Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3391: Untie the knot

Zheng Siyu walked quickly in front of Xiao Yi, and the first sentence he said was to apologize to Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi handed the menu to Zheng Siyu. Zheng Siyu was very simple. Such a girl should not bear that kind of hatred.

"Originally, I didn't make an appointment. Besides, I came here for a while. There is no such thing as being late or not."

"Mr. Xiao Yi next time, if you come to F city, you will call me ahead of time. This time you will spend money and invite me to dinner."

Zheng Siyu was very embarrassed. Originally, Xiao Yi had nothing to do with her own affairs. She found Xiao Yi herself and wanted Xiao Yi to help.

Finding his younger brother and asking his parents for an explanation, Xiao Yi agreed.

"I don't know any acquaintances here, you are one of them, so I invite you to have a meal and have a chat by the way."

"Then I would like to thank Mr. Xiao Yi."

I kept calling myself, and I added a gentleman behind, as if I were getting older all of a sudden.

Xiao Yi is an easy-going person. He handed Zheng Siyu the menu and asked Zheng Siyu to order.

Taking into account that there will be other jobs in the future, Zheng Siyu is a co-police officer. Although he is not an official police officer, there should be no slack in his work.

Therefore, alcohol must not be touched. Let the waiter in the restaurant make a pot of good tea.

"You can just call me Xiao Yi. Our age is not much worse. If you call me Mr. Xiao Yi, it's like I'm going to be older than you."

"Either this is good, I will call you Brother Xiao from now on, and now I have no relatives in my family, so I will treat you as my own brother."

Zheng Siyu said, after finishing speaking, he felt that this sentence was inappropriate, what kind of identity is Xiao Yi, and what kind of identity he is.

The gap between the two is really too big, because Xiao Yi promised to help, she would know Xiao Yi.

Once the matter is over, there may be no chance to see each other again. Such a proposal seems to be a luxury.

"Okay, in fact, you are a girl, so there is no need to assist the police. This job is too dangerous."

Xiao Yi knew that this girl was eager for revenge, but she couldn't blind her eyes because of hatred.

Life in the future will continue, and what else can be done with her alone, even Lu Qingshan can't match a finger.

"I just want revenge and find my sister."

"I'm already arranging for someone to look for your sister's affairs. As for the Qinggang's affairs, I advise you to intervene less."

This was to remind Zheng Siyu that Lu Qingshan was not easy to provoke. He secretly didn't know how many eyeliners he had inserted. What happened was reported to Lu Qingshan in advance.

So for so many years, his background is cleaner than white paper, how can a little girl beat Lu Qingshan.

"I heard that you are still investigating him secretly, and dispel such thoughts as soon as possible. I will solve Lu Qingshan's affairs. Do you want to do this?"

Xiao Yi said that he would solve the Qinggang within a month. He didn't want anyone to intervene again, and he would do what he said.

Zheng Siyu only wanted revenge. She didn't think much about the others. She even thought about finding a chance to get close to Lu Qingshan.

There is a knife hidden in his body, even if he fights his own life, first eliminates the evil of Lu Qingshan, it is considered to have an explanation to the spirit of the parents in the sky.

"Brother Xiao, I just want revenge. I haven't considered anything else."

Zheng Siyu knew that he was wrong to think so, but there was no second choice.

Xiao Yi let out a sigh and looked at Zheng Siyu in front of him. He thought of himself. On this point, the two are similar.

In the same experience, Xiao Yi and Zheng Siyu had no parents. Compared with himself, Zheng Siyu was lucky.

"Do you know that I, like you, no longer have my parents. You have seen them anyway. They left this world not long after I was born."

"What? Brother Xiao Yi, you... actually have such a thing."

This really surprised Zheng Siyu. The outside world didn't talk about Xiao Yi's family information, so it is naturally impossible to know what kind of environment Xiao Yi grew up in.

Xiao Yi rarely mentioned this to the outside world. Unlike himself, Zheng Siyu could embark on a different path. There is no need to devote all his efforts to revenge.

"Hate is like a seed, buried in your heart. As your inner hatred increases, this seed will gradually germinate and grow. Your whole heart is dominated by hatred. ."

"Brother Xiao Yi, I understand what you said, but I can't see that the real murderer is at large."

"So I'm here to tell you that I will deal with Lu Qingshan naturally. You have to stop all investigations into Lu Qingshan. Perhaps in the dark, he is already staring at you."

This is not a guess. Lu Qingshan is here, with such a huge power, and someone is investigating himself behind him, how could he not know.

Did not start with Zheng Siyu, perhaps because what Zheng Siyu did did not touch the restricted area of ​​Lu Qingshan.

Zheng Siyu began to realize her impulse. With Xiao Yi's words, she could relax and believe that Xiao Yi would not let her down.

Xiao Yi entertained and Zheng Siyu had a light meal in the restaurant. The time came to two o'clock in the afternoon, and there was more than one hour left after the agreed date.

"You will go back to work in a while. This is my business card. If you don't want to be a co-police officer, take my business card and report to Tamron. A suitable job will be arranged for you."

"Thank you very much, if I didn't meet Brother Xiao, I really don't know what to do."

Zheng Siyu was grateful to Xiao Yi, and after receiving her business card, she left the restaurant first.

Time passed to three ten in the afternoon.

In an underground entertainment city in Longhu Bay, He Yunguang has been watching the time on the clock.

I talked to Xiao Yi. At a tea house in Longhu Bay at four o'clock, Lu Qingshan and Xiao Yi sat down and had a talk.

This is a rare opportunity. The Youth Gang, a gang that has existed for hundreds of years, is also time to make some changes.

As long as Lu Qingshan doesn't want to go all the way to the dark, perhaps the Sihai Bar founded by Xiao Yi is a good way out.

All of He Yunguang's thoughts were placed in the Qinggang, and everyone in the Qinggang could see that he was using his deeds to repay Lu Qingshan's kindness.

"Are you ready at the tea house?"

"Don't worry, He Er, the tea house has been packaged and emptied in advance, in order not to let others disturb the conversation."

"Things are doing well. This time Xiao Yi from City H came here in person. Don't offend him. With your ability, you are not his opponent at all."

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