"Strangle, strangle, strangle!"

The audience under the ring broke out loud calls, hoping that the next chimpanzee could kill Xu Qiang with one move, and tear the body apart.

Seeing that Xu Qiang was in danger, the chimpanzee's body pressed him tightly, and it was only a matter of time before he suffocated.

Soon Xu Qiang bleeds from his mouth, nose and eyes. Drake appeared at this time, and he walked quickly to the edge of the ring.

There are still forty seconds left in five minutes. Originally, Drake's intention was not to kill Xu Qiang. It is still very useful to keep Xu Qiang's life.

"What's wrong with Xu Qiang? How did you get on the ring?"

Pretending to be ignorant, ask Xu Qiangdao here.

It is obvious that this is Xu Qiang and Drake, secretly using hands and feet to insult Xu Qiang, and pretending to be a good person.

"It's him who wants to die, no one can stop it. In this arena, no one dares to provoke chimpanzees."

Freeman smiled and said that he had received Drake's instruction. As long as he did something to Xu Qiang, Drake would open one eye and close another.

With this privilege, Freeman would not be afraid of anything, thinking that after a while, the chimpanzee would end Xu Qiang's life.

"Oh...how can this be done? Mr. Xu Qiang is my friend. It is impolite to treat my friend like this."

Pretending to stop, Drake's footsteps stopped in front of Xu Qiang, and he patted his forehead.

"I forgot that this is the rule I set. You can't stop in the middle of the game. If you want to admit defeat and end all this, Xu Qiang, you can tell me and I will stop the chimps."

When it came to the word stop, Drake's eyes were full of greed, and it was obviously not that simple to let him come forward.

"You promised me the conditions I put forward before, you only need to distribute your income to me 60%, today you will not die."

"You have to know that you agreed to this game. It has nothing to do with me. Even that person will not be held accountable to me."

"I hope you can think about this wisely, because such a small thing puts yourself in a dangerous situation. This is not something smart people can do."

This kind of remark sounds more like a threat to Xu Qiang. If Xu Qiang does not follow Drake's instructions today, there will be a dead end.

No wonder Freeman today humiliated Xu Qiang so much here. All of this is a conspiracy, all for the gold mine in his hands.

A despicable conspiracy, Freeman insisted on killing himself, he should not understand Drake's true purpose. This time even Freeman became part of the plan.

"Haha...Drake, thank you for your concern, but what I want to say is that five minutes has come..."

Xu Qiang grinned, his teeth stained with blood, and fell to the ground smiling.

The smile was a bit gloomy, and at the moment of life and death, Xu Qiang could still laugh.

The five minutes agreed before, as long as Xu Qiang did not lose to the chimpanzee or was killed within five minutes, then he would win.

At this time, five minutes passed, Xu Qiang looked a little embarrassed, but he had survived and proved his strength.

The smug smile on Drake's face suddenly solidified, thinking of using this to threaten Xu Qiang, but Xu Qiang caught the opportunity.

At this moment, deep in his heart, he had already had a murderous intent on Xu Qiang, a person who didn't even understand the rules, what would it do for him to stay.

Anyway, Xu Qiang asked for it this time. Even if he died, Xiao Yi couldn't blame his own head. It was a big deal that Freman would come back.

Freeman still didn't know Xu Qiang's identity at another level, and he wanted to get rid of Xu Qiang. At this moment, Xu Qiang touched Drake's bottom line.

"That's no wonder I'm ruthless, Xu Qiang will be our opponent in the next life."

The chimpanzee kept Xu Qiang under his body. Xu Qiang felt that his ribs had been broken. If this continued, he would really die here.

Duan Zhisheng walked around in front of Xu Qiang. Seeing the pain of his apprentice, he was anxious and reminded Xu Qiang.

"How I taught you before."

Xu Qiang's eyes were bloodshot, and his eyes were staring. After hearing what Duan Zhisheng said, he suddenly reminded him.

In his previous practice, he had already reached the state of opening the veins, and Xu Qiang's talent in cultivation was very poor and relatively dumb.

It's just that there is nothing difficult in the world, I am afraid that there are people with a heart. With continuous efforts, he finally achieved Duan Zhisheng's expectations. At this moment, Xu Qiang was angry.

The dantian in the body was running, and the yellowish breath instantly filled all the meridians of his body, and the body that was about to be crushed reawakened the strength.

No more pain at this moment, Xu Qiang's two strong arms supported on the ring, struggling to support the chimpanzee that was pressing on him, and constantly moving his body.

In this scene, even the host was surprised. According to the previous game situation, Xu Qiang had already lost. Under the chimpanzee, there would be no resistance at all.

But now Xu Qiang is using his own strength to support his body to get up. He has never seen a scene before, holding the microphone in exclamation.

"Oh my God, our Xu Qiang player, once again broke out a powerful force to support our chimpanzee, does he have a means to fight back, or is he dying?"

The audience in the audience is also staring at this scene, hoping that the chimpanzee will end this battle soon, and there are bursts of calls.

"Kill him! Kill him!"

"What is this chimpanzee doing? Don't hurry up and finish your opponent."

The chimpanzee pressed on Xu Qiang was also very surprised by what happened suddenly. This is impossible.

Ji Ligulu said a few words, anyway, no one will be his opponent, this time it is the same, raised his punching bag big fist, aimed at Xu Qiang's head.

Xu Qiang's eyes were full of bloodshot eyes. At this moment, he had a foreboding that a danger was approaching. At this moment, his body exploded with powerful force, directly overturning the chimpanzee pressing on him.

The chimpanzee fell on the ring. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xu Qiang jumped aside. He knew that this was not an end. Whether it was Drake or Freeman, he would not easily let this opportunity pass.

Gritting his teeth and running his breath to restore his physical strength, under the support of Dao Qi, the body that was originally painful, once again supported, exploded with a fighting intent several times stronger than before.

"Although you are very powerful, if you want to kill me, it is not that easy. Let you see the results of my cultivation today."

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