Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3605: Zixu hands-on

The bones were about to break, Xiao Yi noticed that the palm of the opponent had not touched his body.

The oppression of momentum alone made him so embarrassed, it was simply too bully.

I want to cultivate hard by myself, and constantly improve my cultivation level, just to be able to protect myself and protect the people around me.

This time, Xiao Yi saw what is meant by Tianwaiyoutian. It was like being stepped under his feet, and he couldn't help but resist.

In the past, Xiao Yi's opponent was vulnerable, and Xiao Yi controlled the situation. Now the situation is the opposite.

When it was his turn, such a change was really unacceptable, Xiao Yi clenched his fist and didn't fall down.

Relying on willpower to support his body, but the perception of strength is very different, and the result is not what Xiao Yi thought.

"Hehe...In my hands, even with your strength, you want to resist, it's a joke!"

An even greater soul power invaded Xiao Yi's consciousness, and Xiao Yi only felt that every inch and every cell of his body was plunged into endless pain.

He wanted to see which step he could do with his own ability. Now it seems that he is indeed not the opponent of this person, and can only be left to the master to deal with it.

"Don't support it, kid. The strength of this kind of person is not something you can measure. If you continue to support it like this, I'm afraid your meridians will be severely damaged!"

"I am really unwilling to be stepped underfoot. Sooner or later, I will repay the humiliation I suffered today."

"It's good to have this ambition. I'll help you through this difficulty."

Xiao Yi's consciousness fell into a deep sleep, and then the control of the body was handed over to Master.

The remnant soul of Zi Xu merged into Xiao Yi's body, and the face of Wan Lie in front of him showed a triumphant smile.

In his hand, Xiao Yi did not have the ability to resist, but Wan Yanlie did not calculate that there was another force in Xiao Yi's body.

Suddenly he saw Xiao Yi, who had been suppressed, slowly stood up, grabbed his wrist with one hand, and actually moved his hand away.

This is simply impossible. How could Xiao Yi's strength resist the pressure of his own soul and burst out with such a powerful force?

"Why... what's going on?"

It was Zi Xu who was facing Wan Yan Lie now, and if he returned to his peak, Wan Yan Lie in front of him would be wiped out by moving his finger.

Now there is only this remnant soul, after a period of recovery, it is enough to deal with this kind of person.

"Dare to move my disciple, and don't weigh how many catties you have!"

Zi Xu screamed, Wan Yanlie fell into chaos, what was going on.

The Xiao Yi in front of him is exactly the same as the previous two people in terms of breath. What does the change between the two mean?

Still, there are hidden secrets in Xiao Yi's body. He had been disguising himself before.

"You...who are you?"

Wan Yan Lie was surprised. At this moment, Xiao Yi raised a hand and fell heavily.

A fierce slap was slapped on Wan Yanlie's face. Wan Yanlie realized this and blocked it with his hands.


With such a powerful strength, he was actually slow for a moment, and in such a moment, he was slapped in the face.

This slap is not something ordinary people can hit.

The power of Zixu's remnant soul is completely comparable to Xiao Qian today, but because the power of the soul is fragile, it cannot be fully utilized.

In addition, every time he makes a move, it will greatly consume the power of the soul, and it will take a long time to cultivate afterwards.

So under normal circumstances, Zi Xu would not appear in a situation that Xiao Yi could handle.

Wan Yan Lie's body quickly backed away and slammed into the door of the room behind, and that was what stopped.

On a heavy door, the figure of Wan Yan Lie was printed, just a slap.

Staring at the marks left on the ground, he slapped himself up nearly ten meters away.

At this moment, Yan Lie was no longer the look of disdain he had before, and when he looked at Xiao Yi, he was so frightened.

He didn't understand in his heart, what happened to a person in a short period of time, and his strength has improved so significantly.

"Who are you? You have such a strong strength!"

"He is my apprentice. I'm just a trace of power that is placed on him. The cognizant should get out of here as soon as possible, otherwise when I arrive, you, the entire Black Dragon clan, don't keep one!"

Xiao Yi made a thick and old voice at this moment, and this voice contained the coercion of the power of the soul, and the momentum completely suppressed Wan Yan Lie.

Wan Yanlie wanted to take Xiao Yi back, otherwise he would not be able to face the tribe, so today he must take Xiao Yi away.

After calming down, it was just a trace of sustenance, not so terrible, he said solemnly.

"The predecessor's arrogance is actually going to destroy our whole family."

"You use my apprentice to complete your big formation, can't I just stand out for my apprentice?"

"Xiao Yi" said, his eyes changed when he stood in front of Wan Yanlie.

The aura is so fierce and terrifying, those eyes are full of confidence, and a trace of gazing at the world.

Such a terrifying person only puts a trace of power on him, and he has such power. It is conceivable that if the deity is here, he Wanyanlie is definitely not an opponent.

Such a master is Xiao Yi's master, which also explains why Xiao Yi has the current achievements in cultivation and strength at this age.

"What if I have to take him away?"

Wan Yan Lie said in a deep voice, a trace of black air radiated from his body, which meant he wanted to do something.

Among the seven elders of the Black Dragon clan, he is one of them. How could he give up his goal because of such a sentence.

Even if it is a fight, you have to try how strong this force is and bring Xiao Yi back.

The eyes of'Xiao Yi' were shining, like the stars on that day, with a hint of mystery.

What Zixu was proud of was his own creation of Xuantian Dao Fa. In the realm of Xuantian Dao Fa, he had already reached the final level.

Relying on this trace of soul power, the powerful power of Xuantian Taoism can be exerted, he sneered.

"Only by you? The firefly light dares to compete with Haoyue for glory."

Around Xiao Yi's body, a mysterious character appeared, and this character was continuously rotating around his body.

Wan Yanlie had never seen such a strange move. The black energy in his hand condensed into a black python.

The huge body and the black scales on the body reflect cold light.

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