Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3604: Momentum suppression

From this point, it doesn't make sense, Xiao Yi doesn't know why, the inside of the Black Dragon clan believes in such a vague thing.

What's more, hundreds or even thousands of years of history have passed, and after the Xiao Clan withdrew from history, the two have never had any contact.

Naturally, he would not come to curse this statement. Although Xiao Yi explained it this way, Wan Yanlie did not agree with it.

In his consciousness, his people have been instilling his thoughts all year round, so they all have a mission while they are alive.

Untie the curse on the tribe, and at the same time seek revenge for the Xiao Clan for the tribe's experience.

If one day someone appears and tells them the fact that there is no connection between these things and the Xiao Clan, they will have misunderstood.

Then these people will lose the motivation to live for a while, and they don't know what they should do. The only support for living is revenge and the future of the Black Dragon clan.

"Boy, no matter how you explain and quibble, it is useless. These are the plots of your Xiao Clan. The Xiao Clan wants to use this method to completely exterminate us and let us live in pain."

"It takes me to say a few times before you can understand that if I am a master of the Xiao Clan and can really curse your blood, why do I have to keep your lives and let you live till now."

"No matter what, you fell into my hands today, and the best way is to go back with me."

Wan Yanlie came to catch Xiao Yi, and all the information he found showed that Xiao Yi was a master.

It's just that if his apprentice came forward, I was afraid that something unexpected would happen, and as expected, his apprentice was not Xiao Yi's opponent.

"It seems that I really can't leave today."

Xiao Yi let out a sigh and said that this person's sophistry here shows that he has a guilty conscience and cannot confirm that the problems of his clan members belong to the Xiao Clan.

Perhaps they wanted to use this as an excuse, so that they could find a belief support for their future revenge plan.

Since this person trapped Xiao Yi, he did not kill Xiao Yi in pain, indicating that keeping Xiao Yi still had an effect.

"What are you going to do?"

Xiao Yi asked, Wan Yanlie, according to some secret art records in the clan, as well as those past rumors.

With the unremitting efforts of more than ten generations, a magical formation has finally been created, which is hopeful and can unlock the curse of blood on the body.

However, the prerequisite is that a person of the Xiao clan is needed as the support of this formation, otherwise this formation is waste.

There is no effect at all, and only talents from the Xiao Clan can do it. The person I found has profound strength.

So they set their sights on Xiao Yi's body, and it was more appropriate to use Xiao Yi as the front line. Xiao Yi did not live in the Xiao Clan.

"We, the Black Dragon clan, have not always been waiting to die. After our unremitting efforts and joint research, we have finally created a sacrificial formation to eliminate the curse in our body."

"Sacrifice? Formation?"

"Yes, it is the sacrificial formation."

Xiao Yi had an ominous premonition. The word sacrifice made him think a lot, and it seemed that it was not a good suggestion.

Wan Yanlie thought that Xiao Yi's strength would definitely not be able to escape from his presence, so he simply said a few words here.

"This sacrificial formation is the ancestor of our Black Dragon clan, and the formation created as a basis is used to draw out the power of blood in a person."

Wan Yanlie looked at the black line on his arm. This black line would grow every year, making him live in pain all his life.

And the only way to release the curse in the bloodline is to use the bloodline of the other party. After the two are merged, the symptoms can be completely cured.

"After drawing out the power of this person's bloodline, we merge the power of bloodline with our young people, so that our younger generation of people will get rid of this vicious curse and prolong their lives."

People like Wan Yan Lie are already dying. Even if they lose and use this method, they will not be able to save their lives. Death is already doomed.

"I know you don't live in the Xiao family. You can be regarded as a member of the Xiao Clan. I shouldn't have come to kill you. It's a pity that you are from the Xiao Clan, and you have to pay a heavy price for it."

"kill me?"

"Yes, I killed you!"

Xiao Yi knew that the formation of the sacrificial rites didn't seem like a good thing. It really wanted to use the lives of living people as the medium.

"This sacrificial formation will draw out the power of a living person's bloodline. After the bloodline power of a living person is exhausted, it is naturally impossible to continue to live."

"It seems that you are planning to use my life to save your people from the dangers."

"That's right, but it's not saving, but atonement for the things you have done."

It's okay to die on the battlefield. Xiao Yi didn't like such a useless way of death, and was used as a real battle against this so-called **** experiment.

Frowning slightly, after learning about this man's crazy thoughts, Xiao Yi didn't need to continue pestering him, and said with a smile.

"What if I want to refuse?"

Wan Yanlie guessed that Xiao Yi would say that. Normal people would not agree to such a request and sacrifice their lives alive.

However, the suppression of strength gave Xiao Yi no right to choose. He released his coercion, and Xiao Yi's face suddenly became ugly.

Reluctantly used his own strength to resist and support, but Wan Yanlie was far from his realm and couldn't support it for long.

There was a **** smell in his throat, and Xiao Yi opened his mouth to spout a mouthful of blood. The pressure on his aura made Xiao Yi's meridians unable to function normally.

It's like a tornado, and it can't be calmed down for a long time. This is the suppression of the advantage in the realm of the strong, and you don't even have to fight back.

Seeing Xiao Yi’s tragic situation, Wan Yanlie seemed to be a little unhappy. Among the younger generation, Xiao Yi faced him face-to-face and was able to support him. Few people could do it. .

"Haha... your strength is indeed very strong. The physique of the Xiao Clan is different from ours. It is really rare to be able to cultivate to strength from this at your age."

"Are you complimenting me?"

"If you are a member of our Black Dragon clan, I will try my best to help you in your cultivation. I may break through this shackle in the future, but it's a pity..."

Wan Yan Lie raised his hand and patted Xiao Yi's shoulder. At this moment, Xiao Yi could no longer support and fell to the ground.

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