Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3600: Awe-inspiring

"Now I think you should tell me who is the master behind you and who is instructing you to do this!"

The tip of the knife hit the young man's neck. Smart people know that if you don't cooperate with Xiao Yi at this moment, you will end up with a dead end.

Xiao Yi was not joking. The young man did not answer Xiao Yi's questions. Such a stubbornness was useless in front of him.

The short knife in his hand pierced one centimeter, and blood flowed out of the wound and stained on the short knife.

"What I said needs a return, and I don't want anyone to challenge the limits of my tolerance."

The short knife stabbed some more while speaking, and the young man still had the same expression, and did not take Xiao Yi's words to heart.

"Kill me! It is my shame if I lose, you are here with me, you can't ask any questions."

"Very good! I admire your courage, you are also qualified to be my opponent."

Xiao Yi had a murderous intent. This person was already enlightened. If he continued speaking, he seemed to be wasting time.

The young man did not resist, closed his eyes and waited, and lost to his opponent. For him, there was no reason to live.

The short knife in his hand was about to pierce the young man's throat, and Xiao Yi suddenly realized that his hand was not obliged, and the short knife couldn't move forward in his hand.

A terrible aura came out of the room, oppressing Xiao Yi, it was the suppression of this aura that made Xiao Yi unable to breathe.

"What a terrible strength!"

Even Zixu inside Xiao Yi's body was attracted attention after he noticed this aura.

It's been a long time since I had encountered such a terrible opponent, and exposed my aura to exert pressure on Xiao Yi.

In addition to this, it was to save the young man. If he didn't do anything, Xiao Yi would really do it.

"It's so terrible and powerful. The strength of this person is almost the same as your grandfather."

Zi Xu reminded Xiao Yidao that his apprentice was definitely not an opponent of this kind of person, and he didn't know where this kind of expert came from.

Why did there appear to be aimed at Xiao Yi, or that this group of people came prepared, they appeared for a reason.

"What about Master?"

"Even if you are caught in a runaway, you are not his opponent. Don't worry, Master and I will be here. Letting you leave safely is not a problem."

"Then let me take a look first, what is the origin of such a powerful player!"

Xiao Yi was using his consciousness to communicate with Master, and under the pressure of this terrifying aura, Xiao Yi could not move freely.

There was a sound of footsteps approaching, and Xiao Yi could not look back. He saw a middle-aged man in a black robe appearing in front of Xiao Yi step by step.

The middle-aged man's face was gloomy, giving people the feeling that he was dying. The old poisonous man Xiao Yi had seen before was somewhat similar to this man.

He held a black long sword in his hand, and the material used to cast this long sword should be the same as the nunchaku.

"Did you lose, disciple?"

The middle-aged man walked in front of the young man, and he saw a wound left on his apprentice's neck.

Among the many apprentices, only this one was the one he was most satisfied with, and taught him all of his life and learning.

I have never met an opponent before, and are among the best among my peers, but this time I lost like this.

If he couldn't come right now, Xiao Yi would definitely get rid of him, and the young man breathed a sigh of relief.

After stepping back a few steps, the middle-aged man took a black vial and threw it to him, letting him treat the wound by himself.

"Take care of your wounds. You promised me before that you will definitely take this person. I didn't expect you to lose in the end."

"Master, I'm sorry, but I am not as skilled as others."

"Really shame me!"

The young man had no temper at all in front of the master, and let the master reprimand him.

Turning around, the middle-aged man stared at Xiao Yi, Xiao Yi was also looking at him, his eyes were already at the middle-aged man, with a ghostly smile on his face.

"You are Xiao Yi? A descendant of the Xiao Clan."

"It looks like we don't know each other, and there doesn't seem to be any interaction before. I don't know why a master like you found me."

Xiao Yi wanted to figure out the identities of these people. Those who had been killed before were just miscellaneous soldiers, and they all obeyed this young man's instructions.

They are Edward, the servants arranged here, just to be able to survive, they had to do what others ordered.

The two in front of him are the real behind-the-scenes manipulators. The middle-aged man releases his aura and pressure to oppress the circulation of Dao Qi in Xiao Yi's body.

The movement of the meridians of Xiao Yi has become disordered, and this is the suppression brought about by the gap in realm.

With Xiao Yi's ability, he could not make a move in front of this person, but Xiao Yi also understood a truth.

This person has such a formidable strength, but he didn't take the opportunity to kill him directly. The only explanation was that he had what he wanted or an answer.

So I am safe at the moment, the middle-aged man said.

"Now you are in my hand, like an ant, you can pinch to death with your hands, don't you be afraid?"

"Of course I'm afraid. I don't see many people who are afraid of death. But if I'm afraid of death, don't you kill me?"

"It's clever and smart. It's true that I killed you very easily, but before that, I want to have a chat with you."

The middle-aged man withdrew from this momentum, and without the coercion of the momentum, Xiao Yi regained his freedom in his activities.

He walked aside and found a place to sit down casually. He was not wary of Xiao Yi, but at the same time, it did not mean that Xiao Yi could escape from his hand.

So after Xiao Yi calmed down at this moment, he walked to the other side of this person and sat down. This person wanted to talk to himself.

At the same time, deep in Xiao Yi's heart, there were some questions that needed to be answered, he looked at this person and said.

"Who on earth are you? As the saying goes, we have no grievances in the past and now we have no grudges. Why are you looking at me?"

"You are right in this sentence, there is really no communication between us."

The middle-aged man sighed. He sought Xiao Yi for another matter, for the survival of the entire family.

"You are a smart person, and you must know something from some secrets in your Xiao Clan, then you can guess some of our identity."

A reminder reminded Xiao Yi of a possibility, a secret history of the Xiao Clan that was far away from Xiao Yi but had to be mentioned.

According to the secret anecdote recorded, the history of the Xiao Clan's history and the history of the war, he stared at the middle-aged man.

"You are... the Black Dragon clan?"

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