Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3563: A heavy price

Freeman's body was startled, Xiao Yi was right, what did people do with him?

Originally, the Lengjian mercenary group was founded by Xiao Yi, but now that the mercenary group is in trouble, how can Xiao Yi sit idly by.

Freeman's life was in Xiao Yi's hands. As long as Xiao Yi had a murderous heart, Freeman would have to die today.

"Freman, your flame mercenary group is so temperamental. I didn't say that people who made things difficult for me several times, now they are still aggressively attacking and want to wipe out my people in one fell swoop. Do you think your flame mercenary group is powerful, anyone? I don’t care about it."

Xiao Yi started to take care of this arrogant Freeman and let him know who is supporting the Lengjian Mercenary Corps.

Freeman once thought that a person like himself would not have encountered Xiao Yi, and that the **** of death on the battlefield was just an ordinary person.

Today's encounter has made Freman thoroughly aware of how big the gap between the two is, and now it is most important for him to save his life.

"Now you take your people to retreat, I won't stop you, but if you continue to cross the line I set, then I don't mind, let your entire team stay here today!"

This sentence is definitely not a joke, just Xiao Yi alone made the team led by Freeman suffered heavy losses.

The remaining people are not enough for Xiao Yi to kill. Freeman understood this in his heart, but would not admit it verbally.

"And...Mr. Grim Reaper, are you threatening me?"

"What? Do you think I can't do it?"

Freeman pretended to be calm, he wanted to step down, his retreat was not because he was afraid of Xiao Yi.

Thinking of using the flame mercenary group to suppress Xiao Yi, his entire mercenary group totaled more than 800 people.

If Freyman had come forward in person, he could also talk about several other mercenary groups and let them become their own helpers to fight the Cold Sword Mercenary Group together.

A casual shot is thousands of mercenaries. With such a number of people suppressed, this does not include the firepower allocation.

"Mr. Grim Reaper, you are indeed very powerful, and I did not expect that the fifty or so people sent out now become your dead souls under the sword."

Freeman would not give up easily. He thought of a compromise and told Xiao Yidao here.

"It's okay if you want me to retreat today. I will buy Mr. Death's face, but there is a condition that must be agreed to me."

"What are the conditions?"

Xiao Yi probably also knew Freman's intentions, and listen to what Freman would say next.

Freeman plucked up the courage, he didn't dare to provoke Xiao Yi, but Xu Qiang was different, he would not let Xu Qiang go.

"Listening to Mr. Death just now, it seems that Xu Qiang is still alive. I hope that Mr. Death can hand over this person to me for disposal. If this happens, I will retreat with someone immediately!"

He was staring at Xiao Yi's face, Xiao Yi's face was calm, as if he hadn't noticed what he said at all.

The corners of his mouth raised a smile, and the conditions that Freeman and Xiao Yi proposed were not much different from what he had expected.

"How about Mr. Grim Reaper, trading one person for the safety of the entire mercenary group seems to be a very good deal."

Freeman continued. He even used the following words to get closer to Xiao Yi.

"From now on, our two mercenary groups can establish a relationship with teammates. If there is any trouble here, my flame mercenary group will definitely help."

This is the condition he put forward. Xu Qiang must be killed in order to calm Freman's inner anger.


When he asked, he never thought about what kind of person Xiao Yi was.

Not to mention that it was for this shameless condition, even in desperate circumstances, Xiao Yi would never betray his brother.

In order to find the next step on his own, Freyman put his idea on Xu Qiang, really thinking too much.

"Mr. Death, what do you think?"

"What do you think? Should I agree or not?"

Xiao Yi said in a cold voice, a fierce murderous intent vented from him.

Freeman sitting in the chariot couldn't help but shiver. This kind of momentum was so terrible, he realized that he seemed to have said something wrong.

Reaching out a hand, grabbing Freman by the collar, lift Freman out of the car.

The other members of the mercenary group were stunned by the murderous aura emanating from Xiao Yi, standing beside them motionless, not daring to make any movements.

Just like this, Freeman, like a little chicken, was caught by Xiao Yi and threw it aside.

"Did Freeman until now, you think you are a character, dare to speak in this tone in front of me, and put forward such shameless conditions."

Freeman was taken aback by Xiao Yi's abnormal reaction, and he resisted the fear in his heart.

"Xiao Yi what do you want to do? I can tell you that today you can kill me or other people, but don't forget, there are more than 800 people in the Flame Mercenary Group, and they will definitely take revenge for me. ."

"At that time, the Flame Mercenary Corps will join forces with several other powerful mercenary organizations to initiate a siege, even if your strength is strong, how much you can kill, this Xu Qiang and everyone else will have to die!"

Freeman yelled, he is indeed a little forgetful, the flame mercenary group has now become the fifth existence in the mercenary world.

It made him feel a sense of satisfaction in the depths of his heart, and he swelled up. Xiao Yi stepped forward and drew a short knife and inserted it into Freman's shoulder.

The pain of bone removal caused Freman to scream for a while, but Xiao Yi didn't expect it to be like this, and directly acted on Freman.

"Ah... it hurts... it hurts me to death."

Xiao Yi loosened the short knife and inserted the blade into the gap between the bones.

"Does it hurt?"

"Reaper, who do you think you are? You are just the captain of the Wolf Warriors Special Team. This is the world of mercenaries, a place where you shouldn't interfere."

"Sorry from now on, here is my copy of Xiao Yi!"

Freeman was unable to see the facts clearly, so Xiao Yi told Freeman to let Freeman understand that it was not him who had the final say here.

The mercenary battlefield seems to be chaotic. In fact, behind all this, it can be said that there is a force blending in it. All the battles between the mercenary groups and the bounty tasks are related to them.

This force is the Mafia. The underground arms business previously ran, whether it is an armed force or a mercenary group, is the most important word for them.

After all, the people here are mercenaries, and it is impossible to be a mercenary. You have to rush up to fight with people with a burning stick.

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