Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3476: Hospitalized again

Qinglong reported the task, and the three elders still thought, this time Qinglong performed the task, there would be news so soon.

"Boy Xiao Yi is injured? How is the injury?"

"I have done emergency treatment, and the injury is quite serious, but for someone with Xiao Yi's physique, it shouldn't be a big problem."

With this result, the third elders were relieved, Xiao Yi's physique was special, and it would not take long to recover.

"How many opponents did this kid provoke in China, and he attracted eleven killers at once, and even I sweated for him."

"The third elder, I will send him to the hospital first, and then go back when the situation stabilizes."

"There hasn't been anything cumbersome these days. You can stay outside for a while. I think Xiao Yi has had a lot of trouble recently. You can help him if you stay."

This time Xiao Yi planned to use his own power and methods to solve the troubles of the Qing Gang, and other people could not intervene.

The third elders can only do this. Qinglong will be useful to stay. Originally, there was a suitable person for this task, but it was a pity that this girl chose to leave by herself.

Xiao Yi was hospitalized.

A hospital in F city had just had an operation and the wound was sutured.

Xiao Yi was temporarily in a coma due to physical exhaustion and blood loss, and when he recovered, he would naturally wake up.

Even doctors admire Xiao Yi's body. If ordinary people are injured like this, let alone fight back, it would be good to save their lives.

The tip of the knife was less than half a centimeter away from the heart. Fortunately, there was no danger. Zheng Siyu's knife almost killed Xiao Yi.

Lu Qingshan used Zheng Siyu to attack Xiao Yi, and Xiao Yi only relaxed his vigilance, otherwise he would not be injured like this.

"Where is Xiao Yi others?"

Before Xiao Yi's cell phone rang, and just after the operation, Qinglong helped Xiao Yi answer the call.

A person called He Yunguang called He Yunguang and asked what happened to Xiao Yi. Qinglong told him that Xiao Yi was still in the hospital.

After He Yunguang heard this, he put down what he was holding and drove to the hospital in a hurry. He had a hunch before that, this time something was going to happen.

After arriving at the hospital, Qinglong stood by the hospital bed. He Yunguang knew that Xiao Yi's identity was special, and those who could appear next to him at this moment were definitely not waiting for him.

After nodding and saying hello, He Yunguang understood Xiao Yi's strength, and it was impossible for the thugs of the Qing Gang to hurt him.

"What is going on? With his ability, how can he get hurt?"

What He Yunguang said was right, not to mention the thugs of the Qing Gang, the top killers in the killer world also died in the hands of Xiao Yi.

Because of familiarity, there was no precaution that Zheng Siyu would attack him, and Qinglong couldn't explain it.

"I am still unclear about this matter. When I arrived, everything was over. Xiao Yi was injured and I took him to the hospital."

Qinglong explained that it seemed that He Yunguang had a lot of friendship with Xiao Yi.

"Although the injury is serious, this guy's physique has always been different from normal people, and he will soon recover."

"Lu Qingshan is really cruel to start."

After He Yunguang entered the door, he noticed that besides Xiao Yi and Qinglong on the hospital bed, there was also a girl standing aside.

Zheng Siyu.

Zheng Siyu's head was tied with a bandage, and there were a few bruises on his face, all of which were beaten by Lu Qingshan in the Qinggang site.

Being able to escape from the dead and free from the previous dangerous situation, the crucial moment was when Xiao Yi saved her, but Zheng Siyu did something that he could not forgive himself.

The doctor told Zheng Siyu to pay attention to rest. She was hit on the head before, and there may be sequelae.

Having been worried about Xiao Yi's situation, she chose to follow Qinglong and entered the ward to guard her. The guilt in her heart kept her silent.

"it's me……"

Zheng Siyu lowered her head and said, her voice full of guilt.

He Yunguang turned around when he heard the sound. He stared at Zheng Siyu, thinking that Zheng Siyu had a problem right now.

"what did you say?"

"It's me...I stabbed Xiao Yi with a knife, it's all my fault!"

"What? Damn it!"

He Yunguang's temper was mild, and after hearing what Zheng Siyu said, he couldn't help cursing his mother.

Zheng Siyu admitted that she had hurt Xiao Yi, lowered her head and sobbed softly. After this incident, she didn't know how Xiao Yi should see someone like her.

"Xiao Yi promised you to help you find your lost relatives, and think of ways to protect you. If it weren't for Xiao Yi this time, you would have died in Lu Qingshan's hands long ago."

He Yunguang said angrily, this kind of woman can't do anything, she's still causing you trouble at the critical moment. It's also to blame that he accidentally missed the word yesterday and told Zheng Siyu the news.

"How many talents can you as a woman have, and you still want to fight Lu Qingshan, the powerful people on the road, unknown or not, died in his hands, success is not enough to fail!"

"I...I know I was wrong. I will be a cow and a horse in my next life, and I won't be able to repay Xiao Yi's great kindness."

Zheng Siyu was crying and crying. He Yunguang was angry when he saw it. He raised a hand and was about to draw it on Zheng Siyu's face.

Qinglong knew the inside information, blocked He Yunguang in time, and grabbed He Yunguang's wrist.

"Well, just say a few words, this is the intensive care unit, don't disturb his rest."

One sentence reminded He Yunguang, and He Yunguang snorted coldly, feeling that what Xiao Yi had done was worthless.

"I knew you were so ungrateful, I shouldn't have helped people like you."

"If you have anything to say, wait until Xiao Yi wakes up."

The patient needed a rest. Zheng Siyu felt guilty and left the ward silently by herself.

Xiao Yi's recovery ability was astonishing. After suffering this knife, the wound healed on its own and his physical strength recovered. He opened his eyes and looked around.

The wound was almost healed, Xiao Yi sat up from the bed supported, and heard all the words He Yunguang said just now.

"He Yunguang, don't talk about her like that, her sister fell into Lu Qingshan's hands and has to do this."

"Xiao Yi...Xiao Yi, are you awake?"

He Yunguang looked back and saw that Xiao Yi had already sat up from the hospital bed. He heard the doctor say that Xiao Yi had eleven stitches, and he woke up so soon with such a serious injury.

"How are you feeling? Does your body still hurt?"

"I can't die. She was forced to be helpless. Although she did something to me, she didn't directly stab me. She didn't intend to kill me."

Xiao Yi was unprepared at the time. Although Zheng Siyu was a girl with a sharp knife in her hand, it was too late for Xiao Yi to avoid it at such close range.

Zheng Siyu didn't use all her strength, she had to do what Lu Qingshan said, otherwise her sister would be miserable.

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