Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3522: I don't count

"Xu Qiang, you need to know how difficult it is to occupy a gold mine with your current strength. Once a powerful mercenary group is dispatched, your gold mine will instantly change its owner, and you I will lose everything."

Drake was still warning Xu Qiang, Xu Qiang would understand the stakes in this, and he didn't need to explain too much.

On the one hand, he helped Xu Qiang to make a prediction; on the other hand, he stood up and regarded himself as Xu Qiang's backer.

At least now Xu Qiang's ability is better than Drake in front of him. With this, Xu Qiang must be honest and sit here and listen to Drake.

"But if we two cooperate, the result will be different. With my reputation as a mafia, no one dares to attack your gold mine. This kind of cooperation is simply perfect."

"Really? If we want to cooperate, I don't know the boss of Moral Lake, I think I should take how much."

Drake was very grand, stretched out a hand, gestured with five fingers, the answer was clear.

"How do we divide the income of all gold mines? You can mine with peace of mind, and I will help you remove obstacles and threats."

Xu Qiang understood his situation. Drake and him made such a condition not to hear the word rejection.

So Xu Qiang pretended that he was thinking. After a while, he seemed to have an answer and raised his head to look at Drake.

"Boss Drake, this is indeed a good proposal, whether it is for you or me, it seems that there is no need to refuse."

"I have always been friendly to my business friends, and I will definitely not treat you badly on this condition, and I promise that I will help you stabilize that Freeman, as long as I am here, Freeman I dare not do it to you."

"Thank you, this is indeed a good idea."

Xu Qiang agreed to Drake's proposal. Drake was overjoyed. He thought it would take a lot of effort to convince Xu Qiang. Now everything seems to be going well.

He took out an agreement from under the table, which clearly stated, the revenue share of the gold mine, and what Drake promised Xu Qiang next.

It seems that these are all prepared in advance. Drake did not leave a second choice for this negotiation, and Xu Qiang could only agree.

"Come on, Mr. Xu Qiang, if you sign, then we will be business partners."

Drake handed Xu Qiang a pen. Xu Qiang held the pen in his hand. After hesitating for a while, he put the pen aside.

"What's the matter? Do you have any questions about my conditions?"

"No, no, no, Drake boss, the conditions offered are really tempting, and I will naturally not refuse."

"So what do you mean now?"

Xu Qiang put the pen aside and signed the agreement. He became Drake's dog-legs. He would divide the account by five to five. When the time comes, even this five will have no share with Xu Qiang.

Putting a good piece of cake and not eating it, why cut it into pieces and give it to others? Drake's abacus is good, but Xu Qiang is not a fool.

"Mr. Drake, your terms, I can promise you, but the owner of this gold mine is Xiao Yi, not me Xu Qiang, I just manage it on my behalf, so even if I sign the word, there is no Any effect."


"Boss Drake, since you have this sincerity, I might as well contact Xiao Yi now and let Mr. Xiao Yi come over in person to discuss cooperation with Boss Drake."

Xu Qiang had nothing to do with Drake, but at a critical moment, Xu Qiang thought of Xiao Yi, and he said Xiao Yi's name here.

Hearing Xiao Yi's name, Drake's face suddenly changed, and his expression became heavy, as if he was stuck in his throat, he was extremely uncomfortable.

The previous negotiations have been very smooth, thinking that Xu Qiang could really be easily won. As a result, Xu Qiang's conversation turned, but Drake did not know what to say.

He is an old fox, but Xu Qiang is not bad. He moved Xiao Yi out at a critical moment. With Xiao Yi in front of him, how dare he be moved by the gold mine.

"I will call now. If Xiao Yi has time, he should come here in person."

"No, no, this is no longer necessary, I think there is no need to trouble Xiao Yi in this matter."

"How can this be? Boss Drake wants to talk about the gold mine. Xu Qiang, I don't have this right. I can only find Xiao Yi."

Drake interrupted Xu Qiang's movement, took his mobile phone and put it on the table. He didn't dare to talk about the gold mine with Xiao Yi.

The two wells do not violate the river water. Although Drake is not afraid of Xiao Yi, he dared not to provoke him. The gold mine cooperation is over.

"I thought you were responsible for this gold mine, Xu Qiang. If this is the case, then this matter is deemed to have not been mentioned by me."

"This... Mr. Drake shouldn't be angry anymore. This gold mine is indeed not mine. If it is mine, I can give it to you."

Xu Qiang said very generously. How could Drake take this kind of deceitful words seriously? He could only give up and poured Xu Qiang a glass of wine with a slight smile.

With a light touch of his cup, the previous incident was over, as if nothing had happened.

"It doesn't matter. I'm just a proposal. If this is the case, we should have never said anything before. Xu Qiang, do you understand?"

"Understand... I naturally understand."

"But don't worry about Xu Qiang. I will help you explain about Freeman. Freeman will save me face and resolve the conflict between you."

Drake finished with a sentence, and the gold mine had no choice but to give up. If I knew that this way, I shouldn't have mentioned this topic with Xu Qiang. In the end, I lost my face.

After Xu Qiang finished drinking, he left on his own. In order to propose a cooperation gold mine, Drake deliberately prepared a bottle of Lafite in 1982. It was a waste of effort.

Watching Xu Qiang leave, Drake's face turned dark. Why didn't he understand that Xu Qiang used Xiao Yi's name to suppress his influence.

Even though Xu Qiang is only one person, but the backer behind him, Drake can't afford to provoke him. A cooked duck flies around in front of him, but unfortunately there is no chance to eat it in his mouth.

"This **** Xu Qiang actually dared to play with me. What about that Xiao Yi who moved out? Do you really think I can't help you?"

Drake is inconvenient to do it, but now he has a ready-made chess piece to use. This person is Freman.

As long as it's Drake's words, Freman will definitely not spare Xu Qiang this time, and Drake, he just needs to wait for the opportunity to do it.

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