Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3601: Black Dragon Clan

Xiao Yi has not had direct contact with the Black Dragon clan, nor has he discussed anything with these people.

It seems that this Black Dragon clan, something far away from Xiao Yi, only exists in the secret history of the clan.

The history of the Xiao clan fighting with the Black Dragon clan is long gone. Even if the Black Dragon clan really wants to find the Xiao Clan for revenge, there seems to be no reason to find themselves.

Because Xiao Yi has never lived in the clan of the Xiao Clan, if it were not for the special circumstances last time, he would not have entered the Xiao Clan.

Two mysterious masters suddenly appeared. Among them, this middle-aged man was terrifying, and he was about to catch up with his grandfather's realm.

However, in comparison, there was still a certain gap between Xiao Qian and Xiao Qian. To be measured by one person, his strength should be a bit better than Xiao Huaizhi.

So at this moment, Xiao Yi boldly guessed that he couldn't find a second possibility other than the Black Dragon clan.

After hearing these words from Xiao Yi, the middle-aged man showed a strange smile on his face.

"You are really smart, I just reminded you briefly, you can guess my identity right away."

"It turns out that you are really members of the Black Dragon clan. I really didn't expect that the secret history of the Xiao clan, the things recorded, turned out to be true."

After Xiao Yi got this answer, these people would do it by themselves, and it would be able to explain it.

Why does it appear here? Entering Edward's private villa is not something ordinary people can do.

Among the people guarding the villa outside, some of them retreated from the mercenary battlefield, and their strength should not be underestimated.

It's a pity that these tough people on the battlefield met cultivators. They were opponents they had never encountered before, and they didn't know the details of their opponents.

Facing an opponent you are not familiar with at all, you don't even know how and how you play, and you only end up losing.

Therefore, Edward's private villa, the people guarding here, were easily dealt with by these two people, and became a surrogate to test the strength of Xiao Yi.

Calm down and think, Xiao Yi sat next to the middle-aged man. He thought of many details, including the things he had heard and encountered before.

Edward was on the mercenary battlefield. He had a good arms business, but someone had to come out to intervene. This person had a tough attitude.

During the previous call, I could hear that Ed Huawei was also a headache. A person who was originally the number one rich person in the world would also feel trouble.

It shows that this person who went to Edward is more powerful than Edward. After thinking of this, Xiao Yi looked at the middle-aged man and said.

"It seems that those who had to get involved in the arms business before have nothing to do with you, right?"

"You are indeed very smart, and it quickly occurred to me that our Black Dragon clan is leading the charge."

The middle-aged man didn't conceal anything in front of Xiao Yi. It was true that he did it, and to be precise, he arranged for someone to do it.

There is no need to go out in person, the Black Dragon clan still has this strength, which can threaten Edward's interests.

He looked at Xiao Yi, a young descendant of the Xiao Clan. He didn't seem to find the noble blood that belonged to the Xiao Clan in Xiao Yi's body.

The former Xiao Clan was a royal family. After the decline of the royal family, a collateral line emerged. This collateral line gradually developed and became the ancestor of the current Xiao Yi.

The other clan was completely in decline, and there was no trace or historical record left in the territory of China.

Dreaming of continuing to sit in that position to be the emperor, but as a result, the wheel that could not resist history was crushed. The glorious history of the Xiao Clan disappeared into China as a flash in the pan.

Xiao Yi sat down, and in the eyes of this expert, he couldn't escape at all, so he didn't bother to try.

With the help of the master at the critical moment, Xiao Yi can relieve the crisis. He will sit down and talk with this person to learn more about the past.

"How did your Black Dragon clan find me? In this world, not many people know that I am a descendant of the Xiao clan."

Xiao Yi was very curious about this. Only a few relatives around him knew Xiao Yi's true identity.

The middle-aged man took out something from his body, which was a stone like a dove egg, round and crystal clear.

It appeared a kind of light red, and there was no clue in it, and this thing was not considered a rare treasure.

"What is this?"

"You can try to stimulate the movement of Dao Qi in your body, and you will know it naturally."

According to this prompt, Xiao Yi revolved Dao Qi to activate the meridians. Just after Dao Qi started to revolve, the stone in front of him changed.

It was originally a light red, but immediately turned into a bright and vivid red, as if it was a light inside.

"this is……"

"It's just an ordinary jade, but I have injected a special spiritual power into it."

The middle-aged man explained that it is indeed very difficult for the Great Thousand World to find someone, especially the descendants of the Xiao Clan.

The Black Dragon clan learned that the Xiao clan had all been hidden, living in a large spatial formation, and very few people except their own clan members could enter it.

And not many people knew the existence of the Xiao Clan, like Han Batian before, it was indeed an exception.

Other people who can make friends with the Xiao Clan are somewhat special in their identities. In the past few years, the Black Dragon Clan has not given up hope and has been searching hard.

I hope to find some news about the Xiao Clan. Finally, a year ago, the members of the Black Dragon Clan focused on the China Wolf Warriors Special Team.

The captain was Xiao Yi, but after a while, Xiao Yi suffered an accident.

After losing the clue, those in the clan thought that they were looking in the wrong direction, and they planned to change their goal.

Later, Xiao Yi appeared again, and what he did, convinced them that Xiao Yi might be a descendant of the Xiao clan.

"The special thing about this stone is that after it has been injected with spiritual power, once it is close to the Xiao Clan members, and the Xiao Clan members urge Dao Qi, it will react in resonance with the spiritual power inside."

The middle-aged man explained that because of this, someone held this stone and approached Xiao Yi. Once Xiao Yi used Dao Qi, he would immediately be noticed.

This was the first time Xiao Yi saw such a magical technique, and the Black Dragon clan had such a means to think, and he must have been eyeing him.

"It turned out to be such a thing, it seems that you have already found me, right?"

"Yes, indeed, we have noticed your existence a long time ago. Fortunately, you do not live in the Xiao Clan. You can only count as half of the Xiao Clan."

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