Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3612: Responsibility is heavier than Mount Tai

"Master? Don't we continue to look for it? It's still early."

The young man was puzzled, there are still a few flights to take off, and he must not miss any plane. ,

"It's already this time. The time to come has come long ago. There is only one possibility that he did not show up, that is, he did not choose to leave by plane."

Wan Yanlie thought of this level, Xiao Yi could naturally also think that he underestimated Xiao Yi's ability.

"We decided in the wrong direction from the beginning. That kid is not easy. He can guess that we might be waiting for him to appear, so he will never show up here and wait to be caught by me."

"Such a good opportunity, just missed it..."

The apprentice was very unwilling to say, Wan Yanlie didn't think there was anything. The stronger Xiao Yi showed, the more excited he was.

If you just catch a docile sheep, you will lose interest, he smiled and said.

"Well, don't be so downhearted. Don't forget that there are chess pieces we arranged in Huaxia. As long as he returns, he will immediately return to our sight."

Wan Yan Lie reminded that Xiao Yi could not escape their control anyway, and would be found sooner or later.

"Master, if you didn't talk about it, I almost forgot it. Is it really appropriate for you to let the lady do this?"

"She is naturally intelligent and has been cultivated since she was a child. For the Black Dragon clan to give up everything, I believe she will complete the task perfectly."

"It's just that, once the young lady is noticed by the Xiao Clan, then it will be dangerous."

Since the last time they let the Black Dragon Order reappear in this world, it has attracted the attention of the Xiao Clan.

Although that Xiao Huaili was very arrogant and didn't take this matter to heart, the Black Dragon clan had already noticed that there were traces of Xiao Clan activities in the faint.

If the Xiao Clan knows their current situation and the conspiracy is exposed, the next thing to meet is the anger of the Xiao Clan.

It's not that Wan Yanlie didn't understand this. It was just to complete the plan of revenge in his heart. He had already annihilated his inner emotions. If he sacrificed his own daughter to save the tribe, he would never hesitate.

"I believe she has this ability, so let's go back. It is not suitable to stay here for long."

After searching for Xiao Yi's trail to no avail, Wan Yan Lie left the airport with his apprentice.

For an expert like him, if he spends too long in the outside world, it will inevitably attract the attention of others. It is a wise decision to retreat now.

I was really unwilling to miss the opportunity to catch Xiao Yi.

Early morning on the third day.

The cargo ship is anchored at Huaxia's wharf, and the captain is going through the formalities.

Xiao Yi and Zhan Spear left the cargo ship and landed ashore. After showing their special documents to the relevant person in charge, the two returned to China again.

"Next, if you go back to my house, if Xue Yaoyue is still there, tell him that I am going out alone, maybe there will be half a month. During this half a month, don’t come except for special circumstances. contact me."

"Boss, you really don't go back, tell Xue Yaoyue?"

"You also know the current situation. I am worried that there are those people's eyeliners beside me. If I go back and show up directly, I am afraid it will bring them danger."

I always feel that I have a pair of eyes behind my back, staring at his every move.

Every time Xiao Yi has the latest trend, this feeling becomes stronger and stronger. Keep an eye on it, and there will be nothing wrong.

"I know the captain, I will report back now."

After sending away the war spear, Xiao Yi went to another city alone.

He returned to Huaxia, but it did not mean that Huaxia was safe. After the previous battle, Master and Zixu fell into a deep sleep.

Within half a month, he couldn't help Xiao Yi, so Xiao Yi had to find a way to protect his safety. By the way, think of a way to break through the Purple Profound Realm and enter the next level smoothly.

This time the breakthrough is very important. He needs to find a quiet place where he can calm down and feel it and look for opportunities for a breakthrough.

After much deliberation, there is only one place that is suitable, and that is the break of dawn, not to mention the aura, the key is the paradise, which is in line with Xiao Yi's thoughts.

"Master said that it is very difficult to break through the Purple Profound Realm. If you are a little careless, you may lose all your previous efforts and you can't even save your life."

Thinking of this made Xiao Yi very distressed, the more difficult it was in the later stages of cultivation, but only by breaking through this layer of shackles could he gain new growth.

"If I fail, it means that Xiao Yi can only get to this point, but this won't stop me!"

Xiao Yi strengthened his conviction, this time with this opportunity, he must succeed.

Otherwise, relying on him now, he cannot protect the safety of those around him. If he meets Wan Yanlie next time, Xiao Yi doesn't want to be so embarrassed.

It's a quarter past nine in the morning.

Ji Jiangyue, who was guarding the break of dawn, received news from Xiao Yi.

She asked the three elders to make arrangements, and sent someone to guard the river bank in advance, waiting for Xiao Yi's arrival.

"Is this kid Xiao Yi coming?"

"He said he will spend some time here, and he will talk about it later."

"It just so happens that I also have an account, and I have to settle with this kid!"

When the third elder heard Xiao Yi's name, his angry beard blew up, and he wished to catch Xiao Yi now and clean it up fiercely.

I don't know what Xiao Yi did to offend the Three Elders, and he was able to make the Three Elders who have always had a stable personality so angry.

"The matter of the three elders and your apprentice is a private matter between the two children. Don't get involved with you, an old thing."

Ji Jiangyue reminded that the thing that can make the three elders care is his apprentice Suzaku.

Since returning from the island country last time, Suzaku seems to be a different person. He, who used to be cheerful, suddenly became taciturn.

Sometimes I sit on the rock of the mountain, and I sit for a whole day. I don’t talk about food or eat, as if I have become a rock, and blended into the whole mountain.

The third elder asked several times, but there was no result. Later, Ji Jiangli told him that something happened between Suzaku and Xiao Yi.

Ji Jiangli was just a guess, because of what happened that day, she took people to retreat in time. As for what happened next, she had no idea.

Therefore, the three elders thought that Xiao Yi had bullied Suzaku and did something that made his apprentice unhappy. They wanted to find opportunities and must find Xiao Yi to settle accounts.

"I know, but my apprentice locked myself in a cave without eating or drinking. This is not the same thing."

"Don't worry, she will not be in danger of life. I can feel that in her body, that power is gradually waking up, I am afraid that it has been unable to be suppressed for too long."

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