Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3523: I have a bottom line

A person who has the strength and dared to disobey his orders will either stay with him for his own use, or get rid of them directly to avoid hidden dangers in the future.

"Boss Drake, the gift that Lu Qingshan of the China Youth Group has prepared for you is already here."

Drake finally waited for the good news. Lu Qingshan said before that he would prepare a special gift for Drake when he successfully took the position.

The cooperation with Lu Qingshan has been around for a while, and this partner is pretty good, so he casually asked.

"Where is Lu Qingshan? He said at the beginning that when I successfully sit in the position of the mafia boss, he will personally come to me to celebrate."

Among so many people, Lu Qingshan alone does not need to be invited, because he has had a cooperative relationship with Lu Qingshan for many years.

Now that his goal has been achieved, the gift Lu Qingshan has prepared has already been delivered here, but at this time no figure of Lu Qingshan is seen.

He thought that this time Lu Qingshan was going to break his promise, but then his subordinates told him a piece of news.

"Boss Drake, I got the news that Lu Qingshan was dead yesterday."

"What? Dead? It was an accident that died of illness?"

"Those things he did have all been exposed. There is no way that Lu Qingshan chose to commit suicide."

This is a statement to the outside world. Lu Qingshan committed suicide in fear of crime, and it was considered as giving Lu Qingshan his last dignity.

Lu Qingshan was arrested, and the end was also a death sentence. In this way, the evil things he had done were finally brought to an end.

Drake frowned. This was different from what he had expected. Lu Qingshan has always been careful in doing things. He has never made a mistake, let alone left any handle.

The business line has been running for more than ten years, but this time there was an accident. There seemed to be many unreasonable points in it, so he asked.

"Did you investigate this matter?"

"No, it's news from the media."

"I have never believed the information above, so I will investigate it for me. How exactly did Lu Qingshan die?"

Lu Qingshan asked him to help deal with Xiao Yi before, but Xiao Yi didn't get rid of it. At this time, Lu Qingshan died. If there is no connection between the two, Lu Qingshan will now eat the cup in his hand.

Don't let go of any details. The subordinates nodded and immediately followed what he said. The guests who came to the banquet today are basically there.

Among the top ten in the world of mercenaries by strength, three came this time, and the others were busy taking on tasks, or if there were other things, they sent people to send gifts.

Congratulations are enough. This is an acknowledgment of Drake's status. When Xu Qiang left Drake's room and walked through a corridor, he saw an annoying figure at a glance.

Freeman was right in front, wearing a tuxedo, chatting with several women, looking very gentleman.

How could he be missing in such an occasion today, the more you don't want to see anyone, but he will appear in front of you. In order to avoid conflict, Xu Qiang chose to take a detour.

When he passed by Freeman, Freeman suddenly turned around. At this moment, the two of them were facing each other. Even if Xu Qiang wanted to avoid it, it was already impossible.

Seeing Xu Qiang behind him, Freyman's smiling face was still triumphant before, and immediately became gloomy. He stared at Xu Qiang's figure.

"It turned out to be you. I didn't expect that a newcomer like you would be eligible to attend a banquet like today."

The words were full of disdain. The people who came to today's banquet were all powerful and famous, and Xu Qiang was just a newcomer.

Xu Qiang had to stop and smile awkwardly when he met, he looked at Freman.

"General Freeman, I actually don't want to attend this banquet. Each of you is stronger than me. I know who I am."

"What an arrogant tone. It's an honor for you to be invited. You still said this."

"What I said is true. If I had a choice, I would rather not attend, especially when I saw you, I always felt like I owed you a lot of money in my previous life."

Seeing Freman's face, he wanted to rush to tear him alive, Xu Qiang did not owe Freman anything.

Xu Qiang won the last battle, but Xu Qiang didn't hurt the killer. He specifically ordered his people not to embarrass his deputy and those subordinates.

In the end, they were all released. If according to the usual fighting habits, this group would already be Hallelujah, and they would plant a cross card in the graveyard.

"Are you laughing at me?"

Freeman glared at Xu Qiang, vainly knowing that he shouldn't meet this kind of person, let alone talk to him, why some people have a little status and always feel that they are amazing.

"I didn't seem to express the meaning of this level. General Freeman did not have any feasts between us, so I thought, should you send you out and all those who were investigating our actions withdraw back."

Xu Qiang suggested here that the group of people are like dog-skin plasters, sticking to your body, but they can't be thrown off, so they have to increase their vigilance to avoid being attacked by Freeman's people.

"I'm Freeman to give you a face. After I go back this time, you come to my station and we sit down and have a good talk. Do you dare to come over?"

"Don't dare!"


As far as Xu Qiang is concerned, the method of radical generalization has no effect. There is nothing bad about recognizing counseling here. If you want to survive, you have to learn to recognize counsel and pretend to be grandchildren.

You are awesome and you are great. I can't hide from you, but it doesn't mean that I will keep hiding like this. Once I catch the opportunity, the next unlucky one should be you.

"I am not interested in your invitation, so in the future, we will still keep the water in the water. How about each other's well?"

"Hehe, don't think that the things you wronged me before will pass easily. The contest between us is still behind."

Freeman is provoking Xu Qiang. Xu Qiang has no choice but to do whatever he wants, but there is a word in front.

"Whatever you want, I will warn you in advance. If your people show up on my station next time, I can warn once, but they won't leave. Don't blame me for being ruthless."

"Dare you do something to my people?"

"In my Xu Qiang's eyes, there is nothing I dare not do. It's best not to provoke my bottom line."

Xu Qiang faced Freman directly. These words made Freman angry, and he was too domineering. He was Freman, the general of the Flame Mercenary Corps, and he would be threatened by an unknown junior.

"I want to see how capable you are!"

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