Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3574: Knowing to die

Qin Gang couldn't look down anymore, knowing that the deputy was a little capable, and said something to help.

"I said how you twitched, you've seen Xiao Yi's strength, what can you do with Freman, and how good you can stay, Freman will be stomped by Xu Qiang sooner or later. "

"If there is really such a day, even if I die in battle, I will fight with you again."

Perod was unceremonious, it was his own choice and he had to go on.



Xiao Yi scolded Qin Gang, letting this guy say a few words, not what he shouldn't say.

No matter if you use a soft or a hard one for people like Perod, any method is of no use to him, Xiao Yi sighed.

"Since it is going to leave, then I won't force you to stay, but when you think you want to join us, the doors here are open for you."

"Thank you!"

Perod walked in front of several people, Xiao Yi noticed that the expression in Perod's eyes revealed a feeling of seeing death as home.

This change in eyes was caught by Xiao Yi, and a smile appeared on the corner of Xiao Yi's mouth.

Driving his own car before, Perod left Xu Qiang's camp and returned to the camp of the Flame Mercenary Corps.

Duan Zhisheng watched Perod's departure until the vehicle disappeared, he turned around and said.

"This guy has already thought about his fate, even if he goes back, I am afraid that Freman's punishment is inevitable."

"Punishment? What punishment?"

Qin Gang said, he didn't understand what this meant, why the decent Freeman wanted to punish this person.

"Yes, he is betraying Freeman by doing this. Freeman is a relatively small-minded person. If he knew it, he would definitely not let him go."

"Xiao Yi, did you let him go like this? According to Freeman's temper and way of doing things, he might go back to die."

"If you can't keep it, let him go."

The conversation between Xiao Yi and Duan Zhisheng sounded so puzzling to Qin Gang's ears, he scratched his scalp.

"and many more!"

Qin Gang interrupted the conversation between the two.

"What do you mean by this? Why am I so confused."

"Qin Gang, you are sometimes very smart, but sometimes, it feels like water has entered your head. In this environment, the water in your head is not evaporated and dried."

Duan Zhisheng stared at Qin Gang. Qin Gang hadn't figured out such a simple truth.

"This...what does this mean?"

"Think about it, this time Perrod came to report to us, when did he come?"

"Before Freman's attack."

Qin Gang blurted out and made his debut. On this point, Perod was really interesting, and even such important things were revealed to them in advance in order to repay the favor.

"Then when did he leave.

"Just now!"

Suddenly Qin Gang's eyes lit up. This time had already explained everything, and he immediately understood.

Why did Xiao Yi and Duan Zhisheng say this before? It turns out that these two people knew that Perod was going back this time and was seeking his own way.

A huge mercenary world, although it looks chaotic, but for the mercenary group, especially a force like Freeman.

Perod left the station privately, and it will be clear where he went, and soon the news that Perod came to inform Xu Qiang would be known to Freeman.

"If Freeman knew about this, he would become a traitor."

"Please use an affirmative tone. This Freman is not an idiot. Perrod will go back this time, fearing that there will be no chance to survive."

Duan Zhisheng guessed the fate of Perod. Previously, Xiao Yi deliberately wanted to keep Perod, but Perod refused.

However, Xiao Yi was not angry. On the contrary, if Perod directly chose to stay, Xiao Yi would look down on such a person, and would have the most spinelessness to fall into battle.

Seeing that Perod was in trouble now, how could he sit back and ignore, Xiao Yi smiled.

"Don't worry, he can't die. Boss Duan will take a trip with Zhan Spear and bring this Perod back to me. You must live."

"I knew it!"

Before Xiao Yi deliberately glanced at Duan Zhisheng, Duan Zhisheng guessed it, Xiao Yi would definitely arrange something for himself.

"Well, I'll take a trip. I hope this Freeman can be merciful, and don't shoot him when he goes back."

Duan Zhisheng and Zhan Spear were dispatched together to go to the camp of the Flame Mercenary Group and bring one person back. It was very easy to do.

Xiao Yi needs to stay, so he can only trouble with War Spear once. For this opportunity, War Spear is also very happy to go.

"Captain thank you!"

"Thank me for what?"

"I will definitely find the mercenary group that ambushed us at the beginning, in order to give an explanation to those who died."

Zhan Spear knew that Xiao Yi's arrangement was for him to walk around the mercenary world and find the original murderer.

The incident at the time became the knot of War Spear. If there was no revenge, the dead spirits would not be able to rest.

Freeman was defeated.

More than one hundred and forty people from the Flame Mercenary Corps came together to launch an attack.

He was beaten back by Xiao Yi alone, and more than fifty died.

On the way to the retreat, the flame mercenary group was crushed, and walking scattered on the road, each of them looked ugly and was frightened.

This matter will soon spread, this time Freman's face was lost, and now he remembered what the deputy said before, don't go.

Regretting his impulsive decision and paying the bill with such a result, Freman hated the ruthless executioner, the death **** like a murderer.

It is a pity that he is not the opponent of Death, if he does not choose to retreat, he will also die in that desert.

Only by retreating can we find a chance for revenge. This account Freyman was on Xu Qiang's head, and he did not give up so easily.

"Xu Qiang, the grievance between the two of us is not over yet, I will use the death of everyone in your mercenary group to wash away my shame this time!"

Finally, the group of people returned to the station. After arriving at the station, Freeman noticed that no one appeared.

Under normal circumstances, when the battle is over when going out, the Perod will definitely come to ask about the battle, but not at the moment.

"Where is Perod?"

Freeman asked the guards at the station, and one person answered.

"General, as soon as your team left, Perrod set off with him. He said he would assist you in your actions."


This answer was completely different from the real situation. To the end, Freman did not see Perod's shadow.

And he had previously issued an order to prevent Perod from participating in this operation. Why did Perod leave the station and lied.

"Go! Find him out for me, I must ask someone to understand!"

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