After a while, even people with big fate couldn't stand it. The hall master ordered the iron rod to be raised to see what Xiao Yi and He Yunguang looked like now.

It is estimated that the two people did not even have a chance to escape, and died directly in the car. This time the trap designed by the helper was perfect.

A man of great power, this time died in the hands of unknown people like them, what he said must be a legend.

"Raising Tie Chu, it is estimated that Xiao Yi and the traitor He Yunguang have been crushed into pie."

They still need to go back for business, take pictures and take them back, let Lu Qingshan decide.

Successfully completed the task, by then the boss has already arranged, someone will carry this scapegoat for them.

While Tie Chu was up, Wu Tian turned his body around and turned his back to this scene. He couldn't bear to watch it. He Yunguang died just like that.

Lu Qingshan's words were very satisfactory. He Yunguang was described as a traitor, Wu Tian would not believe that how many times Lu Qingshan's troubles were solved by He Yunguang.

If He Yunguang was a traitor, then the Qing Gang would be traitors. In order to deal with a Xiao Yi, even his brother who had been with him for many years had become a pawn.

This is Lu Qingshan...

Tie Chu slowly rose, several hall masters guarded the periphery, and the flashlights and lights in their hands were shot into this deep pit.

Thinking that the car was crushed at this time, a pool of blood flowed, and when the iron rod rose, these hall masters were dumbfounded.

An expensive Rolls-Royce turned into scrap metal under the pressure of the iron rod.


On this pair of scrap metal, there is a person sitting, reaching out to greet them.

"Hi... how are you guys!"

Xiao Yi's figure appeared. Not only was Xiao Yi not dead, there were no signs of injuries on his body.

The hall masters looked at each other, wondering if it was hell, why Xiao Yi had nothing to do.

Except for Xiao Yi, He Yunguang, who was standing on the side, was also not dead or injured, as if nothing had happened before.

But looking at the car below that was crushed into scrap metal, it was clear that all of this was real, why Xiao Yi and He Yunguang were still alive.

When Xiao Yi saw these people, their expressions looked like a ghost, and they thought they could be solved by this means.

If he really had this ability, he would have died in the hands of the enemy when he was on a mission long ago, and he would not live to the present.

"Are you surprised, why are He Yunguang and I still alive?"

A hall master stepped forward and hit Xiao Yi's body with the light of the flashlight.

Confirming that Xiao Yi and He Yunguang are indeed alive, it should be a critical moment, what method did Xiao Yi use to open the car door.

No matter what the method is, Xiao Yi and He Yunguang must die today. If the two of them do not die, there will be no peace in the future.

"You actually escaped. You all say that Xiao Yi is a person with great abilities. It seems that this is right."

"If you want to kill me, this method is too simple."

"You are indeed fateful, but the next of you will not be so lucky!"

The name of this hall master is Xiong Lin, who has followed Lu Qingshan for many years and is also Lu Qingshan's confidant.

With Lu Qingshan behind his back in this operation, he didn't hesitate to press the switch and lower the iron rod.

He didn't believe that Xiao Yi would have such good luck to avoid him. Today, he must solve these two people.

"Xiong Lin, what are you going to do? I invited Xiao Yi to negotiate. Do you know the consequences?"

He Yunguang asked, but Xiong Lin completely ignored what he said, and Tie Chu fell from a height again.

Xiao Yi and He Yunguang are now trapped in it, and they don't even have a place to hide.

Poor He Yunguang at this time, still thinking that these people can analyze the problem rationally, and stop temporarily.

Xiao Yi jumped up and grabbed He Yunguang, looking for a place to hide. The huge iron pestle was like pounding garlic. The five-meter-high iron wall around ensured that the people trapped inside could not get out.

When Tie Chu rose, Xiong Lin saw Xiao Yi and He Yunguang, and they were still fine. He wanted to see how long Xiao Yi and the others could hide.

Tie Chu rose and fell in succession. After dozens of times, Xiao Yi still sat in the squashed car as before and said with a smile.

"I've told you a few rookies, you are still a little bit tender when you want to kill me. Now when your gang leader, Lu Qingshan, will show up? I'm still waiting for him to invite me to dinner."

Xiao Yi didn't mean to be nervous at all, this made other people very annoyed, and even after using this method, he couldn't even kill Xiao Yi.

"Is this **** **** really unkillable?"

"Hey, I have a good idea, let's use my method next."

At this moment, the other hall master let out a weird laugh, and he fixed his eyes on the nearby oil drums.

Several other people understood what it meant, and ordered the boys around to carry the oil drum and open the lid of the oil drum.

After the oil drum was put down, all the diesel oil in it was poured out, flowing continuously along the surrounding iron wall, to the bottom.

Xiao Yi smelled a special smell. It seemed that these people were determined to kill him and He Yunguang. Presumably Lu Qingshan had also thought of a solution to the trouble.

He Yunguang stared at these hall masters. Before, everyone was doing things for the Youth Gang together. Now they are going to kill themselves. What is this for?

"Xiong Lin, tell me. If you do this, does the helper know? Why are you killing me?"

Xiong Lin was holding a cigarette. He Yunguang was dying anyway. Tell him at this time so that He Yunguang could understand.

"You traitor still has the face to ask me, it turned out to be colluding with this Xiao Yi and wanting to destroy our Qing Gang, I'm!"

Taking a sip of water down, Xiong Lin had long wanted to find a chance to kill He Yunguang, but unfortunately he couldn't find the chance.

If He Yunguang has been occupying this position, their hall masters will never have a chance to climb up in their entire lives. Only when He Yunguang is dead will they have a chance.

He would like to thank the gang leader for this excellent opportunity. Lu Qingshan promised that he will take over the position of He Yunguang and become the second in command of the Qing gang after the matter is resolved.

"Are you slandering me? When did I collude with Xiao Yi, do you have any evidence?"

"For a traitor like you, you don't need any evidence. Based on your previous face, I will give you a choice to let you know for yourself and avoid suffering in a while."

Xiong Lin threw down a short knife and threw it at He Yunguang's side. This was regarded as the last face for He Yunguang.

After the fire ignited for a while, the people inside were either crushed to death or burned alive. It would be relatively easier to commit suicide with a knife.

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