Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3389: Be in front of you

Everyone could tell that Xiao Huaili spent so much effort to train the next successor. There was no second person to be the head of the Patriarch other than Xiao Qing.

To this end, he must make sacrifices, one mountain cannot tolerate two tigers, and only one person can be left to inherit the position of Patriarch.

Since he had selected Xiao Qing, he had nothing to do with other people. He decided to hand the matter to Xiao Qing to deal with it, also to express an attitude.

The position is already yours, and what to do next is all Xiao Qing's business.

"Huili, what are you doing? Are you planning to let the two brothers kill each other?"

"I don't know what Xiao Qing will do with this matter, but if he chooses to be soft-hearted, he won't be able to sit still in this position."

What Xiao Huaili wanted was a decisive heir. This time it was a test for Xiao Qing, and it all depended on what Xiao Qing would do next.

As early as when he snatched the position of Patriarch, he had firmed up his belief that those who sit in this supreme position must have harsh methods.

Seeing that Xiao Huaili had already decided, the wife had no use to say more here, so she had to find a way to intercede with Xiao Qing, hoping to spare Xiao Cang's life for the sake of her brother.

"I'm going to find Qing'er!"

After Xiao Qing left the barrier, the improvement in strength has also made Xiao Qing's mentality begin to change.

It turned out that what he was chasing after was power, but only now has he discovered that if you want to control power, it is best that you need power.

Today's strength can completely crush young people of the same generation, clenching his fists tightly, the thunder arc burst on the fists, and bursts of thunder burst out.

This is the power of Thunder, and my father has already cultivated this power to the extreme. With the guidance of my father by his side, I believe he can improve again soon.

He had already received the news. The honest and kind-hearted younger brother before, turned out to be disguised.

Everything was done to compete with himself, Xiao Cang had to do this, the white horse riding at the wedding that day, the runaway that happened was also because of Xiao Cang.

When these things were investigated, Xiao Qing couldn't help feeling a little afraid. It turned out that he had such an ambitious younger brother, and he, the older brother, didn't even notice it.

Xiao Cang killed the gatekeeper of the Xiao clan and violated the rules of the clan. This time even his father could not protect him.

Father gave him the right to dispose of it. This was a trust in Xiao Qing. Xiao Qing knew that his younger brother could not return to Xiao's house alive.

The best way is to make Xiao Cang have an accident outside and never reappear, thinking like this in his heart.

There was someone from the yard, Xiao Qing saw that it was his mother, and he could probably guess why he came.

At this moment, he ordered the people in front of him to deliberately act in front of his mother.

"You must remember what I ordered. No matter what, Xiao Cang is my younger brother. If you find his trace, report it to me in time."


"Don't hurt him and bring him back to the Xiao Clan. I think something we don't know must have happened in this. When I come back, I will intercede with the elders in the clan and forgive Xiao Cang's impulse this time."

Xiao Qing's words happened when his mother came over and heard everything in her ears.

I was still worried before, whether Xiao Qing would be the same as Xiao Huaili and kill his son.

Now this hanging heart can be let go. Fortunately, her son still misses brotherhood. She is very satisfied with what she does.

"I will do it now."


Turning around to see the woman with Xiao Huaili, she hurriedly saluted here, and said respectfully.


Xiao Qing pretended not to see it before, got up from the chair and walked forward a few steps.

"Mom! When did you come here?"

"Oh... I heard that you are out of customs, so I came to see you. Your father said that you have made a lot of progress and you deserve to be his son."

Since Xiao Qing had said something like that before, Xiao Huaili's wife did not rush to ask about these things, and I believe Xiao Qing will handle it.

After a few greetings here, Xiao Qing's breath is indeed different, and the growth brought about by strength has made the whole person more confident.

Now Xiao Qing is already dealing with some things in the clan just like the elders in the clan, and he also has the right to rewards and punishments.

Xiao Qing helped his mother sit down and poured a cup of tea in person, very filial.

"Mom, don't worry about cultivation matters. My father is guiding me. I don't have any problems, just this time..."

Youyou let out a long sigh, Xiao Qing looked very sad, for his brother.

"I didn't expect Xiao Cang to do such an impulsive thing. I was already pleading with the elders of the clan, hoping that they could let Xiao Cang go."

"My Qing'er has grown up and is sensible. Mom knows that asking you to forgive Xiao Cang may be a bit unrealistic."

"Mom, you worry too much. I didn't blame my brother. Besides, I am also the elder brother. I was wrong before. I should talk to him early and communicate well."

Xiao Qing's words completely relieved his mother, Xiao Qing was so sensible, I believed Xiao Cang would be fine.

With their father and son working in it, the elders in the clan would at best punish Xiao Cang and go to the ancestral hall to keep the spirit.

After the mother and son had a heart-to-heart talk, they finally left with peace of mind. At this time, Xiao Qing called in alone.

What I said earlier was just to dispel the doubts of my mother. My younger brother had already shown such ambitions. How could he still let this rival live?

"Go and convey what I mean. Once someone finds Xiao Cang's trace, try to solve him secretly for me."

"This...I'm afraid Madam will blame it."

Xiao Qing is also cultivating his confidantes. These people will act according to Xiao Qing's instructions, and in the future these people will follow Xiao Qing as the head of the family.

It was precisely because of this that they were willing to do things for Xiao Qing. At this time, it seemed a bit embarrassing for Xiao Qing to order.

"You should know that my younger brother is robbing me of the position of the head of the house. It is useless to keep this dangerous person. It is better to solve it as soon as possible."

"How should I explain this to my wife?"

"There is no need to explain to my mother. I told you that you did it in secret. I don't know who did it. Who can blame you?"

Xiao Qing instructed, now that his mother is not there, he has issued another order that Xiao Cang must be killed.

"Don't forget that I will be the head of the Patriarch from now on. If you help me do things, your benefits will naturally be indispensable at that time. Besides the crimes committed by Xiao Cang, the elders in the clan will not spare him."

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