Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3613: Strange environment

When it comes to the personal affairs of two people, Ji Jiangli does not want to involve the elders in it.

After returning from the last mission, Suzaku seemed to be a different person, as if he had been away for a few days and became a dual character after returning.

Sitting on a rock on the top of the peak all day, sitting on a whole day, this state is really worrying.

The third elders always knew that a remnant soul was integrated into the body of the apprentice, and the remnant soul was always accumulating strength.

The purpose is to seize Suzaku's body, and then completely become a complete stranger. It was Xiao Yi's shot last time that this force was temporarily suppressed.

When Suzaku returned this time, he, the master, clearly noticed something abnormal, and he asked Ji Jiang to leave the road.

"You mean, is it because the strength of Suzaku's body suppressed her own power?"

"It is not ruled out that this is possible, but in the current situation, Suzaku doesn't say anything. We are just guessing."

Ji Jiangli asked the people who had returned from the last mission and learned some of the details. She followed up with the three elders.

"Apart from this possibility, I can't think of other possibilities. Jiang Li told me that the situation was critical that day, and Xiao Yi fell into a state of rampage. He was about to run out of blood and die."

"The critical moment was Suzaku, who showed unprecedented strength, supporting Xiao Yi and her, and the two of them had to overcome this difficulty together."

If Suzaku released the power in his body under the circumstances of unavoidable circumstances at that time, he would definitely be backlashed by this power.

Then Xiao Yi's previous suppression formation would gradually lose its effect. After Suzaku returned, she said nothing about this matter, and probably didn't want to tell Xiao Yi.

"This girl's thoughts should be kept secret from Xiao Yi. If Xiao Yi knew, it was because of his Suzaku that he became like this, Xiao Yi would definitely have guilt in his heart."

"My apprentice is good in other places. It is too stubborn in dealing with the two words of feelings. As a master, I can't do anything about it."

"You're all this old, how can you understand what young people think in their hearts now."

Ji Jiangyue looked at the huge wisteria tree outside the house, a breeze blew by, blowing off the petals on the branches.

The hanging flower ears looked like dreams when they looked up, and the scattered petals slowly fell, reminding Ji Jiangyue of many past events.

The original person was sitting under the wisteria tree, while Ji Jiangyue sat aside, stroking a guqin.

Until he fell asleep under the tree.

However, all this has become like a bubble, which can be blown away by a gust of wind.

"Is it all destined?"

She delayed her life for that person, and since then no other man can enter her heart.

I only hope that the apprentices of the three elders will not follow in their own footsteps and live in regrets all their lives.

Xiao Yi rushed to the shore and contacted the three elders in advance, and he took out a copper bell from his body.

Shake the copper bell gently and wait on the shore.

After a few minutes.

A small boat appeared from the lake and came towards Xiao Yi.

The boaters are still the original people, and the boatman has been working for the break of dawn for more than forty years.

Since he was a teenager, he has been holding a boat alone, and he can row across this waterway even with his eyes closed.

"It's Xiao Yi boy, the third elder ordered me to meet you in advance."

The boatman turned the boat to the shore, with a boat shaft in his hand, inserted deeply into the water.

Xiao Yi jumped on the boat and said with a smile.

"I haven't seen this old man for a long time, and I don't know how the old man's health is, whether he has recovered."

When the three elders and Okao Yamamoto had fought against him earlier, Okao Yamamoto had a trick, and the samurai sword penetrated his chest.

The mouse avoided the deadly position, and after some treatment, the third elder recovered his life.

After being sent to the break of dawn, Xiao Yi always wanted to find a chance to see him, but he couldn't get away.

"I have met the third elder before, and his complexion is very good, there should be no major problems."

"The old man is so strong, I guess it's not a problem to live more than a hundred."

"I think so. His old man is the pillar of dawn. He must live a few more years to eradicate the evil in this world."

The boatman rowed the boat towards the center of the lake. It was a rare leisure, Xiao Yiren lay on the bow of the boat, looking up at the blue sky.

The boat moved slowly on the lake, and gradually a thin layer of mist began to appear on the water in front.

Following this, the fog became thicker and heavier, and it was impossible to see the situation in front of him. If it was an inexperienced boatman, he would probably make a circle on the spot in such a situation.

Unlike other places, there are many whirlpools of different sizes on the surface of the lake, and these dazzling dances are connected to the caves under the lake.

Once it was inhaled, the person with the best water quality would have to die in it. The boatman was more knowledgeable and didn't panic at all in this situation.

Still in accordance with the previous rhythm, slowly supporting the boat, passing a little bit.

"Why do I feel that the fog here is a bit heavier?"

Xiao Yi was lying on the boat, the thick fog, not to mention the boater, even he was affected.

His eyes could see clearly in the dark, but the thick mist blocked Xiao Yi's vision.

As if there is a huge secret hidden on this lake, I don't want outsiders to know it.

"What you said is correct. At this time of the year, the mist will aggravate a bit and new whirlpools will appear."

While punting the boat, the boatman said to Xiao Yi that he has been punting in this lake for decades, and he has seen more things.

"Does the weight and lightness of this mist have anything to do with the season?"

"It can be said that when it comes to May and June, it will gain a lot of weight, but in September and October, it is relatively flat."

Xiao Yi saw that as the boat was moving forward, some rocks of different sizes appeared around them, like pillars.

The whole body of these rocks is black, and under the scouring of the water, there is a breath of vicissitudes of life. I don't know how many years have passed.

When he noticed the distribution of these rocks, Xiao Yi had a strange idea in his heart. He suddenly felt that these rocks seemed to form a kind of formation.

Xiao Yi was not proficient in formation, so it was just a guess, and soon the ship passed through the dense fog area.

Out of the dense fog, the sight in front of his eyes widened again, and Xiao Yi saw the dawning territory, the mountain peaks standing in the lake.

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