Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3404: Self-determined

He Yunguang must have gone to see Lu Qingshan. He owed Lu Qingshan a kindness. Since he chose to leave the Qinggang, this kindness must be repaid.

As for what method He Yunguang would choose to use, Xiao Yi wouldn't care about it. In He Yunguang's words, if he couldn't settle this matter, he wouldn't have the face to see Xiao Yi.

After arriving in Longhu Bay in a taxi, the driver drove away quickly, not daring to stop for a moment.

It was already night, and Longhu Bay was still as lively as ever. Those young people from the city were relaxing in the entertainment venues.

With a bandage on his arm, He Yunguang never thought that he would have such a day, and walked forward.

The little brothers in the entertainment city still don't know what happened. Except for the eight hall masters and the people they brought, others didn't know that He Yunguang was determined by Lu Qingshan as a traitor to the Qing Gang.

"What's wrong with you, the second master? Have you been beaten?"

"Who the **** dare to fight the second boss, brothers clean up his mother."

On weekdays, He Yunguang had a very good relationship with these youths. This time it was Lu Qingshan who forced him to leave.

With the words of these people, He Yunguang was very grateful, but what should be done still needs to be done, and he smiled and said to these brothers.

"Thank you brothers for your relationship, I have nothing to do."

He Yunguang walked into the entertainment city. The younger brothers of the youth gang in the entertainment city greeted him one after another.

Lu Qingshan was among them, and He Yunguang walked to the door of a room. At this moment, two young men were guarding the door.

Lu Qingshan, who received the call, knew that He Yunguang had followed Xiao Yi. According to He Yunguang's personality and temperament, he would most likely find him in reverse.

So Lu Qingshan put aside what he was doing, and waited here for He Yunguang to arrive. He Yunguang unexpectedly appeared.

"Is the boss in there?"

He Yunguang asked, if he wanted to find Lu Qingshan before, where did he need to report.

The two people in front of them were obviously arranged specially by Lu Qingshan, and one of them was humane at this time.


"I have something to find him."

"You can go in, but the helper has ordered that you need to search the whole body."

He Yunguang is the second in command of the Qinggang, but now he has to suffer such treatment. Thinking that this is different from the past, He Yunguang can only agree.

He is coming to Lu Qingshan to solve the last thing. Starting today, he will leave the Qinggang and is no longer a member of the Qinggang.

"You can search."

He Yunguang stood in front of the two of them and said that the two of them also acted according to orders, not that they had to do this.

Lu Qingshan instructed that He Yunguang should search his body in advance if he finds it, otherwise if there is any mistake, the two of them will not be responsible.

"The second master is sorry, we are also following orders."

"I understand this. You are also members of the Youth Gang. Those who are members of the Youth Gang must act according to the rules of the leader."

He Yunguang stood motionless here, waiting for the two people to search their bodies. The two of them checked very carefully, and turned He Yunguang's whole body over.

Confirming that he did not carry any dangerous things on He Yunguang's body, this was the only way to let He Yunguang in.


Lu Qingshan inside had been waiting for He Yunguang to appear, he sat on the sofa and said.

"come in!"

After the door was opened, He Yunguang's figure appeared.

There was a bandage on his arm, and he had been injured previously, but it did not seem to be a major physical problem.

This made Lu Qingshan a little angry. It was Zhou Xiang that planned and arranged, and his own trash hall masters were able to bring these two people back alive.

It seems that in the future, we really cannot underestimate Xiao Yi, this kind of talent is the most troublesome.

He Yunguang walked into the house, and the younger brother of the Qinggang outside was in charge.

Looking at Lu Qingshan in front of him, he smiled and told you before, let He Yunguang meet Xiao Yi and have a meal together at night.

However, he designed a trap during the meal. If he weren't with an expert like Xiao Yi, he would have been burned alive at this time, or he would have been crushed into a pile of minced meat.

The designer of all this was Lu Qingshan in front of him. At this moment, Lu Qingshan pretended to be unaware.

"He Yunguang, what's the matter with you? Has anyone acted on you? You dare to move my people on my territory."

Lu Qingshan was pretending to be confused, and the eight hall masters didn't say that this matter was his own idea, so why had to admit it.

Everything was the same as He Yunguang had guessed. At this time, the elder brother of the Qing Gang, in his own eyes, had such a face.

He laughed, Lu Qingshan pretended to be confused, and He Yunguang didn't try to break it through, but followed him.

"Didn't you tell me that you invited Xiao Yi to have dinner together tonight? Why didn't you go there?"

Lu Qingshan suddenly patted his forehead, pretending that he had forgotten about it, and said.

"Oh...Look at my brain, there was something in the help that I needed to deal with, but after I solved it, the matter was so complicated that I forgot to eat."

"So you don't know the helper, the other hall masters, on the way to Xiao Yi and I, designed a trap and wanted to kill the two of us."

He Yunguang asked this deliberately, if Lu Qingshan was just an ordinary person, with this simple face, I don't know how many people would be fooled.

Underneath the seemingly loyal face, there was an evil face. In front of He Yunguang's face, he would not admit that this matter had something to do with him.

"What? There is such a thing!"

Lu Qingshan pretended to be confused, he got up and walked around He Yunguang, and checked the wound on He Yunguang's arm.

He Yunguang sucked in pain when he moved his hand. He didn't know that Lu Qingshan did this on purpose at the moment, and he endured the pain without saying a word.

With such a person like He Yunguang, Lu Qingshan released his hand and let out a sneer.

"This bunch of **** dared to do this behind my back, He Yunguang, you are waiting here, I will definitely uphold justice for you and take care of them."

"Lord, I think that's it. Since you don't know about it, this thing will pass."

He Yunguang didn't want to care about Lu Qingshan, and Lu Qingshan would not admit that it was his idea. He came to Lu Qingshan for other reasons.

Lu Qingshan sat back on the sofa, guessing in his heart about He Yunguang's intentions, followed by He Yunguang.

"Today I am here to say goodbye."

"Farewell? What do you mean?"

"It means I want to leave the Green Gang."

He Yunguang said directly, Lu Qingshan's complexion was changing rapidly, and as expected, He Yunguang really planned to leave the Qinggang.

Leaning on the sofa with his back, one leg up, now he is the leader of the Qinggang, and He Yunguang is still in the Qinggang.

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