Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3564: Tired of killing

The business of underground arms dominates all the forces here, and whoever has arms is the real boss.

"Freman, you should know that Drake is dead, and the underground arms business that has been developing and surviving here will collapse because of Drake's death."

This is inevitable. Drake's death has caused two forces in the Mafia to appear. The two forces will fight indiscriminately.

There has been turmoil within him, who still has the mind to do arms business, so in the future, there will be someone else taking over the underground arms business.

"What do you mean by this?"

"In the mercenary world for so many years, you should understand in your heart where the underground munitions of the mafia flow from."

There was almost no need to think about this question, and Freman blurted it out and said three words.


"It seems that you have a good memory. The big boss behind all the arms business here is Edward. If Edward gives an order, the arms business here can be cut off immediately."

There is no doubt about this point Xiao Yi said. Freeman is certain. Once there is a turmoil in the Mafia, no one can get arms from Edward.

In the future, the arms business, I am afraid it will become more and more difficult, it will become extremely difficult to buy arms.

For the entire mercenary world, the impact is almost the same. Freman can't get the arms, so the others are the same.

He raised his head and stared at Xiao Yi, thinking in his heart, what exactly did Xiao Yi say?

Suddenly Freman's heart brightened and thought of a very important thing.

There have long been rumors that Xiao Yi and Edward have a cooperative relationship, and before Edward's daughter was in danger, Xiao Yi was also rescued.

Edward is just such a daughter, who has always been regarded as the jewel in the palm, and Xiao Yi is her daughter's savior.

"You... don't..."

"Forgot to tell you. The relationship between Edward and I is pretty good. This time Drake is dead. From now on, I intend to let Xu Qiang take over the arms business."

"What! can't do this! This is a violation of the rules."

What Xiao Yi said at the moment, Freeman believed that he would do it. With Xiao Yi's help to save Edward's daughter, Edward had no reason not to agree.

Who is in control of the underground arms business is the real boss here, and if this is the case, it is equivalent to Xu Qiang having another Edward's backing.

In this way, who would dare to be an enemy of Xu Qiang in the future? No matter how courage he is in Freyman, other mercenary groups will not do this and join him to attack Xu Qiang's forces.

"This can't be for you. Although I really want to kill you now, Xu Qiang has said that if he wants to defeat you with his own strength, I can only keep your life."

Withdrawing the dagger stuck in Freeman's shoulder, Xiao Yi could easily kill Freeman. Xu Qiang had his consciousness in this matter.

Therefore, he will respect the decision made by Xu Qiang and keep Freman's life for Xu Qiang's leveling, and believe that Xu Qiang will end it all by himself.

"Freman, you must live well, because someone has already booked your life."

Xiao Yi got up and walked on the way back. He had already said everything that should be said. Freeman was also a smart man.

Next, he definitely wouldn't choose to attack. He fell alone in the desert, and Freman could only watch Xiao Yi leave.

And he didn't even have the courage to resist, and the other members of the mercenary group, it took a while to slow down and stepped forward to help Freman to help Freman.

"General... what shall we do next?"

The members of the mercenary group were already willing to retreat, but without Freman's intention, no one dared to make the retreat.

This matter can only wait for Freeman's decision. Freeman's shoulders are covered with blood and he can't move for a while, and his back is already soaked with cold sweat.


Freeman said a word weakly.

At this point, even if he didn't want to retreat, he didn't want to die.

Although Xiao Yi had said not to kill him, it didn't mean that this sentence could be maintained. If it really touched Xiao Yi's bottom line, their end would still be a dead end.

"Withdraw...Everyone has withdrawn!"

"Go, go, it's horrible, I don't want to stay in this place for a minute."

The mighty army of the flame mercenary group was about to launch an attack on a newcomer mercenary group, but finally ended in this way.

Those who are alive still have a chance to go back. The dead become corpses on the ground, waiting for the yellow sand to bury the corpses. It will not take long before they become a pile of bones.

The battlefield is like this, the strong survive, and the weak only end in death.

Xiao Yi faced the flame mercenary group alone, and the incident spread quickly, bursting into the mercenary battlefield like a muffled thunder.

Everyone knows that behind this Cold Sword Mercenary Corps is the **** of death Xiao Yi from China.

Even people like Freyman were defeated by Xiao Yi, more than 80 elite mercenaries, and more than 50 people died in the end. Such a record is unimaginable.

Xiao Yi shook the dust on his clothes and returned to Xu Qiang and the others. During the first battle, those who were on the watch had already seen them through the telescope.

At first, he was skeptical of Xiao Yi, thinking that this was impossible, and the most sensible decision was to retreat.

But when they saw Xiao Yi's terrifying strength, they immediately realized that they were wrong. They deserved to be the captain of the Wolf Warriors, and their strength was a mess.


Duan Zhisheng stood outside the camp, waiting for news from Xiao Yi.

As for what method Xiao Yi would use, he didn't need to pay attention, only knowing that Xiao Yi's shot would inevitably retreat Freeman's attack.

"It's resolved. Like you, I didn't kill that Freeman. Believe what Xu Qiang said, this person keeps him."

"I guessed you would do this, but depending on how you look, it feels like you are very tired, as if you haven't rested for a long time."

Xiao Yi's eyes were tired, and after the previous battle, he should have been more excited.

But it seems that his mental state is very bad. It feels like he has insomnia for many days, and his energy cannot be supplemented for a while.

Duan Zhisheng was right. Xiao Yi was indeed very tired. Others could not realize his tiredness.

"It's nothing, it's just getting tired of killing and killing people. I had already warned Freeman, hoping that he could do it for himself and quickly retreat with his own people. As a result, he didn't know what was good or bad, so he had to force me to kill. "

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