Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3455: Bloody secret history

In the battle of the Xiao Clan's pacification, the Black Dragon Clan played an important role, reducing unnecessary casualties.

It's a pity that in the end, the Black Dragon clan had their own ambitions, delusional to threaten the ancestors of the Xiao clan, and after the battle was over, they came to take charge of the country.

Because of this matter, there was a dispute with the Xiao Clan. The last battle was easy to win. At the critical moment, the Black Dragon clan rebelled, and the Xiao Clan suffered a huge loss. Several masters desperately managed to survive.

The Black Dragon clan rebelled, killed the members of the Xiao clan, and took refuge in the enemy's side, the former ally, and turned into a confrontational situation.

And in the next battle, the Black Dragon clan was aggressive, relying on their powerful combat power to repel the Xiao clan's offensive several times, and the battle between the two sides fell into anxiety.

In the end, a special young man appeared within the Xiao Clan. In the situation of retreating, he faced the Black Dragon Clan's pursuit and killing alone.

The young man was mediocre among the Xiao Clan, and his strength was not superior, but in the battle that day, a powerful fighting force broke out.

With a three-foot long sword in his hand, one person fought against a siege of a hundred people. With such a gap in the number of people, he became more and more brave as he fought, and he was covered with the blood of the enemy and himself.

He fought **** battles and inspired the other members of the Xiao Clan to take up weapons one after another. The battle was fought all afternoon.

The blood flowed into rivers and the corpses piled into mountains, and both sides suffered heavy casualties, but the Xiao clan won this battle and the entire Black Dragon clan was wiped out.

This battle established the future position of the Xiao clan, and at the same time pushed the Black Dragon clan to annihilation.

Who could have imagined that such a young man would kill 37 masters of the Black Dragon clan and severely wounded 26 people, turning the tide of the battle on his own.

At dusk the sun was about to set, and a city occupied by the black dragon clan finally opened its door.

A standing flag fell from the city wall, and the totem of the Black Dragon clan was drawn on the banner. The powerful Black Dragon clan was completely defeated in this battle.

The young man held a long sword in his hand, and the long sword slashed across the ground, leaving a red blood stain.

The young man's other hand dragged a corpse. The corpse was the patriarch of the Black Dragon clan, a man with the strongest strength in the Black Dragon clan.

The young man slammed into the city alone, and used it to face the battle. The long sword pierced the chest of the patriarch of the Black Dragon clan, and the victory was determined by one move.

Since then, the Black Dragon clan has gone, the patriarch has been beheaded, and the fighting spirit has already been lost in the next battle, and the chaos of the war is quickly put down by the Xiao clan.

Next was the punishment of the Xiao Clan to the Black Dragon Clan, in order to prevent the rebellion from happening again, all members of the Black Dragon Clan were beheaded to death.

In the end, a few people desperately fled and fled to the depths of the snow-capped mountains. Because the range was too large to search, the Xiao Clan gave up chasing them.

The living environment of the snow-capped mountains is harsh, and it is icy and snowy all year round. It is almost impossible to survive, and the masters within the Xiao clan have set a prohibition around the snow-capped mountains.

As long as the traitors of the Black Dragon clan appear, they will be found immediately after triggering the prohibition. In the following years, the Black Dragon clan seems to have disappeared from China.

The Black Dragon clan, once a glorious life, is extremely powerful. In the battles the Black Dragon clan participated in, there was almost no defeat.

The final battle with the Xiao Clan was the first and last defeat.

The Black Dragon clan never appeared in the secret history of the Xiao Clan again. Everyone believed that the Black Dragon clan had been destroyed and would never appear in the territory of China.

The traitors who fled have died on the snow mountain, but...

Until a few days ago, the Black Dragon Order reappeared and appeared inside the Xiao family. The people of the Xiao Clan realized that the Black Dragon Clan had not been destroyed.

Those who defected, they tried everything they could to survive, and like the Xiao Clan, they inherited and thrived in this land.

Xiao Yi closed this ancient book, and the contents on it probably already understood that the destruction of the Black Dragon clan was related to the Xiao clan.

Now that the Black Dragon Order reappeared, what the mysterious person wanted to convey to him was probably to beware of the people around him, perhaps among them were members of the Black Dragon clan.

The Black Dragon clan lingered and survived. For them, the biggest enemy was the Xiao clan. Their purpose of survival, perhaps the same as themselves, was for revenge.

They were able to find the place where the Xiao Clan was. Naturally, they also had a way to know Xiao Yi's true identity. Now that Xiao Yi is alone, he must be careful in everything.

"Unexpectedly, the development of the Xiao Clan will have such a **** history, and this ancestor of the Xiao Clan, with a millionaires, is able to produce powerful strength."

Xiao Yi admires this ancestor of the Xiao family, perhaps the historically locked records may be different from reality.

However, the appearance of the Black Dragon Order proved that the Black Dragon family did exist, and Xiao Yi felt that this kind of thing seemed to be far away from him.

Xiao Huaixin wanted to issue a warning in this way. Previously, within the Xiao family, because of the appearance of the Black Dragon Order, the elders of those tribes convened a council.

It's a pity that all those elders said were rejected by Xiao Huaili. Xiao Huaili insisted on doing it his own way. He didn't put the Black Dragon clan in his eyes, and Hei Long Ling didn't take it seriously.

Knowing those secret histories, Xiao Huaixin knew that the appearance of the Black Dragon Order was not so simple. Perhaps somewhere in this world, the Black Dragon clan was waiting for an opportunity.

They are going to fight against the Xiao Clan for the blood debts of the previous clansmen. At that time, it will be a new **** battle.

For a few days, Wang Sheng had been playing cards with Liu Li, since he asked Wang Sheng to smoke those goods in front of him.

Then Liu Li didn't say anything again, and promised Wang Sheng that he could put his 20 million into her business, and Wang Sheng officially became a business partner.

Liu Li arranged for someone to deliver the goods to Wang Sheng's room every day. The people he arranged saw Wang Sheng squatting in the corner of the room, smoking the powder.

In just a few days, Wang Sheng lost weight all over, with red eyes and a runny nose. After seeing the goods arrived, he became excited.

After receiving these news, Liu Li was very happy. In this way, Wang Sheng was completely controlled by herself.

The brothers closest to Xiao Yi's side have now become this virtue. No matter what Xiao Yi does next, the final result will be a loss.

"have they gone?"

After playing cards for a whole day, the whole person was tired and got down. It turned out that doing nothing, just playing cards here is also very tiring.

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