Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3533: Is the praying man as a car?

Breaking free from the control of the chimpanzee, Xu Qiangqiang took a breather and took advantage of this opportunity to recover his energy loss.

After opening the pulse, Xu Qiang's breath soared several times. To deal with the chimpanzee's almost invincible defense and strength, ordinary means were obviously not enough.

The chimpanzee has experienced countless battles, and the body's innate conditions suppressed it, so that the opponent in the ring had already lost the fighting spirit when he met him.

He could have strangled his opponent within a few moves, but this time he encountered Xu Qiang, a different opponent.

"To be able to break free from the control of this chimpanzee, you are really capable."

Freeman had long expected that Xu Qiang would lose, but the current situation was different from what he thought, Xu Qiang actually broke free.

Just such a battle, even if Xu Qiang struggles, he will still die in the hands of chimpanzees. No one is a chimpanzee's opponent.

"Xu Qiang, you just die like this, maybe it will reduce a lot of pain, this is all you asked for."

Xu Qiang has survived for five minutes, but Freeman doesn't admit it, and even cheats here, without believing in front of so many people.

Most of the people present were on Freman's side. At this moment, only the deputy thought that it was too shameful for the general to do this. As a general of a mercenary regiment, how could he do this.

A little bit in the deputy's heart, I became more and more disappointed with the general, but Freeman was still immersed in joy and did not notice the change in the deputy's mood.

"I have lasted five minutes, Freeman, you said before, apologize for what you said."

"Really? Why don't I remember?"

Freman suddenly changed his words. The people attending the banquet here were all Freman's associates. They would not stand up and speak for Xu Qiang.

As the red mouth and white teeth said, at this time, he changed his mind and witnessed the shamelessness of Freman. Xu Qiang squeezed his fist. If it weren't for the consequences, he really wanted to rush forward and blow Freman with his fist. .

"Fortunately, you are still the general of the dignified flame mercenary group.

Xu Qiang's strength was almost restored, his body pain was temporarily suppressed under the action of Dao Qi, and he could not feel the pain.

It's reality, but in front of so many people, Freeman's face can't be kept.

His face became gloomy, this is Drake's territory, although Drake's acquiescence, things can not be done.

Besides, it was originally that Freman didn't believe what he said. After thinking about it, Freman had an idea in his heart, and he spoke to Xu Qiang.

"Xu Qiang, if you defeated this chimpanzee, how about I, Freeman, kneel down in front of you and apologize?"

"I won't believe what people like you say, a villain who doesn't believe it."

"This time what I said is true. In front of so many people present, I naturally can't break my promise."

Freeman also suggested that, only this time, Xu Qiang was asked to defeat the chimpanzee, an almost impossible thing.

Xu Qiang would not believe what Freman said. Most of the people present were all the same, standing on Freman's side.

However, Drake appeared by his side at this time, and the chimpanzee did not immediately attack, but gave Xu Qiang a good opportunity to quickly adjust his state with this gap of time.

Drake took a step forward and said a word for Xu Qiang, and he said in front of everyone.

"Xu Qiang, don't worry, I will testify this time. If you really defeat my chimpanzee, Freeman can only fulfill his promise."

Freeman thought that Xu Qiang would never win at all, so he spoke presumptuously and would not consider the consequences.

"Have you heard that Boss Drake testified here, what are you worried about?"

"This is what you said, if I win and you didn't kneel down to apologize for what you said before, I will break your legs with my own hands!"

Xu Qiang squeezed his fist and said, for the arrogant words that Freman said, he must win the chimpanzee and teach Freman a profound lesson.

Freeman and Drake exchanged their eyes, and they both had murderous intentions on Xu Qiang at the same time. In the ring, chimpanzees are like killing machines.

Xu Qiang was looking for his own desperation and had to be in the ring. He deserved it if he died, and Drake could not be blamed.

Drake approached the chimpanzee and said something to the chimpanzee, not understanding what it meant.

After Drake left, the game continued, and the chimp suddenly rushed towards Xu Qiang like an enraged beast.

Relying on brute force to collide, the broad shoulders are the strongest weapon. Facing the chimpanzee like a beast, Xu Qiang at this time is standing on the ring with unusual calmness.

"Are you scared? Just die honestly."

"You asked for it. If you agree to my request, you won't end up like this."

The savage collision of the chimpanzee caused waves of calls from the audience, who were all waiting for the chimpanzee. This move directly killed Xu Qiang.

Just when the chimpanzee's body was about to touch Xu Qiang, Xu Qiang suddenly stretched out his hand, spread his palm and pressed it against the chimpanzee's shoulder.

Praying man arm as a car...

Xu Qiang's thin body opened his arms to block it. Under such brute force collision, it was tantamount to looking for death.


A miracle happened.

People were looking forward to the chimpanzee's performance. Xu Qiang stepped on the ring, and under the impact of the chimpanzee, he backed away for a certain distance.

Suddenly he stepped on his feet and stopped sliding, relying on the strength of his arms to block the brute force collision, Xu Qiang raised his head and stared at the chimpanzee's face.

He smiled...

It was really bad to be beaten before, but this time it was different. He wanted this chimpanzee to know that it was useless when he was big.

"Now, it's my turn!"

Holding the chimpanzee's shoulders with both hands, Xu Qiang's arms were bent, and the powerful explosive force grabbed the chimpanzee up.

The chimpanzee, who weighed nearly half a ton, was grabbed by someone as thin as Xu Qiang, his feet left the ring, and Xu Qiang's arm suddenly exerted force.

The strong muscles grabbed the chimpanzee and threw it out of the ring. At this moment, even the chimpanzee didn't understand that he would be caught by Xu Qiang and thrown out.

Flew out of the ring four or five meters away and landed heavily on the floor. On the side are the spectators of this competition, they got up and stared.

What I saw was right. It was indeed the chimpanzee being thrown out. It was almost an illusion. The chimpanzee was so powerful and would fall to this point when dealing with an ordinary Xu Qiang.

"This... how is this possible? The chimpanzee must be careless before being thrown out of the ring."

Freeman comforted himself in his heart, anyway, this kind of competition, playing in the ring is not over, the two sides are endless.

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