Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3617: Warning to daughter

"If I don't call you, you don't know if you should contact me."

There was a questioning tone on the phone. This was Liu Siyi's father and one of the seven highest-ranking members of the family.

Only at home can I call my father, Liu Siyi must show that respect in front of the tribe, she said with a serious expression.

"I have always followed your instructions to do things, and I have not slackened in the slightest, but because there is no result, I have never contacted you."

Liu Siyi walked to a corner with no one, and the content on the phone must not be heard by others.

"Is that so? How can I hear from other people that you and Xiao Yi are close, the relationship doesn't seem to be that simple."

"Are you doubting my loyalty to the people?"

Wan Yanlie's thoughts instilled in her daughter since she was a child, everything must be the survival of the tribe.

Even if she sacrificed herself for the sake of her tribe, she would not hesitate in the slightest. She lived for the Black Dragon clan to survive.

Wan Yanlie has always been satisfied with his daughter's performance since childhood, so when such words reached his ears, he did not directly believe it.

"There is no need for me to doubt, you will know it in your heart. I just want to tell you that there is not much time left for our clan. Don't forget that our clan is still living in pain."

Liu Siyi took a deep breath. Although the other party was her father, she never felt the slightest paternal care in this person.

On the contrary, she was in Li Xiaojia’s villa. Li Zhengtian treated her as his own daughter, and would often arrange for a nanny to cook different dishes to meet his own taste needs.

Her real father would only talk about the survival of the tribe. No matter what decision she made, Liu Siyi had no right to choose.

"Father, what you said, I naturally understand it in my heart, but you should know that I live in pain, just like the people of my tribe. In my body, there is also that black line that reminds me all the time. My life has been fixed."

With tears in the corners of her eyes, Liu Siyi choked, why she didn't want to untie the curse on her people.

It's just that this kind of thing can't be ended by thinking about it. In order to get rid of the blood problem, remove the black line in the arm.

I don't know how many high-ranking people in the race, and how much effort they have made, it will not help in the end.

Including this time, the blood of the descendants of the Xiao clan was used to sacrifice the formation. Such an approach was obviously to base one's own thoughts on the suffering of others.

So what is the difference between a tribe whose image has been beautified and an executioner?

There were already these questions deep in my heart, but Liu Siyi didn't ask them, and the claims circulated by the tribe may not be true.

"Father, I understand what you said, but what I want to tell you is that I have been working hard to do what you are telling me. I have never slackened. It doesn’t matter if others suspect me. I don’t want to doubt my people. My biological father."

"Is this the attitude you use to talk to me? Sure enough, the outside world is very powerful. Not long after you left, your whole personality has changed. You never used this tone to talk to me before."

With majesty in Wan Yanlie's voice, the daughter who used to obey, even dared to speak with him in a contradictory tone.

It was simply too presumptuous, letting her daughter just leave the place where the people lived, and in less than half a year, it turned out to be like this.

Liu Siyi just wanted to live according to her own thoughts, and did nothing wrong. After saying a few words of explanation, she turned into a contradiction.

In the eyes of her father, Wan Yanlie never treated her as his own child, and everything was based on the interests of the people.

"Father I..."

"Now you are different from before. The outside world is full of temptation. Before I thought it was just some rumors. From now on, maybe you really like this Xiao Yi."

Wan Yanlie didn't believe in Liu Siyi. When her daughter reached such an age, it was normal for a man to love a woman.

In addition to Xiao Yi, he has also studied carefully, and he is indeed a bit courageous, and there are many women around him, maybe his daughter has also fallen.

"Are you still intact?"

"You still doubt me."

"I'm just confirming it. Don't forget the deep hatred between our Black Dragon clan and Xiao clan. If you really have crossed the line, you will face punishment from the clan."

Liu Siyi heard the word punishment, and suddenly shuddered, as if thinking of something terrible.

The people of the tribe have always valued marriage. For women who have not yet come out of the cabinet, they must obey the arrangements of their parents. Even if your parents let you marry an old man, you can only nod your head.

Once there was a woman in the clan, because she liked people who came to the outside world and did not obey the marriage arranged by her parents. She wanted to elope with a man and live a life of two people.

As a result, he was overtaken by the tribe before he ran far away. The man was executed on the spot, and the woman, after suffering all the humiliation, was tortured to death alive.

This is a warning to all the tribesmen, whoever does something that violates the regulations will have the same fate.

"You should understand what I said, now you tell me, where is that Xiao Yi on earth?"

Wan Yan Lie asked, finding Xiao Yi is the most urgent matter, and only after catching Xiao Yi can we proceed to the next step.

With dull eyes, Liu Siyi took the phone and responded with his father over there.

"I didn't know that Xiao Yi didn't show up with the person who came back with Xiao Yi before. He said that there seems to be something special and needs to be away for a while."

"is this real?"

"If you don't believe it, you can now send someone over to investigate again. If I lie, I am willing to accept punishment from the tribe."

Having said that, Wan Yanlie believed that her daughter had not lied. It seemed that Xiao Yi did not return to China this time.

Presumably the previous events had already aroused Xiao Yi's vigilance. Xiao Yi chose to avoid them in order to protect himself. Only in this way could he avoid their pursuit.

It's just that where the Great Xiao Yi in this world will go, there is no clue for a time. The last time I didn't catch Xiao Yi, I missed the best opportunity, and the next time it won't be so easy.

"Well, this time I believe you, you don't need to say this to guarantee, but I still want to remind you, remember what your mission is, if something happens, even I can't protect your thoroughness. "

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