Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3616: Did not show up

The person who spread the message was Zhan Spear, dispelling everyone's doubts. They were all worried about Xiao Yi's safety. Sometimes Xiao Yi encountered danger and would never talk to people around him.

"Zhan Spear, can't you tell me where Xiao Yi went?"

Xue Yaoyue asked, Zhan Spear looked sincere, and he could only do as Xiao Yi ordered.

"The captain said this directly, saying that you will definitely understand what he meant, and no extra explanation is needed."

Zhan Spear preached that Xue Yaoyue understood Xiao Yi, and there was a reason to do so.

Even if the task is busy, you should say hello to her before leaving. Now that said, the situation is obviously different.

"Okay, I know. As long as he is safe, we should return to the base. Thor contacted me earlier and there is a special task that requires us to dispatch."

"Then we will start now."

The two made simple preparations and left City H. As for Xiao Yi's affairs, they believed they would take care of it.

Xiao Yi suspected that there was a pair of eyes staring at his every move by his side. As long as he was in H City, this feeling was even stronger.

His guess was correct, and Zhan Spear had just passed the news to Li Xiaojia and the others.

Everyone knew that Xiao Yi had a special mission this time and he needed to leave for a while, but there was no need to worry about it, the mission was not dangerous.

I have long been used to Xiao Yi's leaving without saying goodbye. Everyone chose to wait tacitly. As for what Xiao Yi would do during this period, it was not something they could worry about.

"Sister Xiaojia, I saw that the one with Xiao Yi returned to City H before, but I didn't see Xiao Yi's figure. Where did he go?"

A visitor came to my home today. Liu Siyi was idle and had nothing to do, so he came to Li Xiaojia.

"You know, this guy has always been a dragon without seeing the end. I don't know where he went."

"Don't you tell Xiaojia what Xiao Yi is going to do? You are his true girlfriend."

Li Xiaojia and Liu Siyi get along very well. Li Xiaojia is the only daughter at home, and always wants to have a younger sister by his side.

The appearance of Liu Siyi just made up for this vacancy, so she treats Liu Siyi as her own sister, and she will be more concerned about Liu Siyi's affairs on weekdays.

After simplifying a light makeup, Li Xiaojia stood up from the dressing table and turned to look at Liu Siyi.

A look made Liu Siyi feel a little uncomfortable, wondering if he had said something wrong. Could it be that Li Xiaojia was suspicious?

She ignored a very important detail, the news of War Spear's return, only to inform Li Xiaojia and Xue Yaoyue of them, Liu Siyi did not know.

She knew that Xiao Yi was coming back because she received her father's instruction. After realizing this, the expression on Liu Siyi's face became stiff.

I have always been hiding my identity. In any case, my identity must not be exposed. I really have to use the most direct means.

Liu Siyi lowered his head and stared at the fruit plate of the coffee table. There was a fruit knife in the fruit plate, and his heart was filled with hesitation.

Just when she was about to lower her head to grab the fruit knife, Li Xiaojia took the lead, picked up the fruit knife, and took an apple.

" don't know that Xiao Yi has a special identity, what he does and decides, I am a woman, there is no need for anything, I have to talk endlessly."

Li Xiaojia sat on the sofa and said, quickly peeling the apple in her hand and handing it to Liu Siyi next to her.

"Eat an apple. I heard that you are losing weight recently. It depends on your body shape and not fat. The most important thing is to be young and healthy. There is no need to waste energy for this kind of thing."

"Oh...Thank you, Miss Jia, for your concern. I just saw some girls who are slender and have a vest line. They wear very beautiful clothes, so I want to give it a try."

"You, have a regular schedule and eat regularly. Just do this."

After taking the apple handed by Li Xiaojia, Liu Siyi was relieved, it turned out that she was thinking too much.

Li Xiaojia did not doubt herself, and she always regarded Li Xiaojia as her sister, and would never do anything to harm her unless forced by circumstances.

"I just want to find Xiao Yi to inquire about my brother. He knows my brother and wants to know when my brother can go home and have a look."

Liu Siyi found an excuse to say that, in fact, she had known for a long time that Liu Siyi's elder brother, the eagle in the wolf, died on the battlefield.

The original Liu Siyi was severely ill and passed away before Xiao Yi found her. It was the arrangement of the tribe to let her continue to live in place of this girl.

The two identities are constantly changing, and now Liu Siyi can't tell which one is the real self.

On the one hand, the task of the tribe is important, on the other hand, Liu Siyi, when she enters the outer city, gradually adapts to this kind of life.

Without those intrigues, and without the suppression of the tasks of the clansmen, it was only in this way that I found a bit of fun in life.

It's a pity that she couldn't escape the shackles of fate after all, and she was burdened with the fate of her people, even if she sacrificed herself, Liu Siyi would not frown.

"After Xiao Yi comes back, you can come and ask him in person. I don't think you need to worry. This unit has the rules of the unit, and your brother will come back to see you sooner or later."

Li Xiaojia comforted, at this point, both of them lied to each other.

She heard from Xiao Yi that Liu Siyi's brother was sacrificed in the mission and it is impossible to return.

In order to allow Liu Siyi to study safely and spend time on campus, she had to lie to Liu Siyi.

This is a kind lie. After Liu Siyi has the ability to be independent, Xiao Yi plans to tell her about it.

In this way, Liu Siyi was able to accept this result slowly, so Xiao Yicai entrusted Li Xiaojia to take care of this girl.

"Thank you Miss Jia, I feel more at ease with you by my side."

With a slight smile, Liu Siyi could only ask about Xiao Yi's whereabouts, and if he continued to ask, he would definitely be aware of it.

She wants to hide and learn to protect her identity, sitting quietly on the sofa and watching boring TV shows.

Until a phone call came, Liu Siyi's thoughts were interrupted.

Picking up the phone and looking at it, she knew who was calling, so Liu Siyi got up and walked outside the room.


Answering the phone, Liu Siyi said, on the other side of the phone, Wan Yanlie was investigating something outside of China.

He had previously asked his daughter to check Xiao Yi's whereabouts, but he had not received any reply for many days, and he did not know what was going on now.

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