Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3454: Communicate warning

Xiao Huaixin has other things to do, try to avoid meeting with Xiao Yi.

This is not the time to reveal his identity, but because of the special circumstances, he had to leave the Xiao family. He hoped that Tang Hongyu would bring him a message.

Tang Hongyu believed Xiao Huaixin, and she nodded.

"If you have anything you need me to convey to you, you can tell me."

"Hei Long Ling appeared, Xiao Huaili disapproved, Xiao Yi did not live in the clan, so he must be careful."

"Black Dragon Order? What is this?"

Tang Hongyu was puzzled. It was about the secrets of the Xiao Clan, and Xiao Huaixin couldn't explain too much. He took out an ancient book from his body and put it on the table.

The yellowed paper shows that this book has a long history. In this ancient book, some secret history about the Xiao Clan is recorded.

Among them was the Black Dragon Order. Xiao Huaixin brought out a copy from the book collection and handed it to Tang Hongyu.

"After Xiao Yi has read the content inside, he will naturally understand what a black dragon order is. After that, I can only say so much. It is not convenient to stay here."

Leaving ancient books and a sentence, Xiao Huaixin got up and left the room.

Tang Hongyu got up to see him off. When she walked out of the room, there was no one outside, and Xiao Huaixin had disappeared.

Only the ancient book on the table proved that Xiao Huaixin had appeared before, and Tang Hongyu had redefined Xiao Huaixin in his heart.

Not only is he self-destructing his image to disguise himself, but he also has such an extraordinary skill. Those rumors about him are all pretended by himself.

"What does he mean? Is it to help Xiao Yi's position?"

These questions can only be answered in the future. Ten minutes later, Tang Hongyu asked Lao He to bring Xiao Yi over, saying that there were important things and he needed to talk to Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi came to see Tang Hongyu alone, not knowing what was important, he entered the door.

"Mom... Is there anything you want to do with me?"

Tang Hongyu didn't know anything about the Black Dragon Order, it was related to the secrets of the Xiao Clan, and she was not an outsider.

"Someone asked me to tell you that the Black Dragon Order has appeared. You are active alone, so remember to be careful."

"What is the Black Dragon Order? Who is sending me a message?"

"A man with a mask on his face."

When he mentioned the word mask, Xiao Yi suddenly lit his eyes. Among the people he knew, there was only one who was wearing a mask and refused to see people in their true colors.

"Is it a mask like this with a face painted on it."

Xiao Yi gestured, and Tang Hongyu nodded. In this case, Xiao Yi had met Xiao Huaixin before.

It's just that Xiao Huaixin never revealed his identity in front of Xiao Yi. Sure enough, this person chose to stand on Xiao Yi's side.

"Yes! It looks like you have seen him before."

"Where is he?"

"already left."

Tang Hongyu said, Xiao Yi and Tang Hongyu explained that when he was in danger, it was because of this person's appearance several times that he turned the danger into a bane and walked out of the predicament.

Afterwards, Xiao Yi had been investigating the identity of this person, but unfortunately he had no clue at all. Although he had seen this person in the Xiao family, Xiao Yi was not sure whether he belonged to the Xiao clan.

Xiao Huaixin concealed his identity very deeply and would not leave a clue for Xiao Yi to investigate. With Xiao Yi's words, Tang Hongyu dispelled his guard against Xiao Huaixin.

"He has already left. I thought you knew each other. Before leaving, he left a sentence and left a book for you. In this book, there is news you want to know."

Tang Hongyu picked up the ancient book on the table and handed it to Xiao Yi. She didn't care about the contents.

There are four characters written on the ancient books, Secret History of the Xiao Clan, and underneath is a capital twelve, which should represent a category of numbers.

That is to say, this secret history of the Xiao clan is a set of ancient books. This is only the twelfth of them. The book comes from the Xiao clan and records some secrets about the Xiao clan.

"Okay, I have delivered it to you. As for what this Black Dragon Order is, you can only understand it yourself."

After getting the ancient books, Xiao Yi withdrew from Tang Hongyu's room and walked all the way to the study. He wanted to see what it was called Black Dragon Order.

Turning to the first page of the ancient book, there is a picture on it. The picture is a simplified dragon, but it is different from the traditional one. The dragon has only three claws.

The five claws are golden dragons, that is, the real dragons, and the four claws are less important. If there are three claws, there is a name called the candle dragon.

One way of saying that is that the candle dragon is a python that lives underground. It does not see the sun and the moon all year round, and its eyes have already degenerated, relying on keen perception ability to survive.

When the python exceeds a certain number of years, it will activate its spiritual wisdom, and, like the practitioners in the human world, know how to cultivate spiritual energy and make oneself further transformed.

Since it is not a dragon and lacks dragon veins in its body, the python broke through the shackles and finally transformed into limbs and two feet on the head.

There are only three claws on the limbs. Although it has been transformed, it is a pity that it still cannot escape the essence of the python and cannot become a real dragon.

So they have another name... Candle Dragon, the pattern on the first page is a candle dragon, and the whole body is painted in black ink.

"Is that what the black dragon meant?"

Xiao Yi immediately turned the page and read the following content, from which Xiao Yi learned that the original ancestors of the Xiao Clan also lived in the territory of China.

During the peak period, several emperors appeared within the Xiao Clan, but it was a pity that in that war-torn era, years of battle exhausted the Xiao Clan's vigor.

As a result, the Xiao Clan was divided into two factions, one stayed and continued to dream of his own emperor, while the other chose to leave and went to Penglai Island in the east.

This group is the ancestor of Xiao Yi, and many masters have appeared in the cultivating clan. They have jointly arranged an unprecedented space array and moved the place where the Xiao Clan lives to another space.

Since then, in China, no trace of the Xiao Clan has been seen anymore. Back then, in that era of war, the Xiao Clan’s subordinates had an extremely powerful team.

This team is called the Black Dragon Clan, and the Black Dragon is the totem of their people. Among the Black Dragon Clan, there is a kind of token, which is the Black Dragon Order.

A token made of special black iron with a totem of the Black Dragon family on it. Only the patriarch of the Black Dragon family has the right to use the Black Dragon Order.

At the beginning of each battle, the Black Dragon clan will send the Black Dragon Order to the enemy’s camp ahead of time. This is the fighting rule of the Black Dragon clan.

If the enemy surrendered with the Black Dragon Order in their hands, they would put away the butcher knife, but if the opponent had to resist, this Black Dragon Order would be soaked in the enemy's blood.

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