Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3628: Disruptive atmosphere

As the representative of the Purple Profound Realm, a purple muddy column shattered, and a golden light spot was born in its purple awn.

It means that Xiao Yi broke through successfully and successfully reached the Golden Profound Realm, and since then he has raised a realm in his cultivation.

Xiao Yi was immersed in the joy of breakthrough. The golden light in his dantian was like a newborn baby, greedily absorbing the surrounding Dao Qi and condensing it into a part of himself.

The golden light spot was only the size of a match head. At this moment, Xiao Yi stayed at the first level of the Golden Profound Realm. If he wanted to break through, I was afraid that it would not be so easy to do.

"Is this the Golden Profound Realm?"

Xiao Yi stretched out a finger. Previously, he needed to condense Dao Qi to gather Dao Qi between the fingers.

But now it only needs a movement of his mind, and a faint golden glow appears between his fingers. This golden glow seems to exist by itself, without the slightest breath fluctuation.

But then Xiao Yi pointed out that the golden light gathered between his fingers hit the stone wall beside him, and the hard stone wall was penetrated.

If such a terrifying power were spotted on people, one could imagine how terrible the consequences would be.

Just when Xiao Yi was about to withdraw from the state of cultivation, he suddenly noticed that there was another change in his dantian.

I saw that the Dantian, which seemed to be in a void, gave birth to a little golden light, which seemed so lonely.

But shortly afterwards, Xiao Yi felt that the meridians in his body began to move on its own, and everything was not controlled by him.

The meridians that run on their own, whether this is a good thing or a bad thing, Xiao Yi couldn't control it, letting the meridians relax, and constantly release the condensed Dao Qi in the body.

Waiting until all the Dao Qi in his body was emptied, Xiao Yi at this moment was like a sugarcane that had been squeezed out, his whole body weakened.

I almost couldn't hold it back and fell to the ground, thinking about what was going on, and finally broke through. Could it be that there was something wrong with my cultivation method?

At this moment, a familiar and unfamiliar breath appeared in the meridians in Xiao Yi's body. After this breath appeared, it poured directly into his meridians.

The sudden force opened up Xiao Yi's meridians and expanded the meridian accommodation to several times more than before. Such brute force approach almost made Xiao Yi faint.

This is the first time I have suffered such pain since I grew up. Xiao Yi felt that he would be torn to pieces in the next second.

"Damn it! What the **** is going on?"

It was really too difficult for Xiao Yi to enter the Golden Profound Realm smoothly and to suffer such a blow. Xiao Yi let out a few rough roars in pain.

This roar passed through the closed stone chamber, penetrated through the stone gate, and passed to Ji Jiangyue and the third elder. Both people heard the roar.

They were still rejoicing just now that the atmosphere here has stabilized. It seems that Xiao Yi has succeeded this time. In a blink of an eye, a new accident has occurred.

"What's the matter? I seem to have heard Xiao Yi's yelling."

The third elder said, not sure that he thought he had auditory hallucinations, this Xiao Yi broke through successfully, it should be happy.

He wouldn't make such a sound, but Xiao Yi's yelling was wrong at this time, obviously there was an accident.

Ji Jiangyue's bare brows frowned again. She knew that Xiao Yi's character had caused such a vision just now. Xiao Yi didn't give up, let out a shout, and persisted.

The voice at this time meant that Xiao Yi in the cave must have had some accident in her practice, and she was worried about Xiao Yi's safety again.

"This is not an auditory hallucination, I also heard Xiao Yi's yelling."

"It seems that this kid is still in trouble. It has caused such a majestic breath fluctuation. This breakthrough is not so easy. I am afraid that there will be subsequent dangers."

Ji Jiangyue understood this, and the third elder was right. This time the movement caused by Xiao Yi's breakthrough was too great, I'm afraid it won't be so easy to control.

Even someone like her, when he saw Xiao Yi's breakthrough, aroused the Dao Qi between heaven and earth. With such a majestic Dao Qi, Xiao Yi kept retreating for twelve days.

The three elders said earlier that the body of this cultivator is like a container. How much Dao Qi can be contained depends on the size of the container. It is obvious that the container of Xiao Yi is beyond people's imagination.

"Let's wait outside first. If such a sound occurs again, we can only break through the stone gate. We must ensure the safety of this kid."


The two waited outside the door, and when the situation had to do, they decided to take action to rescue Xiao Yi.

When knowing this breakthrough, the most taboo thing is to be disturbed, but Ji Jiangyue can't manage that much. The most important thing is to ensure the safety of Xiao Yi.

The rotating Tai Chi diagram in the sky was gradually dissipating, and the Tao Qi flowing in the surrounding sky and earth gradually returned to normal.

Xiao Yi's eyes were splitting, and the breath that poured into his body was intended to kill him, Xiao Yi gritted his teeth.

He forced himself to settle down and sat cross-legged on the futon again. The unbearable pain caused Xiao Yi's meridians to be severely damaged again, and it was completely battered.

Seeing that his body was going to be abolished in this way, Xiao Yi used the Xuantian Dao Fa to immerse himself in the state of cultivation again.

"I want to see, what kind of power is it, it is so terrifying, and it has made me so embarrassed!"

Where did the breath of unknown origin emerge, and Xiao Yi's consciousness sank into his body, following this breath to explore the source of this breath.

at last……

In one part of his body, Xiao Yi found the source of this breath.

In the heart vein of his chest, there was a gray aura entrenched in Xiao Yi's body.

When seeing this scene, everything became clear, and Xiao Yi finally understood what was going on.

"It turned out to be this humongous aura. Master said that my realm cannot refine the cosmic aura. It has always been in my body, and at this time it was released by itself."

Xiao Yi and Master once found a mysterious woman under the ice layer of the Arctic snowfield. Under the ice layer is the residence of the mysterious woman.

The woman has fallen, leaving behind a space ring, opening the space ring and discovering the treasure in it, the most important thing is this great spirit.

Zi Xu refined a part and left some for Xiao Yi. Xiao Yi thought he had finished refining this breath, but he didn't expect that this breath was always hidden in his heart.

Because of Xiao Yi's breakthrough, he put all his attention on the retreat, and this singular energy lost its suppression, so it was released by itself.

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