Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3615: Give it a go

At that time, Ji Jiangyue was a little curious about what else the Xiao Clan has such a huge power that they couldn't do, so he should be entrusted here.

That was the time, she knew about the Black Dragon clan, but the Black Dragon clan only existed in the secret history of the Xiao Clan.

"At the beginning, your father told me that he suspected that the Black Dragon clan who had betrayed the Xiao Clan in the past has survived, and it has continued to this day. He wants to find me to help him check and see if there are any clues."

The Xiao Clan lives in his own clan and hasn't been involved in matters of the outside world for hundreds of years. Perhaps there are some news from the outside world that they do not know.

"and then?"

"I helped your father investigate all the data, but unfortunately, in all the data records, there is no Black Dragon Clan."

Ji Jiangyue's investigation was out of the official history, and even the unofficial history records had been checked, confirming that there was no news from the Black Dragon clan.

The reason for this result is that I have always checked the wrong direction.

The Black Dragon clan reappeared in China, but the Black Dragon clan at that time had their own surname.

It was like a mercenary, following the master to fight. Later, it did not wait until the end of the war. For special reasons, the Black Dragon clan completely disappeared from the outside world.

"So I decided at that time whether there was a mistake in the Xiao Clan's record, or your father was just over-concerned, and the Black Dragon Clan had already perished."

"No, no, my father is right. The Black Dragon clan does exist, and their descendants have been passed on to this century."

"Could it be that……"

Ji Jiangyue stared at Xiao Yidao. Xiao Yi is a prudent person. In such serious matters, he can't just make jokes.

Since he was saying this, there must be some basis, Xiao Yi pointed to himself and said.

"That's right, I had an encounter with the people of the Black Dragon clan before, and I did it with them. If it weren't for me to run fast, I would have been taken away by them to do a blood sacrifice experiment."

"Blood sacrifice? Experiment? What the **** is going on?"

"Listen to me slowly."

Xiao Yi told Ji Jiangyue of Wan Yan Lie and some of the information he had said. The reason why the Black Dragon clan arrested him was to uncover the curse on him.

Because the Black Dragon clan has been living in pain, the lives of their people have become limited.

For so many years, no matter what kind of realm a person's cultivation has reached, he still cannot escape the punishment of the curse.

And as time goes by, this curse keeps shortening the time, and all members of the tribe know that they can't survive the limit.

What Xiao Yi said at this time made Ji Jiangyuewei never expect that the Black Dragon clan actually existed.

"Unexpectedly, this Black Dragon clan really existed. They have been dormant for hundreds of years. The purpose is to unlock the blood curse on their bodies."

It is also the first time Ji Jiangyue has heard that someone can curse in the blood. If there is such a magical power, why have to do it again.

With real means, the opponent can die without a place to bury him, which seems to be unreasonable.

"The purpose of their arresting you, can they really solve the curse on your body?"

"How can I know this, but I can be sure that this group of people are crazy and plan to use the blood of living people to form an array. This formation is no longer different from sorcery."

With this, it can be concluded that the bloodstained array of the Black Dragon clan must have no effect and have gotten the wrong direction.

"Then why the people of the Black Dragon clan will not survive an age limit, is this really done by your Xiao clan?"

"I still don't know about this. Let's talk about the Xiao Clan. He should go to Xiao Huaili and find me for Mao Fei."

"Persimmons pick and squeeze, you live alone in Huaxia, leaving the clan of the Xiao clan, they will naturally focus on you."

On this point, Ji Jiangyue thought very well. If the Black Dragon clan was tempted by the Xiao clan, it would definitely attract the attention of the Xiao clan.

Xiao Yi was different, and even the helpless Xiao Huaili, wishing that Xiao Yi would be dealt with by others, did not need to do it himself.

"It seems that this time it is really troublesome, but after all, you are not a way with me, do you mean you don't plan to go back?"

Ji Jiangyue said, Xiao Yi's character is not a person who is not a tortoise. He will definitely think of a solution.

"My realm has reached a bottleneck. I want to use this opportunity to seek a breakthrough here. If I can make a smooth breakthrough, I will have the means to protect myself if I can face those people."

"It turns out that you planned to do that. Well, you can stay here as long as you want. I will send someone to pay attention to the movement of Huaxia."

Xiao Yi's people are here, and those few people from the Black Dragon clan who have targeted Xiao Yi will definitely continue to look for Xiao Yi's trace.

Ji Jiangyue sent someone to investigate the situation in advance, paying attention to the appearance of unidentified people, but wanted to see what the origin of the Black Dragon clan was.

"I want to choose a place where no one will bother me to meditate."

"Then you go to the place where I retreat. That place is full of spiritual energy. One day of cultivation is equivalent to the effect of ten days outside."

Now Xiao Yi is staying at the ninth level of the Purple Profound Realm. He wants to make a smooth breakthrough and has a huge demand for Dao Qi.

No ordinary place can provide such a huge Dao Qi to support him through it. Ji Jiangyue is very generous and lent the place where he cultivated to Xiao Yi.

"Then I'm not welcome."

Xiao Yi didn't shirk his excuses. Dawn breakers were watching here, so there was no need to worry about accidents.

It couldn't be more suitable for training breakthroughs, but this breakthrough was a major decision. If it goes well, Xiao Yi has unlimited ways.

If he fails, he will be lucky enough to save his life, and he will not be able to break through again in the future, staying at this step for the rest of his life.

No matter what the ending is, Xiao Yi has to fight for it. The way is human, not innate in front of him.

"Okay, I'll take you there. There is food in the retreat. If you have any needs, bring this thing."

Ji Jiangyue took a jade pendant from the desk on the side and handed it to Xiao Yi.

"If there is an accident, you only need to smash the jade pendant, and the jade pendant will establish contact with the outside world, and I will know the first time."

She knew that this breakthrough was not an easy task, it would take a lot of energy and face the possibility of failure.

This is also to protect Xiao Yi's safety. The old man is no longer there, and the only thing he can do is to protect the integrity of his descendants.

"Thank you!"

Xiao Yi returned to China, and did not choose to go home the first time, but asked Zhan Spear to bring back a message.

Tell Xiao Yi's family that he is safe now, because there is a private matter to deal with, so I don't plan to come back these days, and I don't need to contact him.

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