Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3620: A conversation

From the outside, it looks like the house here is almost out of support, but the room is very clean.

There was not much dust falling on the bluestone paved floor, and there was some incense ash falling in the censer in the room furnishings.

It means that someone will come to clean up this place once in a while. The moment he entered, Xiao Qian felt like an illusion in his heart.

Xiao Huaiyi was still alive, and lived in this room and never left. The tragedy that year was just a dream.

"Huaiyi...It's the father who is sorry for you, and Huaili is also my son. I don't want to punish your other two younger brothers for justice."

Standing in the room, Xiao Qian was confessing. Whether Xiao Huaiyi forgave or did not forgive, he had already come.

"You don't deserve his forgiveness."

There was a sudden sound from behind the screen. Before that, Xiao Qian had noticed the footprints left on the ground.

Knowing that there was another person besides him in the room, he was not surprised at all, standing here silently.

"It turns out that for so many years, you have been helping you and his room."

After the screen, Xiao Huaixin, holding a towel in his hand, wiped the dust off the screen.

I have been sticking to this habit for so many years. As long as I have free time, I will come here to have a look, and I can sit for a while.

Back then, I didn't have time to help my second brother. If I were there, it might not turn out like this.

He is Xiao Qian's son. He has always lived a life like a master, and he has never been a miscellaneous thing.

But he was here, carefully cleaning Xiao Huaiyi's room, every inch of the room would not fall.

"I don't know how long it will last. This place can't escape the scouring of the years, and sooner or later it will be completely erased."

Xiao Huaixin lit three incenses again, inserted them in the incense burner, and turned to look at Xiao Gandao.

"I haven't thought for more than ten years that you would come here to take a look. I thought you would never come here to take a look in this life."

"Your hatred for me has not diminished in the slightest."

"Yes! This is a grievance between the two of us. Don't forget that it was your indulgence that led to the death of the second brother."

When Xiao Huaili first expressed his desire for the position of the head of the family and started working on his own brother, Xiao Huaixin knew that the third brother had been dazzled by the word power.

I hope that Xiao Qian, as the owner of the Patriarch, can deal with this matter seriously, but in the end Xiao Huaiyi pleaded for Xiao Huaili. Together with Xiao Qian's tenderness, he forgave Xiao Huaili.

He also gave him his original status and rights, and it was precisely because of this way of handling that Xiao Huaili became more vigorous and caused the final tragedy.

Xiao Qian didn't want to explain anything. No matter what he said, he couldn't resolve the hatred that the father and son saw.

He came here today to find something. He told Xiao Huaixin the previous thing.

"Just let go of the things that you and I only see for now. You are here today. I have to tell you something."

"If you are related to Xiao Huaili, then forget it, I am not in the mood to listen to this."

Turning around, Xiao Huaixin continued to work on his own affairs, wiping the furniture in the room over and over again, never putting Xiao Qian in his eyes.

Xiao Qian couldn't be more clear about the character of his own son, he said.

"It is related to the Black Dragon clan!"

Xiao Qian came straight to the point. As soon as he said his words, Xiao Huaixin suddenly stopped what he was doing.

It's been a long time since he heard this word. Since the last time the Black Dragon Order appeared, he has a hunch that this matter is not that simple.

Perhaps the Heilong clan really did not become extinct from this world, as the second brother said. Today, he said it again from Xiao Qian's mouth.

"What are you talking about? This Black Dragon Order has already appeared last time, and I already know about it."

"What I want to say is not this. The Black Dragon Order is not a problem. My eyeliner arranged in the outside world has detected signs of the Black Dragon clan's activities."

"Could it be... this Black Dragon clan, really hasn't been extinct, has it been continued?"

Xiao Qian nodded. The matter was so serious that he would definitely not be joking with him. Xiao Huaixin frowned.

The Heilong clan is aggressive in nature, and the fighting power is exceptionally strong, as can be seen from the records of the clan.

The young people of the same age, the side of the Black Dragon clan, are stronger than the Xiao clan, special cultivation methods, plus their unique physique.

The battles he participated in have hardly failed. What is even more frightening is that the Black Dragon clan has the habit of slaughtering the city during the battle.

If you are murderous, old people, children and women will not let it go. If you dare to fight against them, you will end up with a dead end.

It is precisely because of the powerful fighting power of the Black Dragon clan that the future Black Dragon clan has the idea of ​​rebellion. If it weren't for the masters of the Xiao clan to save it, it was the Xiao clan who was afraid of extinction.

"How did you hear about this? It seems that you don't care about the news from the outside at all."

Xiao Huaixin asked, he had no news about this, but Xiao Qian knew.

It shows that in the outside world, Xiao Qian's news network is stronger than his Xiao Huaixin's. He thought that his father was out of the way and would never pay attention to these things.

Unexpectedly, it's just a manifestation. People live in the clan and even stay in the room every day, but he knows all these things about the outside world well.

"You are right. I didn't really retreat from the position of Patriarch. Over the years, I have cultivated confidants. When I was qualified as Patriarch, they had already left the clan and traveled to all parts of the world. "

These people take orders from Xiao Qian, find different places to settle, join a job or start a company as the boss, each has a different identity.

But all of them were loyal to Xiao Qian, as long as Xiao Qian gave an order, they all followed Xiao Qian's instructions.

"It's about the safety of the Xiao Clan. How can I be so careless? I must learn about the outside world in time to make the most accurate judgment."

"Well, you can tell me, what is the background of these masters of the Black Dragon clan."

"I know you are not interested in these, so I'll just say it directly, they started with Xiao Yi!"

What Xiao Huaixin cared about was Xiao Yi's safety. There was no doubt about this. He would rather sacrifice his life in exchange for Xiao Yi's safety.

After hearing this news, Xiao Huaixin immediately became uncomfortable. This Black Dragon clan is not a vegetarian. How could Xiao Yi live alone in the outside world be their opponent.

"What are you talking about? Damn these people from the Black Dragon clan, what are they planning to do? They dare to do something against our Xiao clan, and want to be annihilated a second time?"

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