Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3572: Another backer

Xu Qiang didn't think so, and would receive such a generous gift.

When Xiao Yi said there was a gift, he knew it was not easy. Leaning on the pillow, Xu Qiang smiled and said.

"Brother Xiao, you already gave me enough things, what are you going to give me this time?"

"I have contacted Edward before and asked for his permission. From now on, in the mercenary world, all the arms business will be managed by you."

After hearing Xiao Yi's words, Xu Qiang sat up from the bed all of a sudden, his head knocked on the pillar.

He thought about what gift Xiao Yi would bring. It might be a batch of arms, or it might be a relatively powerful person.

But I never thought of this. This can no longer be described by the word gift, Xu Qiang said in surprise.

"Brother Xiao, is this true?"

"Do you think I would be kidding you at this time?"

Xiao Yi said with a serious expression, surely he shouldn't have fun with Xu Qiang on such an important matter, because Xu Qiang's heart was beating.

He knows exactly what this underground arms business means. The annual income has at least exceeded 100 million yuan. Such a huge amount of income, I don't know how many people are watching.

It's a pity that they didn't know Edward, and Edward would not give them this opportunity. The previous Mafia's arms business was based on the friendship between the former boss and Edward.

Now that Drake is dead, the Mafia himself has fallen into civil strife. Who has the mind to take care of the arms business, and Edward has returned it smoothly.

Edward remembered that a person once said to him that weapons such as weapons must not be sold casually. Every batch of sold weapons may cause a human tragedy.

Thinking of this person's warning, this time Edward took back the arms business that the Mafia took over, and will not provide it to the Mafia in the future, but in the mercenary world, with huge market profits, Edward cannot completely let go.

At this time, someone needs to stand up and be able to control the arms business, and this person can't be too greedy, earning everything, lest the world will not be chaotic.

At this moment, Xiao Yi called and discussed something with him. After hearing about Xiao Yi’s request, Edward did not hesitate and agreed to his request. I believe that the person Xiao Yi chose would not Wrong.

"Edward, a ship transporting arms, will resist the port in three days. You will need to send someone to take over this batch of arms."

Xiao Yi told Xu Qiang that Edward could trust him. He had just said the matter with his front foot, and immediately transported a batch of goods.

"And Edward will announce the news of new partners, and the Lengjian Mercenary Corps has officially become the arms dealer in the mercenary world here.

"This... Brother Xiao, can't we discuss it again?"

"What's wrong? Do you have other questions?"

Xu Qiang was very satisfied with this gift from Xiao Yi, but Xu Qiang knew his abilities very well, and his appetite was not so big now.

The arms business is such a huge profit margin, those powerful people are staring, where Xu Qiang is qualified to take over.

What is even more troublesome is that he has to face a flame mercenary group. Freyman will definitely make a comeback in the future. A battle will eventually erupt between the two mercenary groups.

"Brother Xiao, you should know how much the Lengjian Mercenary Group is capable of now. If I take over the arms business, I am afraid that I will become a target of public criticism in the future."

Arms can bring huge wealth, but at the same time you need to have a powerful ability to control, otherwise it will bring endless troubles in addition to wealth.

Once those people are dissatisfied with Xu Qiang's arms business distribution method, they will immediately become hostile, because such a profit makes themselves into this situation, Xu Qiang feels a little unworthy.

"I know that the arms business can make a lot of money. This money is really hot. I'm afraid I can't hold it."

"You don't need to worry about this, I said you can hold it, then you can hold it!"

Xiao Yi took out a letter and patted it on Xu Qiang's body. This letter is very important and Xu Qiang must receive it.

"Brother Xiao, this is..."

"It is a token of the Edward family, I will officially give it to you. I got this thing, which is equivalent to the entire mercenary group, which is considered half of the Edward family."

Seeing that Xu Qiang still didn't understand why he was involved with the Edward family again now, the amount of information received today is too great.

"Okay, let me make it simpler. This time the decision on the arms business is not monopolized by the Lengjian Mercenary Group. It is the Edward family that really controls the business. You are only responsible for the shipment. Do you understand now? "

"Oh... it seems to understand. This is equivalent to a large family. I am the shopkeeper at the moment."

"It's okay to understand it this way. I have considered what you said. The profits in the arms business are indeed huge, but the group of people should not be stupid enough to go against the Edward family."

Xu Qiang finally knew at this time that Xiao Yi's intention in such an arrangement was to rely on the Lengjian Mercenary Corps to rely on the great mountain of the Edward family.

The power of the Edward family naturally doesn't need to say more, and Xiao Yi is carrying them for them, and there are any difficulties that cannot be overcome in the future.

With these two mountains alone, so many enemies would be daunted, and Xiao Yi had already made plans.

"I know that the arms business is hot, but even if it is hot, you Xu Qiang will have to squeeze it tightly in my hand to develop a mercenary group, which requires very strong funds as a foreshadowing."

Just a gold mine is not enough. This time with the addition of the arms business, the Lengjian Mercenary Corps soon established its reputation in the mercenary world.

With these and Xu Qiang's efforts, the development of the mercenary group will accelerate a lot.

"Since Brother Xiao has arranged everything, then I will let you do it. I will kill Freman of the Flame Mercenary Group myself."

Confidence bloomed in Xu Qiang's eyes, and Xiao Yi had planned all the way through such careful arrangements.

If you don't make a lot of achievements, you really are sorry for Xiao Yi's cultivation.

I think I was muddled before, and when I lost one arm, I became dejected.

Fortunately, Xiao Yi was by his side at the critical moment. This slap was drawn in a timely manner, waking Xu Qiang up.

"Brother Xiao, thank you, thank you for taking care of my family all the time. I really want to go home and see their mother and son, but I have more important things to do."

Xiao Yi forwarded the video on his mobile phone to Xu Qiang, and Xu Qiang saved it. This became Xu Qiang's new spiritual pillar.

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