Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3644: Who lives and lives

I worked hard and followed my crew to film the film. Sophie has never been as serious as this time.

Just to be able to perform satisfactory results, to reward those fans who follow and like her, and not to disappoint the fans.

But at this time, the investor threatened him with such words, trying to use this despicable method to agree to his shameless request.

So Fei'er endured her temper without attacking, and it was not worth it to be with such a person. She turned to face Guo Yongcai.

Guo Yongcai grinned. If he could say such things, he could do it. The qualifications of a celebrity would put on airs in front of him.

"You have to figure out what your identity is. The conditions I have set out for you are already very attractive. If you refuse again, it will be a bad idea."

Holding a pen in front of Sophie, Guo Yongcai said immediately.

"Well, write a number. My patience has limits. You, a singing star, think carefully about the consequences of rejecting me."

Sophie took the checkbook, sneered, and threw the checkbook on the ground with a wave of hands.

Going beyond Guo Yongcai's expectation, he said everything for this reason, So Fei'er even dared to refuse her request.

"Mr. Guo put away your things, I don't know how other people in this circle choose. For me, I would rather not quit filming, than agree to your dirty request."

"You! You are a singer, so you don't know what to do, you even refused my request."

Guo Yongcai stepped forward. When Sophie was about to leave, he suddenly stepped forward and blocked Sophie's path.

Sophie stepped back, she stared at Guo Yongcai.

"Mr. Guo, what do you mean?"

Guo Yongcai grabbed Sophie's shoulder and pulled her inside, and said in an angry tone.

"Toast and not eat fine wine, do you really think you are a big star, I dare not do it?"

"You let me go!"

Sophie struggled. Sister An, who was guarding outside the private room, had noticed that something was wrong before and immediately contacted Xiao Yi.

This time the investor I met was uneasy and kind. Sister An was a woman. In such a situation, I didn't know what to do.

He promised to accompany investors to dinner, but he didn't bring bodyguards around him. The only person who could think of such a thing was Xiao Yi.

"You guys get out of me!"

Outside the private room door, four people arranged by the investor were guarding it, and it was impossible for Sister An to enter.

These four people did not give Sister An a chance. The boss had ordered them in advance, and waited until his affairs were finished. No one wanted to go in before that.

Sister An could hear Sophie's cry for help, but she couldn't save someone. She was very anxious at the moment and took out her mobile phone again to call the police.

It was a last resort to choose the method of reporting to the police, because once the police were alarmed, they would definitely be reported by the media. This would greatly damage Sophie’s reputation.

"Get it!"

One person grabbed Sister An's mobile phone and smashed it down.

Sister An approached the theory, but was slapped a few times by these people. This floor of the entire hotel is all Guo Yongcai's people.

No one will help them.

Seeing that it was too late, the elevator door opened and a figure rushed out.

Xiao Yi drove all the way, ran through a few red lights and rushed to the hotel downstairs.

He ran into the elevator and walked out of the elevator, seeing sister An's figure, Xiao Yi hurried forward.

"Sister An, I'm here, what is going on?"

Sister An was clutching her cheek, and was slapped a few times just now, leaving clear slap marks on her face.

Before she could say anything, Sister An pointed to the private room next to her.

"Xiao Yi, hurry up...hurry up and save Faye, I heard her cry for help."

Xiao Yi looked at the private room beside him, and a few people immediately stood up and blocked Xiao Yi.

These people are burly stature, relying on the large number of people, and they did not put Xiao Yi in their eyes at all, in a contemptuous tone.

"The kid from somewhere, get out of here as soon as possible. Our boss is doing business inside. Are you offending?"

"is it?"

Xiao Yi showed a wicked smile, and these people will soon know who can't afford to offend.

Several people stood in front of Xiao Yi, like a pile of rubbish, with three blows to solve these obstacles.

Guo Yongcai in the private room pushed Sophie to the corner of the wall, already coveting Sophie.

Where can I miss this rare opportunity, there are people outside to guard him, no one will disturb him.

Sophie is a big star, even if she was dealt with today, Sophie would definitely not dare to make a statement in order to save her face, and could only agree to his terms.

It would be nice to be able to get the money. Guo Yongcai stretched out a sensual hand, hooked a corner of Sophie's clothes, and smiled wretchedly.

"Sophie, you cooperate with me honestly, I won't hurt you, don't force me to use strong means."

Sophie is a woman after all, who can't argue with Guo Yongcai, watching this Guo Yongcai press him up.

She grabbed an ashtray and slammed it on Guo Yongcai's head. Guo Yongcai looked very useless, but reacted quickly.

He immediately reached out and grabbed Sophie's wrist, looking at the ashtray in Sophie's hand, becoming angry.

"You really have the courage, then don't blame me for being unsympathetic today."

Grasping Sophie's clothes and pulling them down hard, one of Sophie's coat was torn.

There were only a few pieces of clothes left on her upper body, and she was busy covering her body with her hands. Such a movement aroused Guo Yongcai's inner desire.

"Hide, then hide, I see when you can hide."

At this time, Guo Yongcai heard a loud noise outside, not knowing what happened.

I continued to do my own, and suddenly the door of the private room was locked with a loud noise, and the whole door was kicked down.

The door flew to the wall on the other side, and was tightly embedded in it. With such a powerful force, it was terrifying to look at.

Sophie heard the movement and looked up and saw Xiao Yi's figure, knowing that Xiao Yi would definitely appear when she was in danger.

Like her patron saint, Sophie was so excited that she almost shed tears and shouted at Xiao Yi.

"Xiao Yi!"

Xiao Yi walked into the private room step by step, and when he saw Sophie's appearance, he couldn't control the anger in his heart.

Why are there so many shameless people in the world? They have to force others to do things they don't like.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Sophie ran towards Xiao Yi. Xiao Yi stood in front of Sophie, his clothes a little embarrassed.

"Sister An, you and Fei'er stand aside first and tell someone to bring a set of clothes over. Let me settle the matter here."

Xiao Yi arranged to say that Sophie is a big star, so she can't let other people see her now.

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