Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3573: Decline invitation

He wants to live out a human, let his children see that his father is a hero on the battlefield.

"Aren't you going to go back and have a look? After your injury is healed, you can find someone to support you, and I will give you a few days off."

Xiao Yi said that the Erni in the house had been thinking about Xu Qiang all the time. When she saw Xiao Yi, she hadn't even asked about it sometimes.

But those in the eyes can't be kept secret, Erni hopes to see Xu Qiang.

Xu Qiang squeezed his fist, and he suppressed this longing deep in his heart, turning it into a kind of motivation.

"Brother Xiao, I also want to go back, and I really want to see her, especially my newborn child."

With a sigh at the tent, Xu Qiang continued.

"Think about it or forget it. Whenever I really beat that Freeman, I will go back to see their mother and son, and ask Brother Xiao to take good care of them for me."

"This kid's name, I think about it, is Xu Weiguo. The defender hopes that he can become a real soldier in the future."

Xu Qiang gave his child a representative name, called Xu Weiguo.

This name also contained Xu Qiang's expectations for the child. At this moment, Xiao Yi looked at Xu Qiang's appearance and thought of himself.

Like Xu Qiang, he did his duty in other things, but he was a lot worse in being a father.

"You are the same as me at this point. I have not seen my daughter for a long time, and I don't know what the little guy is like now. I should be about to learn to walk."

Xiao Yi only met her daughter. Last time, under the arrangement of the mysterious person, she met Meng Nana. For Xiao Yi, Meng Nana gave birth to their two children.

Similarly, Meng Nana gave the child a simple name, Xiao Huan. I just hope that in this life, the child can grow up happily.

"What? Brother Xiao, your daughter? Are you..."

Xu Qiang had never heard of this, nor had Xiao Yi talked to others about it, it was about the safety of the mother and daughter.

"Yes, my daughter, my daughter and Meng Nana's daughter, I met her before."

"It turns out that Brother Xiao has already found my sister-in-law, so I said that my sister-in-law must be fine. Ji people have their own natural features.

After Meng Nana had disappeared, Xiao Yi had sent people to inquire about the news in order to find Meng Nana.

It's a pity that Meng Nana is like evaporating in the world. No matter how you find it, there is no clue. Xiao Yi never gave up the idea of ​​searching.

"We are both incompetent fathers. After we have dealt with these matters, we will push away all the trivial matters in our hands, stay at home with peace of mind and stay with our family."

"Then let's make it so, maybe my son will marry Brother Xiao's daughter, and our family will become in-laws."

Xu Qiang joked, unknowingly, both of them have become fathers and become real adults.

His body had just recovered a bit, and Xu Qiang needed to rest in bed, so Xiao Yi stopped disturbing him.

After leaving the tent alone, he came to another place at this moment, and there was another person who needed to meet.

Sitting in the tent, beside Perod, no one was arranged to stare at him.

In the camp, Perod can move around at will, except that the tent for discussion cannot be approached, Perod is free in movement.

Whenever he wants to leave, no one will stop him.

Earlier, Perod was trying to persuade Xu Qiang to leave here quickly with people, and Freeman's army was coming soon.

Once the battle broke out, Xu Qiang and the others weren't Freman's opponents at all with this combat power, and retreat was the only option.

Who knew that the entire mercenary group did not fire one shot at a time, and Xiao Yi went to face Freeman's mercenary group by himself.

Frozen was relying on a person's strength to repel Freeman's offense, and Freeman suffered heavy casualties this time.

Leaving dingy, and for the next period of time, will not pose a threat to Xu Qiang and the others, this is the true **** of death on the battlefield.

Deep down in Perod's heart, there was a difficult choice. He had seen the future and continued to stay in the Flame Mercenary Group without any future.

Freeman had already doubted him, and the situation in the mercenary group would only become more difficult.


He didn't want to just leave like this.

There were footsteps approaching outside the tent, and Perrod retracted his thoughts.

Xiao Yi brought Qin Gang and the others over, opened the tent, and saw Perod sitting there honestly.

It seemed that Xiao Yi would appear at this time, and Xiao Yi looked at Perod.

"How? How do you feel in my Lengjian mercenary group? They didn't embarrass you, did they?"

"No, thank you Mr. Death for your hospitality. I think I have stayed for a long time. I got news before that Xu Qiang has woken up, so I need to go back."

Perrod learned that Xu Qiang had woke up, and his guilt was alleviated a bit. He was the one who disliked the kindness to others.

This time he was taking a risk to report, and returning to his camp would inevitably cause suspicion. Perrod thought of the worst result.

"You plan to leave, don't you plan to stay?"

"Mr. Grim Reaper, is this inviting me? People like me are still in the opposite camp with you, I'm afraid they won't be in the eyes of Reaper."

"I like a man with a true temperament, especially someone like you. You should know in your heart that the Freman of the Flame Mercenary Group is not worth your life."

Xiao Yi was wooing Perod. In Xiao Yi's eyes, Perod was worthy of two Freemans, but it was a pity that they were of different levels.

Freeman created the mercenary group. Perrod would always be a deputy to follow his words. Perrod was very loyal to Freeman and did not intend to develop his own power alone.

"Blood sacrifice, by virtue of your original name, I think your strength is higher than that of Freman. If you stay, you will be the deputy of this mercenary group."

Now the Lengjian Mercenary Corps lacks talents like Perod, Xiao Yi deliberately wants Perod to stay.

It's just that Perod's personal will is needed in this matter, and no one can force it. Perod frowned.

I haven't heard the three words Blood Sacrifice for a long time. I don't know why, when I heard Xiao Yi say these three words today, a flame was lit in the depths of my heart.

The fighting spirit was burning, and Perod calmed down, looking at Xiao Yi and said.

"Thank you Grim Reaper for your invitation, but I am a member of the Flame Mercenary Corps. No matter where I go, I still have to go back."

Perod made a decision. He did not agree to Xiao Yi's invitation. Among so many people, he was the first to refuse Xiao Yi.

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