Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3403: I go by my own

Xiao Yi grabbed He Yunguang's arm, blocked the flow of his blood, and temporarily stopped the bleeding.

"You, you! Why do people like you want to be on the road? If you have a heart like you, you should go to the temple to be a monk and go to Purdue everyone."

With a helpless cry, He Yunguang smiled at Xiao Yi, and from this moment on, he knew each other again.

He Yunguang spent half of his life in a muddle-headed manner. This time I want to thank Lu Qingshan for allowing He Yunguang to see a lot of things clearly.

"I don't want to knock a wooden fish every day, Xiao Yi thank you!"

"You don't need to say thank you to me, it seems too strange."

Xiao Yi pressed the switch and raised Tie Chu. He gave He Yunguang this face and spared these people.

Without He Yunguang's persuasion, even if he and Lu Qingshan were torn apart, they would still have to deal with the waste today.

When the iron pestle rose, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and finally survived.

Xiao Yi and He Yunguang walked to the edge of the big pit, and now the lives and deaths of these people are between Xiao Yi's thoughts.

If you want to kill this group of people, you only need to control the switch, and the eight hall masters of the Qing Gang will immediately become dumpling fillings.

"This time, for He Yunguang's sake, I spared you a few, but next time, please don't meet me."

The eight hall masters fell into the big pit and couldn't climb up, and the younger brothers of the Qing Gang were afraid to step forward.

They all knew Xiao Yi's name, who would dare to go up and fight against Xiao Yi. Before, even Liu Ba died in Xiao Yi's hands. They were nothing more than food for some people.

"Let's go!"

Xiao Yi took He Yunguang and left this abandoned steelmaking plant.

As for these few hall masters, after Xiao Yi left, the younger brothers dared to come over, put down the rope, and rescued these people from crawling out of the pit.

Half of Xiong Lin's trousers were wet, and all of them were covered in black and gray, in a panic.

The things Lu Qingshan confessed to them just failed. If he knew this a long time ago, he shouldn't be against Xiao Yi.

Wu Tian patted the black and gray on his body. He left here alone. Then he didn't want to continue to participate in this kind of thing.


Xiong Lin called Lu Qingshan to report on the situation this time.

But it was a bit too exaggerated, how he wasted his mind, how powerful Xiao Yi was, and finally failed.

Lu Qingshan was at a shooting range, holding a long spear in his hand, and steel **** shot out from the barrel of the gun, aiming at the bullseye.

Called to inquire about the progress of the matter. It was exactly this time that Xiong Lin called, but the report made Lu Qingshan furious.

With such careful planning, Xiao Yi escaped unexpectedly. I don't know whether to say that Xiao Yi is amazing or that he is too bad.

"Helper, we have done our best. This surnamed Xiao is really amazing. He took He Yunguang to leave before and don't know where he went."

"Okay, I get it, you guys haven't said this. Is this my idea?"

Lu Qingshan asked, if Xiong Lin dared to say such things, what is the effect of keeping things that are not enough to succeed.

Fortunately, Xiong Lin was a little smarter. He had never disclosed any information before, saying that Lu Qingshan had instigated the actions of their group.

"That's not the case, I can assure you the helper, we are all doing what you say."

"Okay, you guys tidy up, come back quickly, how did I spend money to raise your waste!"

Lu Qingshan yelled angrily, Xiao Yi took He Yunguang and left, he could guess where the two men were going.

Originally, He Yunguang did a good job in the Qinggang, and Lu Qingshan knew that He Yunguang had no intention of betraying.

In order to deal with Xiao Yi, He Yunguang had to be sacrificed, but this time the plan failed.

Even if He Yunguang didn't mean to betray, he would definitely not return to the Green Gang next time. He shot himself in the foot with a rock.

"Xiao Yi, Xiao Yi, can't you really be beaten to death?"

After Xiao Yi took He Yunguang and left this deserted place, he walked to the street and stopped a taxi.

First, I went to find a clinic and bandaged He Yunguang's wound. Then there were things that I needed to visit.

After the wound was disinfected and bandaged, He Yunguang was really cruel to himself. He had nine stitches stitched on the wound. If it was a little bit off, it would penetrate the aorta.

After leaving the clinic, He Yunguang looked relaxed. Although this time he had an accident, he could see through many things after all.

"I said that you can just pretend to be, and if you really hit yourself, you never thought about it. Will you really die?"

Xiao Yi said, He Yunguang has done this and he has never regretted it.

He moved his arm, it really hurts, and smiled a few times at Xiao Yi.

"I can't do anything about it. You only follow me if you trust me. I don't want you to be implicated, so that even if I die, I will feel guilty."

"Even if you died at the time, those people would not spare me, but this time Lu Qingshan's abacus was really beautiful."

It is said that Lu Qingshan is a simple and honest person, but when he does things he is cruel, and he is right.

He Yunguang has followed him for many years, saying that he would use it. In order to find an excuse to deal with himself, he did not hesitate to get rid of He Yunguang.

At this time, He Yunguang was also discouraged. The Qinggang was no longer a place for him. It was time to leave.

"What are your plans next? Are you still planning to return to your youth gang?"

"What do you mean?"

He Yunguang did not directly answer Xiao Yi, the wound was bandaged, and it was ten thirty in the evening.

Since some things have started, there must be a final way. He wants to find Lu Qingshan.

"Xiao Yi, I promise you that I can go with you."

"The Four Seas Bar welcomes you."

What Xiao Yi wanted was to put He Yunguang under his own account. He would not force He Yunguang to make his own decision.

He Yunguang could agree to follow Xiao Yi, provided that there is a condition, he must do it himself.

"I have one thing and need to go out."

"Need me to help you?"

"It shouldn't be necessary. If I can't even settle such a thing, then I am not qualified to follow you."

Xiao Yi knew where He Yunguang was going. Since he said he wanted to go alone, he didn't follow to interfere. He believed that He Yunguang could do it.

"Then I will wait for you near here."

"Thank you!"

He Yunguang stopped a car, and after talking about a place, the driver's face changed and he refused to go.

He explained his identity, and the driver dared to drive and drove He Yunguang in the direction of Longhu Bay.

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