After his body was injured, Xiao Yi had been fighting against this difficult assassin, and Xiao Yi had no avail.

During this period, someone attacked behind the scenes, which was the deadliest for him. He was also worried that the Qing Gang would act secretly.

Until the person who appeared in front of him, he could finally rest assured, the assassin's body fell to the ground, and Qinglong stepped forward and drew out his saber.

"Xiao Yi, are you okay? I rushed over as soon as I received the news, it seemed that it was already late."

The news of the assassin's entry also spread to Dawn. Even if the Third Elder made a decision, he sent Qinglong to investigate the situation.

Once the trail of the killer is found, there is no need to ask for any instructions, and the killer who entered the country will be killed directly, and someone will end up afterwards.

After Qinglong took over the task, he quickly investigated the traces of these assassins. The assassins gathered in City F and aimed at Xiao Yi.

I don't know who made the reward order. It is really insidious. The reward order does not specify Xiao Yi's identity, but only gives a range.

Only the killer rushed to City F and acted according to the clues provided. If the reward order was made clearer, there would be no killer to take on this kind of mission.

Xiao Yi's injury was too serious, and with the previous fight with the killer, his physical strength was exhausted, and his body swayed and fell.

"Hey... are you all right."

Qinglong rushed over and helped Xiao Yi's body, only then did he see the wound on Xiao Yi's chest.

The wound was nearly three centimeters wide, and it almost pierced into the heart. A blood hole was visible to the naked eye, and blood was still leaking out.

He took out a white porcelain vial, opened the mouth and sprinkled the white powder in it on Xiao Yi's wound. This pain suddenly made Xiao Yi sober.

With his fists clenched tightly, Qinglong took the position of the wound, tore a piece of clothing from the assassin's body, and wrapped the wound around.

"Xiao Yi how are you doing?"

While helping with the wound, he asked Xiao Yidao.

Xiao Yi's face was pale, and no matter how good the physique was, he couldn't stand up to it, he laughed now.

"Fortunately, you showed up, otherwise I would be miserable this time."

"The members of the Youth Gang outside have been dealt with by me. They all have guns on their bodies. It seems that today I have no plans to let you leave alive."

When Qinglong arrived, four people held guns and pointed them at Xiao Yi, waiting for the opportunity to shoot.

Thinking of waiting for the killer and Xiao Yi, it is not too late to do it when both loser. I didn't expect Qinglong to appear behind them.

On one side is a professional killer, and on the other side are the personnel prepared by the Qing Gang. It is indeed a big game of chess, and it is easy to die if you want to kill Xiao.

"I underestimated Lu Qingshan. In order to get rid of me, I thought of this method."

Qinglong killed seven members of the Green Gang, and there were four others in the cave who had been beaten to the ground by Xiao Yi before. All four of them also had guns on their bodies, waiting for the right opportunity to do it.

As a result, one by one was beaten and disabled by Xiao Yi, and both arms were scrapped. Not to mention shooting, they couldn't escape even if they wanted to run.

Qinglong turned his gaze to the other four people. These four people had no intention of resisting, they just wanted to leave here alive.

The professional killer was killed, and the other brothers who came with him fell to the ground and became dead.

"What do they do?"

Qinglong asked, those members of the Qinggang had already settled, leaving the clothes moths to live, it would have some effect.

"Xiao Xiao, please forgive us."

"Grandpa Xiao Yi, we knew it was wrong. All this is the helper, bah! It's all Lu Qingshan's idea, and we are doing things according to his instructions."

The four of them immediately asked for mercy. Seeing the skill of the wind, they finally got home.

Xiao Yi intended to keep these people alive, but this time Lu Qingshan broke the rules and touched Xiao Yi's bottom line.

For this kind of person, your choice can only be more ruthless than him. It is also a scourge to leave these people behind. It is better to make some contribution to this society.

"Don't keep one!"

"Xiao Yi, don't you plan to stay alive? This way, you can prove Lu Qingshan's crime."

Qinglong was puzzled, this opportunity was rare, and it was a pity to kill these people from the Qinggang.

"No, I have my own way to deal with Lu Qingshan. Besides, Lu Qingshan has proof of his alibi. Even if you find him, he will find the right person to help him carry this scapegoat."

Xiao Yi thought about it a long time ago. Lu Qingshan had always been behind the scenes in this matter, and there was no clear evidence to prove that it was related to him.

He detained Zheng Siyu privately, which was also done by his younger brothers. One did not kidnap and extort Zheng Siyu, and second, he did not cause personal harm to Zheng Siyu.

Before doing these things, Lu Qingshan had thought of this level a long time ago. At most, he was charged with ineffective supervision, which did not have much influence on him.

"What I want is to get rid of him with a single blow. This kind of thing that hurts the fur, doing and not doing it is the same result."

"Okay, I understand what you said."

With a long knife in his hand, Qinglong walked towards the four. The four thugs of the Qinggang didn't even have a chance to beg for mercy in front of Qinglong.

This kind of dregs that harmed society should have been eliminated long ago. After solving these problems, Xiao Yi was exhausted and fell into a coma.

"You guy, I'll take you to the hospital first."

Qinglong held Xiao Yi, avoiding the pressure of the wound, and took Xiao Yi to the van outside.

Zheng Siyu, who had been leaning against the corner and curled up, would not have suffered such a severe injury if it were not for her because of guilt.

Or maybe it was because of my own fear that it was the first time I saw such a **** scene, and I didn't know what to do for a while, just as if it were a wooden chicken.

When Qinglong was about to leave, she came back to her senses, her pale face and lips were trembling, begging Qinglong.

"Please... please, can you take me too, I don't want to... I don't want to stay here anymore."


Qinglong did not refuse. It was the responsibility and mission of every member to eradicate this force and help the weak.

Zheng Siyu walked hard step by step, following Qinglong's back. When Qinglong was leaving, he called someone to come and clean up the mess.

The tourists who were playing in this holiday resort still don't know what happened and how thrilling the previous events were.

Eleven assassins and Lu Qingshan were arranged here, and the thugs of the Qing Gang died in the hands of Xiao Yi and Qinglong.

Secretly disposing of these corpses, people still live the same life as before, and they will not know that the previous things are two worlds.

"The third elder and the killer have been beheaded by Xiao Yi. He was injured and I am taking him to the hospital."

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