Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3629: Be honest

Not only that, but also released all the Dao Qi in Xiao Yi's body into a clean one. If he had known that, Xiao Yi shouldn't have absorbed this great qi.

"A careless attempt to kill people for a while, you must think of a way to suppress this breath!"

Xiao Yi tried to use the Xuantian Dao Fa to gather the cosmic energy released throughout the meridians throughout his body in his dantian.

At the beginning, this aura wandered around and didn't follow Xiao Yi's command at all.

Hongmeng Qi is above Dao Qi. At the beginning of the birth of heaven and earth, with this Hongmeng Qi, it is like a person. How can a noble person sit with ordinary people.

"Now I can't help you!"

Xiao Yi knew in his heart that if he couldn't control this great spirit, he would die here.

In any case, no matter how much the price is paid, it must also be refined to make it obey its own command.

Xiao Yi forcibly added the laws of the Xuantian Dao Fa to this radiant spirit. As time went by, Xiao Yi tried hundreds of times.

Finally, the effort paid off, a trace of majestic aura, guided by the laws of the Xuantian Taoism, and gradually became docile, following the manipulation of Xiao Yi's mind, obediently gathered in the dantian.

After the Hongmeng Qi entered the Dantian, it was not quickly swallowed by the Golden Light like Dao Qi, and became a part of the Golden Light.

This golden light seemed to be very afraid of the qi of the hongmeng. The qi of the hongmeng condensed into a long circle at the position of the dantian, and it was rotating around the gold.

As if I really liked the breath of the golden light, the two quickly became familiar, but there was always a clear dividing line.

Not being able to blend into Jin Mang, but maintaining a close distance with Jin Mang, this scene made Xiao Yi excited.

"I finally refined this singular qi, and just took advantage of this time to solve a hidden danger in my body. If it broke out inadvertently, it would be really miserable."

Xiao Yi came back to his senses. At this time, he could finally rest assured, he opened his eyes.

The damaged meridians of the body had already been repaired, and the whole body felt extremely relaxed, Xiao Yi got up and patted the dust on his clothes.

"Haha...finally succeeded!"

Thirteen days...

After 13 consecutive days of retreat, it was finally a smooth breakthrough, and Xiao Yi got through this difficulty.

At this moment, Xiao Yi understood a sentence. Master Zixu once said that the more you get to the later realm, the simple way of practicing Qi refining has no effect.

The most important thing is enlightenment. Only when you understand the mystery of Taoism can you achieve the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort.

"I haven't eaten for so long, I'm really hungry."

Xiao Yi saw a fruit plate on a stone table in front of him, with some fruits in it.

In the special environment of the cave, the fruits stored do not need to be kept fresh and can be kept fresh at any time. He picked up an apple.

Wiped the dust on it, put it in his mouth, took a bite, and walked towards Shimen.

It broke through smoothly, and now it's time to leave the customs, it is estimated that Ji Jiangyue outside and everyone at Breaking Dawn are waiting for their news.

Before I made such a big noise, here are all practitioners, how can I not feel the existence of this kind of breath fluctuation.

Looking back again, Xiao Yi felt like he was reborn. Passing this test would only strengthen Xiao Yi's faith.

"Father, mother, grandpa, don't worry, I will use my strength to return to the Xiao Clan. You can rest in peace under Jiuquan."

Xiao Yi walked to Shimen Qian and reached out to touch the mechanism on the stone wall. After the mechanism was triggered, the Shimen of tens of thousands of catties was lifted.

A seam was slowly expanding, and as the stone gate was completely opened, Xiao Yi saw a bright moon rising from the outside world, and it was already late at night.

He stepped out of Shimen. On a clearing outside Shimen, a bonfire was lit. Next to the bonfire were Ji Jiangyue and the third elder, as well as Qinglong Baihu and Xuanwu who followed.

Everyone knew about Xiao Yi's breakthrough, and worried that Xiao Yi would have a major accident, and it would be too late to turn around.

Everyone was waiting for Ji Jiangyue's order. The elder gave an order and they attacked Shimen together. After destroying the Shimen, they rescued Xiao Yi inside.

Without Ji Jiangyue's order, no one could mess around, otherwise it would cause even greater harm to Xiao Yi who was in retreat.

Ji Jiangyue was waiting for Xiao Yi's movement. The screams that came out before became much calmer. She could feel Xiao Yi's breath.

Therefore, there has been no final order, and I believe Xiao Yi will definitely tide over the difficulties, and her persistence is not wrong.

Finally Xiao Yi walked out of the cave, looked at everyone outside, and smiled.

"You guys don't rest at this late, do you have a barbecue here?"

With a joke, everyone turned their heads and fixed their eyes on Xiao Yi, and saw that Xiao Yi had walked out of Shimen.

The third elder carried his hands on his back, and when he saw Xiao Yi's figure, he laughed excitedly.

"Your kid finally came out. This is so scary. I thought you would not be able to pass this level this time."

Ji Jiangyue smiled slightly and knew that Xiao Yi would definitely do it. Seeing Xiao Yi walk out peacefully, the hanging heart could be let go.

Xiao Yi scratched his head, with half an apple in his mouth, so many people were waiting for his news, and he was really embarrassed, he smiled and said to the third elder.

"There was a little accident, but everything is under control."

"Your boy, is this a successful breakthrough?"

The Third Elder looked at Xiao Yi and felt the changes in Xiao Yi's breath, but he did not feel how much Xiao Yi had changed before and after.

On the contrary, after Xiao Yi left the customs this time, it seemed that his aura was much weaker than before. Standing here is an ordinary person, no more ordinary than ordinary people.

The third elders didn't quite understand this kind of change, whether Xiao Yi broke through or his strength declined, and why there was such a gap before and after.

"What do I think? You seem to be a lot weaker? Your breath is not as strong as before. Is there really no mistake?"

Qinglong stepped forward now, waiting for Xiao Yi to leave the customs a long time ago. He was also a young man and was surpassed by Xiao Yi too much.

He wouldn't be angry because of this. Having such a strong man around him would only inspire Qinglong's fighting spirit and become stronger.

"After a breakthrough, you will know how much strength you have after a try."

Holding a long knife in each hand, Qinglong's breath soared, and a long knife was wrapped around the blue breath, as if it were a dragon.

Jiaolong circled the long knife and let out low roars. Qinglong knew that he was not Xiao Yi's opponent. He wanted to test how much he had noticed with Xiao Yi this time.

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