Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3567: Why is this

When the War Spear entered the camp, it had to go through cross-examination and hand over the weapons on it.

He happened to meet Lenny in the mercenary group. At the beginning, this woman was recommended by War Spear to Xiao Yi. The two had a deep friendship before.

It's easy to say with Lenny, and Lenny didn't expect to see Warspear this rare visitor today.

"We haven't seen War Spear for more than four years, right? Unexpectedly, you actually joined the Wolf Warriors Special Team. I said that for so many years, there has been no news from you."

Lenny and Warspear used to be mercenaries in a mercenary group. Since the last time the mercenary group encountered an accident, Lenny was responsible for garrisoning in the camp.

It was originally a very simple bounty task. Escorting a group of people to the destination can get the bounty smoothly.

But after that day, Warspear and the others never came back. When Lenny got the news again, the entire mercenary group, a team of more than 60 people, suffered more than half of the deaths and injuries in an ambush.

The life and death of War Spear was unknown. Lenny had a hunch that this attack was directed at their mercenary group. As expected, the next bigger attack directly destroyed the entire mercenary group.

Only Lenny and a few people survived. The captain of the mercenary group and other important members all died. This result made Lenny frustrated, and he retired from the mercenary world and planned to live a life of ordinary people.

If it weren't for Zhan Spear's phone call, she would not change her decision. When she learned that Zhan Spear was still alive, she was thinking about when she would have the opportunity to see Zhan Spear.

"I didn't expect that between the two of us, we would meet in this way. How about the past few years when the mercenary group was beaten down. You are here alone. It's not easy, right?"

Zhan Spear was straightforward, and it made people angry to think about this. The murderer who had a black hand behind his back, Zhan Spear has also been tracking down.

From the experience of these years, Lenny knew that before meeting Xu Qiang, she had always lived by herself, and planned to quit completely and no longer worry about the mercenary world.

"The mercenary group is gone. It's useless to say these. I heard that you have been investigating the truth of that attack. Is there any result?"

"I only know that the attacker was also a mercenary group. The man who took the lead showed up when we encountered the abdominal muscles. I always remember his face."

It was Xiao Yi who picked him back from the ice and snow, saving her life, and letting War Spear enter the Wolf Warrior Special Team with this special identity.

In the special team, the Spear quickly adapted to it. With his presence, he helped the special team a lot. Especially the Spear was best at weapon development and always produced many amazing equipment.

But deep in Zhan Spear's heart, there has always been an obsession, that is to find the black hand behind the attack to avenge.

He promised Xiao Yi that he would stay in the Wolf Warriors Special Team for five years, and then leave after five years. The five years of life and death can be regarded as repaying Xiao Yi for his life-saving grace.


After Lenny heard the news, a lamp of revenge was lit in the depths of his heart.

Relying on her alone, she never wanted to find out the truth in the past, and now that the words War Spear have made Lenny think of revenge.

"I'm sure this person is also in the mercenary world. As long as he is alive, one day he will meet again."

The face in Zhan Spear's mind has been haunting him like a nightmare. If this hatred is not resolved, he will never feel at ease.

"As long as I meet him, I will definitely not let him live in this world and avenge our 173 comrades in arms!"

"Count me, when will you act to inform me, I will go with you."

Lenny made up his mind. It was one thing to stay in the mercenary group, but she couldn't ignore the blood debt of the mercenary group.

Xiao Yi had also heard about Zhan Spear's previous experience. He stepped forward and patted Zhan Spear on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, Zhan Spear, your business is mine. If you find your enemy, remember to tell me and I will follow you."

Xiao Yi did what he said, his current position is not so restrictive.

"Thank you Captain!"

"If you say this to me, it will be out of the ordinary."

The war spear was greeted into the camp. Since it is here, let me introduce it to everyone.

The important members of the mercenary group were all resting in the tent when they saw Xiao Yi walk in with a stranger.

Everyone stared curiously, guessing who this person is? It looks like a dick.

"I want to introduce you, this is called War Spear, my good brother."

Xiao Yi introduced that Qin Gang thought that Xiao Yi had brought another new member of the mercenary group. If a new member joins, he must be welcome.

Before Xiao Yi could continue speaking, he stood up directly from the chair, punching a fist in the chest of the spear a few times.

"Oh...Brother Xiao, you also brought an imported one this time, kid, don't look at me with such an air, newcomers who join the mercenary group, you have to be obedient, you know?"

Zhan Spear heard these words Qin Gang said, as if he didn't put him in his eyes at all, and immediately provoked here as soon as they met.

He turned to look at Xiao Yi, wanting to ask for Xiao Yi's meaning, Xiao Yi let out a sigh.

"You figure it out, as long as you don't kill the person, I will deal with him ruthlessly, so that this kid knows what is called heaven and earth!"

Why didn't Xiao Yi understand what Qin Gang meant by doing this? It was like an animal, Qin Gang was enclosing his own territory.

It's a pity that he doesn't have eyesight this time, and he found the wrong target. War Spear is not easy to provoke.

"Captain, this is what you said."

War Spear is not polite, grabbing Qin Gang's fist, and suddenly pulling it aside.

Qin Gang couldn't prevent him, so he rushed forward. The next second he grabbed his collar with his spear and threw his hand out of the tent.

How is this going? Where am I?

This thought came to Qin Gang's mind, flew out more than ten meters, and fell heavily to the ground.

With one move, the geese fell on the sand and lay face down in the desert. After a few seconds, this was the support to get up.


He got up and patted the dirt on his clothes. When Qin Gang looked at Xiao Yi and Zhan Spear again, he immediately became much better.

Holding his waist and walking step by step in front of Xiao Yi, Xiao Yi let out a sigh. This guy didn't have long eyes when he found the right person to demonstrate.

"Hey...Qin Gang, why are you doing this? Before I finish my words, your kid can't sit still. You plan to stand up, right?"

"Brother Xiao, what are you going to say next? Where did this guy come from? Where did so much strength come from, he almost threw me on my back."

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