Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3388: The Xiao Clan's Wanted Order

The secret history recorded by this tribe was by his side, Xiao Huaixin took it over and glanced at it a few times.

A key record was found in it, and the content of the record seemed to be very similar to what happened to Xiao Yi.

"Is there something blood-red like an enchantment on Xiao Yi's body?"

"Master, you are right. This is the first time I have seen such a fighting style. Ji Jiangli has said that it seems that Xiao Yi is burning his own blood."

Xiao Huaixin leaned back on the chair and slowly put the book in his hand aside. If all of this is true, then the changes in Xiao Yi's body indeed fit this characteristic.

He understood why before, when his father went to find Xiao Yi, he would stop at a critical moment and let Xiao Yi go.

It turned out that after my father went to find Xiao Yi last time, he also noticed it, but he didn't confirm it. Now it seems that this time in the Xiao family, a person who has never met in a century has appeared.

"It turned out to be such a thing, well, you go down first, so you can heal your wounds, remember what you encountered this time, don't mention it to anyone except me."

Xiao Huaixin carefully ordered that this matter is of great importance. The fewer people who know, the safer.

This person is Xiao Huaixin's confidant, and I believe he will not betray him. He also made a guarantee in front of Xiao Huaixin.

"Master, don't worry, I will remember."

After stepping back, Xiao Huaixin opened the drawer and put back the secret history recorded by this tribe.

Don't worry about Xiao Yi's affairs. This time the Xiao family is in trouble. The news that Xiao Huaili has just received is that there is a fire in Xiao Huaili's backyard.

Being negligent of management, Xiao Huaili's son, Xiao Cang, had betrayed the Xiao family. He had previously killed two guards of the Xiao family and severely injured them.

This incident was a great shame to Xiao Huaili, and he planned to cover it up and conceal the truth of the matter.

Reluctantly, the paper could not contain the fire. The elders of the clan were not without eyes. After learning about this, they questioned Xiao Huaili face to face.

Only then had to tell the truth, proving that Xiao Cang had already betrayed the Xiao family, and Xiao Huaili was cruel, and let out words on the spot to sever the father-son relationship with Xiao Cang.

The Xiao family issued a wanted order and sent someone to arrest Xiao Cang and bring him to justice. Even if Xiao Huaili was the owner of the family, Xiao Cang would have to deal with it according to the rules of the clan.

In order to preserve his honor and face, Xiao Huaili added an extra sentence to the wanted order, that is, life or death.

In any case, even if Xiao Cang hides evil intentions, he will always be his own son. There is a saying called tiger poison not eating children.

Because he was the head of the family, he gave such an order, and Xiao Huaili was not so cruel, and no one could compare it.

"Third brother, third brother, you struggled to take away your second brother's position at the beginning. Now that the causal cycle has finally come to you, I want to see what interesting things will happen next."

The Xiao family did nothing that they couldn't do. They sent people to search for Xiao Cang, and Xiao Cang would be caught wherever he hid.

At that time, when confronted with his son, Xiao Huaili will be cruel to get rid of it directly, or he will be moved with compassion as the head of the family.

Xiao Huaili was also worrying about this matter. His son rebelled and committed such a crime, making him, the Patriarch, have no face to face the elders of the clan.

As the head of the Xiao family, he ordered his son to be wanted, and specifically ordered that life or death does not matter.

If he, the Patriarch, protects Xiao Cang at this time, first of all, the elders in the clan will not be able to pass. At this time, he is explaining his intentions to his wife.

After the wife heard about this, she cried alone at home. She knew the husband's temper and the decision made by Xiao Huaili. No one could change it.

Even if Xiao Cang killed someone and betrayed the Xiao family, he would still be his own child, the flesh that fell from his body.

When my mother was definitely unacceptable, I wondered if Xiao Huaili could change his decision and bring Xiao Cang back alive.

Sitting on the bed, Xiao Huaili's wife hid her face and wept. The cry of crying made Xiao Huaili do things unintentionally, and he let out a sigh.

"This time Cang'er asked for it. According to the rules of the clan, even I can't protect him. You don't know how many times I have to explain to you."

"I understand what you said, and I also know that you are the head of the family, but Cang'er is our child, do you plan to treat him like this?"

At this time, the wife felt regretful in her heart. If she knew this a long time ago, she should make time to accompany Xiao Cang more.

To understand Xiao Cang's true inner feelings, don't let this time come, you can only sit here and cry.

"In order to cultivate Qing'er, we have been neglecting him since he was a child. This kid has always been pretending to be himself. Don't forget in your arms, it is our fault that caused this situation."

Xiao Huaili was holding a teacup, steaming in the teacup, but at this time, his heart could not calm down.

I had to put down the teacup, and after walking around in the same place, looking at the sadness of my wife, I felt uncomfortable.

"Do you think I am willing to do this? I can only pass on the position of Patriarch to one person. It is a rule set by our ancestors, and even I have to follow the rules."

"Huaili, please go and plead with the elders of the clan, and forgive Cang'er this time. If he betrayed the Xiao family, he should be driven out and not let him come back."

The wife thought of a solution. Even though she would never see her son again, it was better than killing.

Xiao Huaili looked up with a helpless look. He hadn't considered his wife's words, but he denied them all.

The reason is simple. He is the Patriarch, as long as he sits in this position for a day, he cannot make such a decision.

"Everything is done too late. Besides, Cang'er's existence is a huge threat to Qing'er. I will leave it to Qing'er to handle this matter."


Xiao Huaili gave the right to dispose of it to Xiao Qing, and the elders in this clan had seen Xiao Huaili's cruel side.

This Xiao Qing is the future Patriarch, and now Xiao Cang hides evil intentions and wants to seize this position, how could Xiao Qing wait and see.

In order to nurture her son, Xiao Huaili devoted all her greatest efforts and resources to Xiao Qing.

Just three days ago, Xiao Qing practiced the Nine Heavens Royal Thunder Jue, and under the effects of various pills and practice arrays, his cultivation speed increased more than ten times.

Now Xiao Qing's strength has reached the fifth level, among the younger generation in the clan, this strength can already be called the best.

In a short period of time, he was promoted to such a realm, and the growth rate was really terrifying.

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