Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3619: Past events

In this way, Xiao Qian's plan to conceal Xiao Yi's affairs will certainly be noticed.

Sitting in the position of Patriarch, how could Xiao Huaili watch Xiao Yi's strength, so that it is not certain whether Xiao Yi can survive Xiao Huaili's hands.

"You must think of a solution to this matter. You should know that there are unresolvable grievances between the Black Dragon Clan and our Xiao Clan. If they allow them to do this, it will cause serious consequences sooner or later."

Xiao Qian knew it well. After thinking for a while, he stared at the Black Dragon Ling on the table and let out a long sigh.

"Well, let this matter go for the time being, I will find someone to solve it. If his Black Dragon clan has strong strength, there is no need to hide it for so long before daring to show up in this world."

With this in mind, from those historical records, no news about the Black Dragon Clan was found, indicating that the Black Dragon Clan has been living a gloomy life for several hundred years. ,

Unknown to the outside world, just like the current Xiao Clan, the Black Dragon clan's actions this time are also sneaky, not wanting to cause too much movement and be noticed by others.

"If they are still hiding now, it means that the Black Dragon clan is still very scrupulous about the strength of our Xiao clan, otherwise they have already sent people to come to our Xiao clan to retrieve the Black Dragon Order."

"What you said, I didn't expect it. Thinking back now, it is true that this Black Dragon clan seems to be avoiding something."

"What they evaded should be the real strength of the Xiao Clan. In order not to cause too much disturbance, they set the target on Xiao Yi who did not live in the clan."

For the time being, Xiao Qian didn't know why the Heilong clan wanted to do this, but there was a reason for everything in this world after all.

Once this is clear through investigation, the matter will become clear from beginning to end. It is too early to draw conclusions.

"Go busy with your own affairs and remember what I said. In the Xiao Clan, except me, don't listen to any of you, and don't take any orders from anyone."

The control of these people lies with Xiao Qian, and no one except Xiao Qian can mobilize them.

Several people nodded and retreated as instructed, leaving Xiao Qian alone in the room.

With this news now, the Black Dragon clan does exist, and it continues like the Xiao Clan. He thought of many past events.

More than twenty years ago, his son Xiao Huaiyi insisted on the existence of the Black Dragon clan, and guessed that this Black Dragon clan was like planning some conspiracy, hoping that Xiao Qian would treat it with caution.

At that time, Xiao Qian didn't take it to heart, and felt that this statement was not valid. How could the Black Dragon clan have descendants? It was already dead.

"Huaiyi...This time you said it again. The Black Dragon clan does exist. If I knew that, I should have listened to you."

Xiao Qianwuxin continued to sit here, and it would just be a waste of time to continue this way.

Taking advantage of the strength of the Black Dragon clan, he was still under control, and some things had to be done. He left the room alone.

I stepped onto a bluestone path outside, planted with tall clouded bamboos on both sides, which generally block the sky from the sky.

Moiré bamboo is a special kind of bamboo that can only grow in places with ample spiritual energy. Once it leaves the clan of the Xiao clan, it cannot continue to survive.

It can be seen that the family land of the Xiao Clan is a blessed land that gathers the spiritual energy of the heaven and the earth, and the essence of the sun and the moon.

Passing through the moiré bamboo, there is a forest of plane trees in front of me, because a woman said she likes to see plane trees.

So her husband personally planted more than a thousand plane trees here. Now that the years have passed, the plane tree saplings have turned into forests.

However, the people who planted in the past have left. Xiao Qian, who has been around for decades, never thought of coming here, this sad place.

This is Xiao Huaiyi's residence. From here more than 20 years ago, Xiao Huaiyi's family went to the main hall of the clan land.

As long as the ceremony was held, Xiao Huaiyi was the new patriarch of the Xiao Clan. People turned their attention to Xiao Huaiyi. Everyone could see Xiao Huaiyi's ability, but the accident happened that day.

Someone set up a formation on the way to the main hall in advance. When Xiao Huaiyi drove through, the formation was activated and everyone was trapped in it.

Practitioners can't move the meridians, the Dao Qi is solidified in the body, and it has no effect at all.

Even the powerful Xiao Huaiyi was trapped by this formation, and had no time to think about who did it, so he could only find a way to break the formation first.

Everyone was trapped in it. Xiao Huaiyi was about to get out of the car, and suddenly the bombs that had been installed around them were detonated.

Being in a large array, the impact of the explosion could not be spread out, and the power was increased several times.

After a few hits like this, Xiao Huaiyi desperately kept his wife and children safe, but the people who followed him could not avoid it.

Knowing that someone wanted to get rid of him, he also knew who this person was. At the critical moment, he exhausted the last bit of strength, and Xiao Huaiyi broke the corner of the big array.

Let Xiao Shan take the children to go first. The goal of those people is himself, and he can't leave.

Xiao Shan endured his grief and fled the clan of the Xiao Clan with Xiao Yi, who was still in his infancy, and has never returned since.

By the time Xiao Qian learned of Xiao Huaiyi's accident, the traces on the scene had already been cleaned up, and no explanatory evidence was left.

Although Xiao Qian has not been held accountable for this matter, he knows who did it like Ming Jing in his heart.

There are people involved, both of them are his own sons. Xiao Qian didn't want to avenge Xiao Huaiyi and punish the other two.

If you target people of the same race, especially your own brothers, if you follow the rules of the Xiao Clan, Xiao Huaili and Xiao Huaizhi will both end up in a dead end.

Parents in the world, no one is willing to let their children die, except under circumstances of necessity.

This is the second time for Xiao Qian in more than ten years. He once again came to Xiao Huaiyi's residence. The room built in the front has been integrated with nature.

The wooden doors are covered with green moss, and vines are climbing around the room, turning it into a green world.

The path leading to the wooden house was already covered with grass. Xiao Qian walked through the grass and came to the door of the house.

Pushing the door gently, the rusted door shaft made a crunching sound.

Because of the moss, the carved patterns on the door cannot be seen clearly.

Xiao Qian gently opened the door, and a musty smell came on his face, and he stepped into it.

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