Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3399: In trouble

He Yunguang had also dealt with the occurrence of traitors in the Qing Gang. He never dreamed that this kind of thing would happen to him.

For more than ten years, He Yunguang stared at the hall masters who appeared in front of him for the sake of the Qing Gang's work and it would eventually end up like this.

Wu Tian couldn't bear to watch this scene. He turned his gaze to other places, reminding He Yunguang earlier that He Yunguang didn't know what he meant.

The best he could do was already done, and he was worthy of He Yunguang and worthy of his cultivation.

"It seems that both of us have been targeted."

Xiao Yi leaned back in the seat, and the situation couldn't be more obvious. Lu Qingshan set up the bureau in advance, and the original purpose of the so-called entertaining for dinner was to deal with him.

In order to dispel the doubts in his heart, he could get into the car with confidence, so he used He Yunguang as a temptation. He Yunguang was here, and it seemed that Xiao Yi could not find a reason to doubt.

"This is impossible, Xiao Yi must have some misunderstanding in this."

At this moment, there seemed to be some movement under the ground. As the valve opened, a Rolls-Royce luxury car fell directly.

This was originally a steel rolling mill, and the car happened to stop at a place where forged steel, the closed door above opened, like a huge cellar.

Xiao Yi and He Yunguang followed the car and fell into the pit. With a violent crash, the car turned over.

Both of them were trapped in it, and the door could not be opened without the electronic key.

The toughened glass can't be opened with the internal equipment, not to mention that there is no handy thing to use.


After the violent impact, He Yunguang made a few coughs. He touched the seat belt and opened the buckle of the seat belt.

As the person was hanging upside down, he didn't understand what Lu Qingshan thought. Since it was for peace talks, why set a trap here?

There is a bottom line for being a man and doing things. He Yunguang has done so much for Lu Qingshan, and Lu Qingshan should not treat himself like this.

"Xiao Yi's sorry, I didn't expect things would turn out like this, and brought you in. Even if I die, I can't make up for my mistake this time."

He Yunguang was very regretful. He initiated the peace talks and brought Xiao Yi here because of him.

Xiao Yi said a word at the beginning, because he gave him face, he agreed to come and talk to Lu Qingshan, but now such a mistake has occurred.

"At this time, it's useless to apologize. Let's first figure out how to get out, or else both of us will have to die here."

Xiao Yi's spirit power spread, and he clearly knew what was going on in the outside world. With these arrangements here, the members of the Blue Gang did not intend to let the two of them leave alive.

Surrounded by a five-meter-high, steel-cast iron wall, it is impossible to climb it by hand.

This is a big iron pot, this iron pot is particularly deep, and Xiao Yi and He Yunguang are currently trapped in it.

A huge iron pestle is hanging above the two of them. Once the iron pestle is released, a car will become scrap iron.

"Damn... this car door can't be opened!"

He Yunguang exhausted his strength and tried his best, unable to push the door.

Of course, Lu Qingshan would not leave them a chance to survive. This was within his plan, and no one could open it except with the key.

"Don't waste your efforts. This is an electronic anti-theft system. With your strength, how can it be opened."

"What about Xiao Yi? We can't be trapped here, we must go out and ask Lu Qingshan for an explanation."

"He became suspicious of you, and at the same time gave this order, do you think he will let you see him?"

A very simple question. He Yunguang didn't think of this. Xiao Yi was right. Lu Qingshan would not see him at this time.

The hall master of the Green Gang guarded above Xiao Yi and the others. A dozen people pushed the winch and raised the iron rod high, waiting for an order to lower the iron rod.

Weighing twenty tons, Xiao Yi and He Yunguang had absolutely no chance of surviving.

Wu Tian had previously said to Lu Qingshan that it was too early to draw conclusions on this matter, and he had to give He Yunguang a chance to explain.

But eight of the eight hall masters, seven of them all agreed, and did not say anything against it. He stood up alone, and what could he do.

"Do it!"

A hall master ordered that Wu Tian could only stand here and watch. After tonight, Xiao Yi and He Yunguang disappeared from this world.

The huge iron pestle was pressed down with the opening light, and the winch loosened the huge iron pestle and fell from a height.

In the car, Xiao Yi knew what happened. No matter what Lu Qingshan had planned, with such a little method, if he wanted to kill him, it would be so easy.

One foot stretched out and kicked up against the car door. Although it had an anti-theft electronic system, it couldn't stand Xiao Yi's strength.

After the car door was kicked open, Xiao Yi rushed out of the car, grabbed He Yunguang's clothes, and dragged him out of the car.

Before He Yunguang had time to react, there was a black object in front of him, rubbing his body and falling down.


A Rolls-Royce was scrapped, and under the pressure of falling from a height of twenty tons, it was directly crushed into a discus.

Even the car is like this, and you can imagine what it would be like if the person was still in the car at this time, directly crushed into sludge.

Seeing this scene, He Yunguang was startled in a cold sweat. Fortunately, Xiao Yi managed to escape at the critical moment, otherwise both of them would have to die.

A huge iron pestle crushed a new car into scrap iron, but this iron pestle did not fit the hole closely.

There was a certain gap around, Xiao Yi and He Yunguang temporarily stuck in the gap. At this point, He Yunguang finally woke up and Lu Qingshan really planned to get rid of him together.

"Xiao Yi thank you, otherwise I will be dead!"

Xiao Yi pressed He Yunguang's body, and He Yunguang almost fell down. Xiao Yi could escape, but this time he had to pull He Yunguang and go together.

Originally planned to put He Yunguang under his own account, but He Yunguang was relatively loyal and would not easily betray Lu Qingshan.

With what happened today, He Yunguang can better see the true face of Lu Qingshan, and Xiao Yi can't decide what to do next.

"Stand firmly, we haven't escaped yet."

"He actually wants to get rid of me together. It's no wonder that the eight hall masters of the previous Youth Gang all gathered together to discuss plans."

Tie Chu impacted in this pit, making a trembling sound, and the Qing Gang guarding above thought that Xiao Yi and He Yunguang were dead.

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