Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3392: Suspicious

In the case of Liu Ba last time, the hall masters in the Qinggang didn't understand the situation, thinking that Xiao Yi was too domineering and didn't give the Qinggang face.

Afterwards, Lu Qingshan did not explain to everyone that it was because Liu Ba provoked Xiao Yi before that caused the murder.

Therefore, some people hold a hostile attitude towards Xiao Yi. He Yunguang urged everyone in advance to do what they should do, and don't worry about things that don't need to be bothered by anyone.

Give these people a tight spell in advance to facilitate the next peace talks. I hope that this time, the two sides can resolve their previous grievances.

Lu Qingshan came, sitting in a Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle.

He went to an underground business before, and there were a few people over there who needed to meet, so when he came over, it might be a bit late.

Wearing a black suit and stepping on a pair of leather shoes, Lu Qingshan, who got out of the car, was no longer the hairy boy who didn't know anything before.

He is the boss of the Qing gang. The former gang leader respected him and married his daughter Liu Li to Lu Qingshan, and he had the status of Lu Qingshan now.

The appearance always looks like a simple and honest appearance, but people are often deceived because of their appearance. Don't underestimate such people.

Entering the underground entertainment city, He Yunguang has been waiting for Lu Qingshan's arrival. After seeing Lu Qingshan, he stepped forward to say hello.

"Are you here?"

"Yeah, something has been delayed for a while, but I have always been concerned about this peace talk. I shouldn't be late, right?"

"That's not the case. The time for peace talks has not arrived yet, and the place chosen is Longhu Bay."

Walking to the tea house is just a few minutes, and there is still plenty of time.

Lu Qingshan came to see He Yunguang because he wanted to take He Yunguang with him during the peace talks today to test Xiao Yi's attitude.

There is also that He Yunguang is now the chess piece he uses, although He Yunguang does not know until now, what is the purpose of his peace talks.

"Has this Xiao Yi arrived? There has been no news from him until now. Isn't he not planning to come?"

"About Xiao Yi, I think you can rest assured that since Xiao Yi has already agreed, he will definitely come as agreed."

"Really? How do I think you know this Xiao Yi well, what do you think He Yunguang?"

There was something in Lu Qingshan's words, and He Yunguang couldn't help thinking about what he had done in the last period of time, and he should have made no mistakes.

Why is Lu Qingshan speaking in such a tone at this time, or that Lu Qingshan has other intentions.

Until now, He Yunguang thought of what Xiao Yi had said before. Perhaps the person in front of him was really not suitable for him to do things for him like this.

Seeing He Yunguang's eyes doubting something, in order to dispel his doubts, Lu Qingshan followed closely at this time.

"Don't mean anything else. It's normal for young people to contact each other."

"As a helper, I think this Xiao Yi is okay. I don't have any other ideas. You should see what I have done for the Qinggang for so many years."

"This is natural. If He Yunguang gave you a choice, would you choose to follow that Xiao Yi?"

Lu Qingshan suddenly raised another question, and He Yunguang couldn't answer it. He was relatively straightforward, and he never concealed his true thoughts.

If you don't answer, it means tacitly agreeing. He knows He Yunguang very well. Lu Qingshan knows what he is thinking at the moment.

"After this peace talk, if you think he is better than me, you can choose to leave. I will never blame you."

"I don't mean it like this. From the first day I entered the Green Gang, my life has been yours."

He Yunguang was expressing his loyalty, and Lu Qingshan's eyes were filled with suspicion.

I don't know when it will start, Lu Qingshan has begun to be wary of He Yunguang, maybe it was a previous proposal.

He Yunguang wanted Lu Qingshan to abandon those businesses. These words touched Lu Qingshan's interests, and Lu Qingshan became so suspicious.

"Is that so?"

Lu Qingshan smiled, a person's heart was chilled amidst the laughter.

He Yunguang stood in front of him without speaking. Lu Qingshan walked past him, pressing a hand on He Yunguang's shoulder.

"I know what you think, and I won't stop you whatever you do, but you are still in the Youth Gang, so do this for me."

"No matter what you think, the helper, I will not leave."

"Well, you clean up. When the time is up, we will go to the tea house to meet Xiao Yi. I also want to see what he is capable of. I want to destroy my youth gang within a month."

Lu Qingshan didn't give He Yunguang a chance to explain, but for more than ten years of loyal work, it was such suspicion.

He Yunguang squeezed his fists. Although Lu Qingshan had this attitude now, he decided to stay. This will not change.

The time has finally come.

Qingyuan Tea House in Longhu Bay was reserved today.

Someone paid 200,000 yuan, the afternoon tea house rejected all guests, and cleaned up the private room in advance, waiting for the arrival of the guests.

A green taxi stopped on the street outside the tea house. Xiao Yi got out of the car and walked to the tea house alone.

The taxi driver hurriedly turned around and left here. Longhu Bay is a place where people can eat people without spitting out bones. How many of them are here and encounter the forces of the Green Gang.

Not only was he beaten up, but he also paid a sum of money to leave. He mentioned Longhu Bay, where many people have a headache.

If it weren't for Xiao Yi who was willing to pay 200 yuan more, he wouldn't come here, and he would leave as soon as he received the money.

There were no guests in the tea house, and it was cleaned up. All this was the intention of the Qinggang for this peace talk.

Xiao Yi just appeared in the lobby of the tea house. Someone came up to ask for Xiao Yi's information. If it didn't meet the requirements, he would persuade him to drink tea elsewhere.

"Do you have an appointment before?"

"Someone should have made a reservation and invited me here for tea in the afternoon."

After uttering his name, the owner of this tea house personally greeted Xiao Yi in the Yajian.

The largest private room on the second floor of the tea house.

Enter the door and take off your shoes, put on the ready and disinfected shoes, and step on the clean wooden floor.

The layout of the room is simple and elegant, with a mahogany coffee table and a few old-style chairs on both sides.

There is an incense burner on the coffee table, and the best agarwood is burning in the incense burner, which is emitting elegant smoke. Such a layout takes a lot of thought.

"Mr. Xiao here, please, the agreed time is approaching. If you have any needs, you can talk to us at any time."

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