seems that you need to know more about things on this road than I do, so you should pay more attention to any new developments and inform Zheng Siyu in time."

"Brother Xiao, if you don't tell me, I will do it too. This girl really has a strong personality. She even went to Longhu Bay several times to investigate evidence of Lu Qingshan's crime."

It is understandable that Zheng Siyu wants to avenge Lu Qingshan for the death of his family.

Xiao Yi has nothing to do with Lu Qingshan for the time being, not to mention that she is just an ordinary girl, Zheng Siyu, how could she be her opponent.

Revenge is understandable, but under the premise of doing these things, it is to protect your own safety.

"This woman is really courageous. She dares to investigate Lu Qingshan like this. Lu Qingshan has already wiped his bottom clean. If this method worked, I would have done him a long time ago."

He ordered Wang Sheng to find Zheng Siyu's sister first, and he would go to Lu Qingshan for a while. This time he wanted to hear what Lu Qingshan would say.

While Xiao Yi returned to China, on the other side, someone arranged by Xiao Huaixin to protect Xiao Yi to participate in the martial arts conference.

Knowing that the Black Dragon Club might take this opportunity to do something against Xiao Yi, Xiao Huaixin arranged in advance, hoping that the danger would be turned away.

Ji Jiangli, who had broken dawn, brought a lot of masters. Besides, Xiao Yi was no ordinary person, so there shouldn't be much problem.

When his people came back to report the news, Xiao Huaixin knew that Xiao Yi was really dangerous this time, and that puffer fish ghost was still alive.

He was injured in the mission, and finally got out of danger with the help of Ji Jiangli, and was very ashamed of Xiao Huaixin.

Standing in front of Xiao Huaixin without saying a word, Xiao Huaixin knew right and wrong, and it was not worth losing his temper for such a thing.

"Why don't you speak anymore?"

"Master...this time I was unsuccessful and failed to protect Xiao Yi."

Xiao Huaixin lifted up this man's clothes, and the scars left behind were clearly visible on his body.

With his strength, he was beaten like this with one move, and Xiao Huaixin pressed several times on the wound.

"You don't need to be ashamed for this. Originally this pufferfish ghost was a master. The ancestor of the Xiao family once cut off one of his legs. At that time, his strength was very strong."

In the oral accounts of the ancestors of the Xiao family, there was such a character who thought that the puffer fish ghost had already died.

But he didn't expect this puffer fish ghost to have lived for more than three hundred years. It could be called an old monster, and it caused such a big trouble to Xiao Yi.

"He is practicing sorcery himself, and it's reasonable for you to be unable to guard against it. What surprised me was that Xiao Yi, a kid, was able to kill this three-hundred-year old monster."

An old monster who had lived for more than three hundred years and practiced sorcery did not know how many people's spirits had been sucked to keep the puffer fish ghost alive.

The power of the blowfish ghost is evident. The most important thing is the sorcery practiced by the blowfish ghost, which is the greatest restraint for practitioners.

Xiao Huaixin came back and heard about the process of the battle. The pufferfish ghost used the dead energy of his own cultivation to create a death field. This was the most difficult thing.

Xiao Yi, who was originally at a disadvantage, had almost no ability to fight back. He was about to die in the hands of this old man, and finally awakened the blood in his body because of excessive anger.

The blood qi awakened and entered a state of rampage. The puffer fish ghost did not expect this, and it is estimated that Xiao Yi himself did not expect this, so he suppressed the power of the puffer fish ghost.

"This time it surprised me. The puffer fish ghost's strength can be regarded as a monster. Xiao Yi, this kid, can actually kill him."

"At a critical moment, his body sent out terrifying power. It was simply too terrifying. At that time, regardless of whether he was foe or foe, anyone close to him would be his target."

Hearing this, Xiao Huaixin became more and more sure that there seemed to be another record of the hidden power in Xiao Yi's body.

It appeared once in the records of the people of the tribe, and didn't care about it before. Xiao Huaixin thought that Xiao Yi was just out of control emotionally.

But Xiao Yi's strength has doubled, and this is not that simple.

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