Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3566: Cooperation with Edward

The battle between Xiao Yi and the Flame Mercenary Corps was said to be the **** of war, and there was no opponent in this world.

The flame mercenary group thought that relying on the suppression of strength and number, the battle could be resolved soon.

As a result, the reality slapped Freman viciously. This battle was only Xiao Yi alone, completely shattering Freman's offensive plan.

In order to destroy Xu Qiang, Freeman's battle plan had not yet been launched, and even Xu Qiang and the others hadn't arrived at their station, so they were killed by Xiao Yi.

"Is this the strength of the Grim Reaper? It's really terrifying. He turned out to be true alone, blocking Freman's attack."

"I knew that our boss Xiao Yi could definitely do it. Follow the boss to have meat."

"Then you heard that Freeman was bringing someone with you, and your face changed in shock."

Sitting in the tent, these mercenary group members are idle, chatting and passing the time here.

Xiao Yi changed a set of clean clothes, washed the blood stains on his hands, and entered the camp.

Duan Zhisheng was still conditioning his body behind him. The mysterious power in Xiao Yi's body just touched him, and the impact it brought hasn't subsided yet.

It is conceivable how hard it is for Xiao Yi on weekdays. The matchmaker in the camp is taking care of Xu Qiang, and Xu Qiang has not yet recovered.

"has it ended?"

The matchmaker saw that Xiao Yi had changed her clothes, but there was still a strong **** smell on her body, she must have retreated Freman's siege.

"Freman retreated, and I promise that he will not come to trouble Xu Qiang in the future."

Xiao Yi sat down and said that this time Drake's death gave Xiao Yi an idea, just to discuss with them.

"Drake is dead. This time, the armaments in the underground black market here are completely messed up. I guess that within a short time, the internal turmoil on the Mafia side will not be quelled. The underground munitions business will inevitably be taken back by Edward. ."

Several people didn't doubt the authenticity of Xiao Yi's words. For the mercenary world, this could be regarded as a big deal.

Who can say so accurately, Xiao Yi is different, he has heard of the relationship with Freeman more or less.

"Aren't you planning to let Xu Qiang take over this business?"

Duan Zhisheng followed Xiao Yi's statement and guessed that if this is the case, it would be tantamount to giving Xu Qiang a cash cow.

This money tree is hot, and I don’t know how many people are secretly staring at the underground arms business.

As long as the right to sell arms is obtained, there are countless wealth. As long as the battle on the mercenary battlefield continues, the demand for arms will never stop.

"You have to know what it means to do this. The profits brought by the underground arms business are terrible. There is a saying in China that the gentleman is not guilty and guilty."

Duan Zhisheng wanted to remind Xiao Yi that with Xu Qiang's ability at this time, even if he was given the right to sell arms, Xu Qiang obviously couldn't keep it.

Behind them are countless extremely hungry wolves waiting to divide the meat from this piece of business. If they are a little careless, they will be eaten by these people without leaving any bones.

With regard to this issue, Xiao Yi also seriously considered it. He finally made a decision after careful consideration.

"I understand what you said in my heart, so I have no plans to let Xu Qiang directly take over the arms business."

"Then what do you think, I'll listen to it first."

Xiao Yi wouldn't just give Xu Qiang such a big piece of cake directly, because his appetite is limited. ,

Now Xu Qiang obviously can't eat it, and if the cake that can't be eaten is kept, it will only provoke very hungry people.

"I intend to let Xu Qiang act as Edward’s agent, representing Edward’s arms business here. This is tantamount to relying on the Edward family ship. With Edward as the backing, those people will weigh themselves up even if they are ambitious. Strength."

It is also in the arms business. Xiao Yi changed his opinion. It is a very simple matter to obtain such sales rights based on his relationship with Edward.

This statement is equivalent to the formation of a cooperative relationship between Xu Qiang and Edward. The profits of the underground arms business are indeed huge, but if you want to divide it, it depends on how big your fist is.

Duan Zhisheng thought for a while, what Xiao Yi did was indeed a more appropriate way, with Edward as the backer, plus his Xiao Yi.

"It seems that you have already planned it. Having the right to sell the underground arms business is tantamount to helping Xu Qiang a big favor. Using the profits from this, it will not take long to develop the Lengjian Mercenary Corps into a powerful force. the power of."

"My time is limited. On the one hand, I need Xu Qiang to become stronger by themselves, and on the other hand, I must reduce this time."

Xiao Yi didn't continue speaking, obviously he stopped at a critical point.

I have long understood Xiao Yi that the establishment of a mercenary group has an important purpose. As for what this purpose is, Duan Zhisheng will not question.

This is Xiao Yi's own business. He only knows that since he chose to follow Xiao Yi, he must believe him.

"I will help you achieve this goal and let Xu Qiang, the kid, really become stronger."

Xiao Yi planned to stay at the mercenary group's resident for a few days, and waited until Xu Qiang woke up and the situation stabilized before leaving.

At about one o'clock in the afternoon, Xiao Yi, who was resting in the tent, heard news from outside.

It was agreed earlier that they would join War Spear here. After War Spear settled the matter, he came to this place alone.

He didn't expect that in this place, the captain would develop his own mercenary group, which already had the current scale.

Xiao Yi nowadays is no longer as simple as Captain Wolf Warriors, this is the so-called change.

"Captain, I have completed the task, and the things have been sent out."

Zhan Spear is responsible for mailing Moruo's head to the address Xiao Yi said, and the other party will understand what is going on when they receive it.

This kind of special thing must also be mailed in that specific way, otherwise you think about it, once it is found through customs, there is a head in the box.

Once it is traced down whose hand the head came from, the trouble will be big. Only people like War Spear can know how to deliver the goods.

The spears and dustmen dared to come, before they even had time to drink a sip of water.

"Calculated by time, you arrived this morning at the earliest. Why did it take so long?"

Xiao Yi asked casually if Zhan Spear had any trouble on the road.

"Some personal matters have been delayed. If this is not resolved, come over and see the captain."

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